The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1887, Page 643, Image 62

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Ihe flood, and diMolring the rvfrartory partii !e
like a hydraulic. The tahle Mow the ma Itltx
lia I qui) koilvrr tank at tli head, and at tin
M a rilllo and 14, with a mull hm kit at one
rnl, to rati K any parti le of nilver or metal that
might carried over the plate hy tti gravel.
The machine arw a mwiw, Not a particle of
jroM ever paMcd over the plate Into the tail
injr. A couple f hour were f-nt in pinning
the tailing of hmt week' run, in the vain en
deavor to find one color, while the harUvcry
rich. The machine i guaranteed to ave ninety-five
rr cent, in all cae, and iih.Iit n'an
ahle rin-uiiilarni one hundred ter rent., or
all, of the gold that will amalgamate, The lry
pruce can U worked where water i not at
hanil. The machine weigh aUrfit live hundred
ound, ami may In moved ahont like a chair.
Their capa. ity ha len demonMrated to l ton of (rravel j r ten hour, with
two laltorem. A chiM can turn one. An old
dump, or (Travel hnr, worth twenty-five cent
H'r ton, can ! worked with ureal pmfit. Them
are fact, which will U proven l.y llgure.M
Hum Kivm Mini , W. T.-Wc liaxe wen
and ennven-ed with Colorado tm n, Maho mm,
and Neva-la ci-rt, and the general ex premiioft
i that the mine are the N-nt on thecoat. The
rovio I added, " if they only hold out." Of
rour', no one can tell what they will develop
a they are gone down on. I'p to the present,
little development work ha U-eti done. The
dec'rM that any of the mine have U-eli ene
t rated i xixt) -two f.-ct, fifty hi t, thirty frl,
twenty feel, and down to fhe and three hit.
A (Treat many of (hem tdiow up well, although
they have had hut little work done on them.
The I'irl Thought i down fifty feel, and hIion
well at three dilfinnt level, and in now held at
a high prii. Tlie anilely r-liown hy nj-eri-enced
mine worker, to gel hold of the jroj Mr,
induce the hclief tlut they think the mine lire
good enough to invct money in ; hut they w ant
to pun hae at a low flgun a ihle, I'jt
to the preM'tit, little or no ((old to 'nk of ha
lcn diwvrnd in the Salmon mine. Nlrr
and lead predominate. Sime little iipjr 1
mixed In the ore, Tlie ore run from it up to
thirty-five hundred muni to the ton, and moe
away mm h higher. Vp have heard men who
wen from Isadvilie and Nevada ay that, when
dfVldo"l, thene mine will e-jual, if Hot ri I,
thoiMat li-advillc; that they xi tle fi;iio.
Coinntoi k mine in Neta'la. I low true that W,
we knw not, hut jrite them f-ir what they art
worth. Sahnon City i ituat-l on Saluoii
nvck, .me thre or f'tr mile aUn Uuhy,
and ronita if .me Ihe ir nit hofioe. It i
Kw ati".! in the of m very vahuhle mln
rral .le, ome of whi h hate J4m- Into th
hand of rapit.ititii, who intend to intnht
tua hinery to work them. One claim, the Ar
liitjon, Mild .H, Uinteii l.-.t.ijf)
to Work n the developmeht of hi rlaiill ().
Tliere an four familie in Kul.y. There are at
renent twotorr, !(, orvi4!irnt.
a hut her ohop, and a l'U kmith hip. l!ul-v
ran tmw Un i4 thirterii t4iiMin;, all of w hi It
have U- n mioj-l. trd enrt two, wlii. h had
Hot Ihe n'f on when we hit. Hie town I
irrowitiit fat rttoi;h ( Ihe Miiitry, MeaUare
fifty cent, an I whiky Iwent) five rrntt a drink.
I lour i l.' .'i-i to KM a ak, Umii i i,'hte n
cent, ham twenty a nt, The aw mill I ittl !
at. U twivn the two to li of Salne-tit'ily and
I'uhy, and the r it (urnUlud y SaIihoii
cnk. The hill and llexiiitain nidi ill Ihe J
fu'ininK ri-(TMt arr cotm-l with a hy umI
of (fr. I. Veil Oil Ihe !eep hliUl dew ihe ft I
I en'en, liil out of Ihe reai li of animal; rvi ti ;
tiKHintain d'oal i miI I it4 r'K h it, or it
ran-l to Ihe r iftrr. U-t-r ri plenty In the
the iiiofintaiiit, and hutitrra hriii Ihiin in
nearly emy day, Iwo lhr- al a tune, j.m ked
on horH-. A Tacomtt i oihmhv ordi rr-l a
cotMi ntrator, wlii- h i to U Un lid at fj-ta.'iie,
and hauli"! from (here to .aliiKrii ( i, Itn
I'lok like huiiieii, and llm tnitak forahu ty
amp i fatoralde, The n.iiM-rl i (here to ju
tify the liitf'plui lion i -I md! an I ma hinrrr f'f
Working the hi;h (jradi life. Tlie ."ahie! Iiulu
are lnNiri I lo rote a Mod Ira lull'. 1l re
an U lwecn l-Hir hun 1r-I and fne hun Ired in
the iniiw , an t pri tin In the iniiUtii
a Ijneiil to the milling loWlia I tluitkitjK .
ywi Willow Vll .-T1 r.rloll
of inter l lo ttftke Ihe Iran U t, In aa v.t
WaKoiia iMinly, i Mir iojon. Tl.e riiHrt
i cnti I an I Uanli il a tail l- (Mind iijr
where, Ilw mon.t4ii " tie oith i I" a'
nof, ith a li y jff ttii piif, ft ' I
ta'iuf k, i at I)" I-"1 ' ! al'fit ll"
nwr lHtooi, to I. , fih, allr )lnt msv
U rry, Ile4ii and lery, while m-ry ie a I
(Im n i -if ioo upon U 4uiifil htil umy
lf!L , that Krio lo htr l-t rifrly oV
'tiw lit pii'' trr-inl. tn riM riii U n
ll.e lafiy-n, w.e i ivA favoratdy in.jfrwd with
l!,l loWrf tj,rry, 11 tl lt'll)itr lA ilrrp
wI.'mIi hv rrtt i'4 tJrf-r' l l7 )t
haie tfitm t4 hi!U a hrvwrt a'I nii,