The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1887, Page 650, Image 69

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Not thai r! r ami tleanlimwt uikJ niTty and
dainty cookery are ii"t lo U valued. Far U? it
frotn nip lo iriiiilraU; mh h a dot trine om
I'.ut if a uman mut hoow Mwccn being
weary, mrvoti, household drudge, aid what U
h rmed a " k " hou keej'cr, for pity'H nake,
li t her l Mail. Why rhould nhe itii' mm
IrM burden ujion ItiTM lf, to (hp iteglc t of
hiln-r dutie atfl nobler aitiiN? Why rhould
!u make Ik r If and every one about her mi
ruble, in order to carry out her ideal of good
h'-UN-km-ping ? To come down to Tional mr
llii alioii, ran not jou, dear mMt, marify your
I r i-1. and h t " h Ij. " really help you? If the
hank avount in Mnall, or altogether wanting,
and )mi feel that you rati Hot afford to keep a
crvnt,or two, or three, an the cane may In,
economic in foiiip other direction, atil rave
your health, your rpintj, your (ime, your youth
an l gd look, for the benefit of your hunband
aid ihiMn n and friend, (lave fewer clothe
in the family, live on plainer fol, aMinh the
ronipany-roioMi rated parlor, ami you will fuel,
if yon give your min i to it, that you will In;
healthier, happier, ami U tter looking. Your
fiii will admire you, ami Mrangcr will think
you n yirtir own daughter' eMer iter. It
will prove a trial, no doubt, for a time, to feel
that jou an' nMiifortable, and have no a hen or
ain to eomplain of. I'.ut irrwvcre, and you
will Uiidiie rvnigned, and a you amd to that
hijur plane of home life, which I have at
tempted toili mriU, you will take your family
with jou, an l life will U well worth living, even
though there U no pudding dinner, ami the
l-t difdearv Hot UJMi the taMe when Milne
iiiemU-r of your family bring home an unex-
nt tnl gu-fl lo dine.
The domestic martyr i an American inntitu
(ion. Now hen elm, in any civilixcd country
that I know of, twn the niihtrcwJ of the Iiounj
undertake w much an hero. The Knglwh houw.
kcejrr, although but the wife of the butcher,
the baker, or the candle-Ktick maker, has at
leant one N-rvant. And then her bread, her
pie, her roant come ready for the table, from
the baker' oven. If nhe ban young children,
it in a matter of courw that the have a wrvant
to look after them and amupe them. lut Van
kec energy and thrift prefer other way, and in
conwNjiience, there in, in every community, a
numU-r of'xccllcnt, intelligent, well-meaning
women who have sunk from bright, pretty, in
terehting girl, into nervoiw, irritable, complain
ing drudge. Jf they have gucnta in their
hoiiwH, they (the guent) feel theinnelves a bur
den, and are initially glad to cHcajie. Sicial
i-onvern', intellectual convemation, mimic and
amuncincntH have tuuall consideration where
pickle and preserve, cakeH and fuiierfine cook
ery, fill the mind and buny the handx of the
I'.ut, an temixTaiid1 workent say alxjut the
old drunkard, "They can not ljHaved; they
are confirmed in their evil courM'x; but let uh
rave the young let uh prevent the formation of
the dreadful habit, whieh, once fixed, can not
I) cured." Si I nay to the martyr, tioonand
kill yournelveH. There will t thoe who will
breathe freer when you are gone. I'.ut, young
wivcH and mothern, take a word of ad via.
Make life U-autiful and happy, in ho far an in
you lien. Make home a cheerful place, and
when you find yourmdven overburdened, drop
uie of the burden, even though your friemln
hold up their hand in horror at your incllicicii-
cy. Never, never, whatever elw you may !
tempNd (o do, never traiinform yourn-lf into a
domentic martyr.
Ceija Teakck.