The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, September 01, 1887, Image 1

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Thirteenth Yeah. SEPTEMBER, 1887. Xcme i.
i i t
'li 1
her great walls
enclosing a city
fourteen miles
square, her
teraplo of lie
Ian, her pilars
and her hang.
ing gardens, which
wcro reckoned by
i tho Greeks as be
ing among tho
" seven wonders of
tho world," has for
centuries been but
mounds of debris
niwn an open plain.
Tho hngo colowms, which, with giant
stride, guarded tho harbor of Khod,
has not cat a shalow um tho water
for two thouaand years, for half of which
leriod not a fragment of it has Ieen
seen. Tho temple of Diana, at onco tho
glory and prido of Eohesus, and tho
wonder of tha civilized world, which oc
cupied two centuries in its construction,
and received contributions of material
from moro than ono hundred kings, has
been a thing of tho past for sixteen cen
turies. Tho tomb of Miuaolu, fur a
thousand years marvelous in tho eyes of
I r
all nations, has but recently had its sito
rescued from oblivion by an indefatiga
blo antiquarian. Tho teraplo and statuo
of tho Olympian Zeus rely ujwn history
alono for evidouco of their magnificmco
oven of their existence. Tho phan
of Alexandria exists today only in tho
form of thousands of it descendants,
whoHO gleaming lights warn mariners to
bewaro of tho dangers of rock-bound
coast. Of all tho M seven wonders M of
tho ancients, but ono remain -tho pyr
amids, which tower abovo tho sands of
Egypt -to boar witness to all gyra
tions, of tho thousands of human live
sacrifice! in their construction, at onc
tho moat ancient and enduring work of
human hand ujxm tho surfaro of tho
glolie. Tho great wall of China, stretch
ing its Lugo length of mary a ill,
tanco of twelvo hundred and My ml a
through tho h' art of Aula, ujn wLjm
construction seven milliot.s of mn wt ro
fogagM for a wholod'cv! ono-half mil
lion of whom gavo up their live as a sac
rificfl to tho great work, which U fairly
entitled to U flwv.1 as an rJghth M won.
d'r,M also remain to Ml w of tl.o great
fxiginn'ricg work of ancient lira-
liut tbeo work of ol l r clviliatl'M,
from a aciei.ti Ab of view, arc b!g.