A OEM OF THE WILLAMETTE. Ml shipping buaiuena must bo one of growth, sweep in from (ho ocean until they en but tho first CHontial is the fruit itself, counter tho sunimiU of tho Cascade without which, of course, no shipping mountain ami tho colder currents of air facilities will ever bo supplied. in that high altitulo, when tho moisture In traveling through tho country, is condensed ami falls in copious show, either by train or buggy, one is forcibly era, at an avcrago tcmjuraturo aluvo improved with the number of streams forty degrees. From November to April of water. Upon examination, it will bo these rains are frequent, rain fallieg on found that nearly every farm haaupon an average of tw enty da) a in each month, it a good spring or stream of living wa- Ouco or twice during tho season, when ter. Tho county is ramified by tho an easterly wind seta in, there is a light largo and small tributaries of tho Wil- fall of snow, ami tho thermometer indi. lametto. Big Luckiaraute, Liltlo Luck, catcs from ten to twcnty.fivo degrees iamute, La Creole, Salt, Mill, Yamhill above rero for a period lasting from two and a score of other streams, fed by hun- days to two weeks. This is tho ouly drods of littlo branches and thousands taste of winter weather ex rionml. It of springs, llow continuously through is during this brief jx-riixl, whicii doe tho year. Water is everywhere, and ev. not occur every aeason, that stock re ery drop of it is clean and pure, coming quin s extra attention and feeding. Tho from tho crystal fountaius of tho Const "snap" is terminate! by one of tho range, or welling up through tho sand strong ocean winds, called a "chinook," and gravel of tho prairies, from tho pure which, with a tempraturo of alxmt fifty boBOin of tho earth. What an effect this degrees, cause tho anor to disappear in abundance of puro water has upon tho a few hours, warn toljosucceednl by tho dairy interest, no farmer csn fail to ap- ever welcome raiu. AUut tho Crut of preciate. March tho rains generally diminish iti Mention has been niado of tho cloud- frequency, offering the farmer o r. lea skys of harvcbt time, and in this Unities, during March and April, to consist ono of tho greatest ol tho many plow ami seed his land, such as ban not blessings showereAl upon tho husband- been planted in winter wheat Iu May man of this region. To render this in- tho rains generally cease, xcvpt an tclligiblo to ono not familiar with tho caaional showi-r, and during tho months peculiarities of the climate of the Wil- of July and August scarcely a drop falls, lametto valley, a brief summary ofcli- giving tho farmer an opj-rtunlly to bar matic conditions and cause in necewa. vst his crop at his leisure, without fear ry. Tho leading characteristic of tho that it will ren in? tho bast dining by climate is the equability of tho tern- rain, drain is cut, and, iu some raw, jjcrature, which is much higher in I-Twitted to stand iu shocks iu th (A 1 winter and lower in summer than in cor- for several weeks, waiting for the thn h. responding latitudes east of the Kocky er. The teujj-raturo of the long, rain., mountains, or on tho Atlantic cofwt. Tho less summer dtys is modratM by the primal cause of tho high average tern- cud breezes from the mountains, on pcraturc in winter is tho Japan current, both side of the valley, t serially tho tho stream of warm water flowing along CWad, whiwo highest aU wear a tho coast, diffusing an agreeable mild j- rj- tual roU of snow. Cool breeze lcks, and entirely overtiming the rigors from the - also exert their inlJumc... of winter incident to this latitude eW It is AUu the th non; Ur indicate where. Tho warm, moisture-laden winds ninety d gre at mil U), a:. I ero tl.m