The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1887, Image 64

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    (OMtorinl (Comment.
Tiik attention of the luineM men of t rt
land in eartieMly railed to the leading rti It in
thin nuiittuT of Tub Wi.kt Siioiu:. The fart that
the Willamette fall have Uvn with uaalwaya
ha had tlti natural remit of making thought
h'HMof tlto Rival u we iniijht male of them.
Tlii-rv arc two old naw whirlt ''Hijltfjr tho
nituation : " Familiarity hreed roiiteint," on
the otic haiiil, and " I Statin lend cinharit
iin'iit to tin view," mi the other. We look with
admiration m th city of Minne a4i and tho
inajjnifuvnt water wrr whit It i tli fnl
lion of it urratncKN, and yet, rij;ht here in our
own tni'14, have a water wer greater in
uaiitityt and Utter tutuah-d fur muniif.w turiiitf
urM-n, than that whit h witu our admiration
ttiruiit tin rn hanttnent of tlitant There
in no other roinmetrial city on th - o.ot of
Oregon, Waidiinj-ton or California, either rec
ent or rojieetive, whirli jam-M- a natural
w ater jaw it amountinj" to even the rdiadow of
tin; falln of the Willamette, nor in there any
water iwer in the I'nited Mate t favor
ahly located for 01 van chijmeiiti. The
two great f.u t joiiit to Portland a the imwt
availahle irnter of great mantifat luring" lndu-
trit'H on the I Viflr nut, nn 1 it In high time to
awake to a realization of the nidation. la t u
make a iratiral tuTorl to ail the gentlemen
who art' trying to develop thi great jer, and
found thorn inantifa tiiriiii induntrie whit h we
daily aerl uiut l the thief clement in the
future growth of Portland. To all r tit al -tr-f,
a fat tory at Oregon City i a Portland in
dustry, ninre thin imit,of neei-Mity, le the
ineM and nhij'i!ij -int. Thin rail for ail,
rather than word, atidourlar loftralerdioul 1
take hold of the matter with a determination to
fti-riillii!ih Milliethin.
The Central IVifiV i u nmniru' tri -wwkly
fruit train from r-Vramento to Chiao and
New York. The time to ( hi- 'o U oi hull
lnl and left hour. A train ti from
fifteen to twenty tar, roritainin.' twenty
thousand wU of fruit ah. It irir-t-
that daily train will rMj l- r'-iuired. Ihrei thoi;ht for tlw j.jle of Or.;ott and
Washington. We l of our fruit, and
J r why tin re U not a nhij j'ir.x d iuvA I it.
We have iTftain kind of fru t whitli c.ual. If
they il l t4 rvel, th-m- of Catifofttia, lil e
hao lu4 rntidi of th in. The himritl i(
fruit, in ofder to ! ini-tfiil, nul U made a
Hctial huine, and to do lhi ri'iire that It
U' fondut led on a uitit ieiitly I ir' M ate to
keet t.)n the rt'tii to a loin; rale, 0ir
rhard are tti maU. V hitill hai of
t liar! where wvefal far la li4 the antr kind
i4 fruit may ! had at ooe time. In that way,
t-ar are tmitkly hw lel, train mal and
diahlted. . it U now, our rrtlanl ihi
rhae to htiy fruit In imtil lota, a im-ii
I u I fmni tl.i man and a fu !t I front an
other man, and m on until th y &i th r
ito'iijh for a t ar load. Whrrw In the i.rl I
they eotil I j.fwe t nott.dt for a train U M(Im n
1 ant .t"4 our mmpn henMn. t our (arm
rr j'tant lafjfe oft hard, devoted ti htivt ly .
a ( varit tie of fruit in demand l himetit,
and they may d n I iin it that a iiurkt t
wilt I' (oind In the Lat, and o"ir rlr"4 U will
yivc mt a K'l fa ihtie a thry no give lh
urharlita of Cahforfii.1. It ! leU nit U,
Dot llU the railr4 l, for win n hue the
fruit, they will furitUh tle train to tarry it
Tiik Cohimhia Waterway Ctrfiveiittofi lu m I
and a downed. The mentr htiln'd to re
..rt on the t i.ti I.ii'-ii 1 4 iu.roH iin o'.aal ll-'
taade, whith wne of a al!y thMira.n
nature, Iteard a few njhe, rwrild lie
AtiK-f i ' inalinah!e rU'hl to m r ohf
liOli, treated a lt'Ul B-H lt"l t 14
afier riw r lt tt, and &yttiu )i ar,
It wa I nuke tie- iaUoU a f tol
one, in vl" W ttl.e f"'f l iftiin-h- 1 ? '
ililhefiwr. TilC Wlr Ml" le J I, av
iM'd in it lat l', that thU i'tnrilw'M
W'ftl I inaugurate -ai jft-ahle j !n f"T the
itin; of the rivrr, indrj n l nt!y t-f the g
rral ifovtrnint fitijl win' admit. n lUfl
that if d'J uhle i to I io."ttH'M I HJ-U lh
AtW'iiiU to0'fe, tfnf rd f f WiiJ
4 le Wi t!.e Work rrfcj Sj !rl, tMl'f'
toi rof,t)nn-l in tt oil ' of .kiit -'
grri4i! f1lii ritn W Wll W t,
anotlff year, wUn it will a;in I tuo-" t" M
ft mini'ntii.