THK CITY AT THE FALLS. W3 mill, saw mill, furniture factory, are MiU vcloping country surrounding it To tho waukce, New Era, Viola, Canby, Clear manufacturer, it possesses attraction Creek, Needy, Zion and Sandy. unrivaled by any other ou tho coat, The foregoing pages contain but a while to tho business man, tho orcharvl. brief outline of what can ba Been ami ist, tho farmer aud tho dairyman, it of- done at "The City at the Falls," nd in fem opportunities not to U lightly the highly prosperous ami rapidly de- paused over. II. L Wr.ux HAWICK AND ST. ANDHEWH. HhMTYvM! On thy nilvrr ti ll The KlarinK l1-flro Muo n inon ; No loiipT tUt'U 11 warrior ril Along thy iM l wil-lcrS !m ; WIhtc'it tlioti iii'lVt l-y lUUi or hill, All, all l i--.u-. fu1, all in Mill. WE were flitting about Northern of "Tho Lay of tho Last MinnlrcL" It England and Southern Scotland is a most beguiling walk or drive, along for threo or four months, grand tho ban is of tho Toviot, eveu at tho time right and left, up and down tho middle, of year wo wero there, tho middle of Jan. saluting corners, till, having chisaiM uary, with it silver waters glutting in from tho German ocean to tho Irish eA, tho sunlight, an 1 almost m purely whito and back again from tho Irish sea to tho as the snow on it border. Tho int r flerman ocean, at Herwick, on Twied, vening diatauco, a w-ll as that U dwr u wo mado a glido-I might say " Boston the town and Melrow, is full of the lu dip "-into Scottish Ihiborough, to tho calitie dwibvd iu that midnight rido manufacturing town of Hawick, on tho of William of D.loraiuo, to tho grave of silver Teviot, among tho Cheviot hills, Micha'd Hoot I, at tho ably. quite content to lay asidoour wand.-ring Sir Michel Heott, tho famous wizard, and unanchored life, ami, for a week or fl jurishl during tho thirtnthci-nt-jry, so, lio by for repairs. More than onco but by tical anachronism, U plad had wo thought of Emery Anus " You in tho p'in at a UU t era. Ho was a can't play tag continual, without a goal man of much b-arning. chi lly ar.uird to run to," and bow frequently wo, with in foreign coantris, and paw! arming Mrs. Whitney, fouud, as sho tdl us in his conUjmjKjrarir for a skillful magi her "Sights ami Insights," "tho nw. cian. His magic books wero long I, sityof littlo halU-liitlo breaks iu tho lievedtobo in ciuteuc but e m! I not fiercoimpulso of foreign travel' Tho U)iu4 without danger frua tho Oml, wheels heat with constant motion. whowirrothmby invuko I. Michel Heott lktwen threo and four mil's from much ewlnrra.l by a spirit, fur Hawick, lies ttranksomo tower, tho scene whom bo was under tho nwity of