THE CITY AT THE KAMA naturally turns to the manufacture of flour. Hero can bo concentrated tho wheat of a vast empire, already produc ing thirty million bushels annually, ami capable of producing double that amount in a few yeara. Hero aro unlimited wa ter power and land fre tho former for ten years and tho latter forever. Here is a shipping jort ho near at hnnd that llour may Ik conveyed to it for twenty five cents per ton. It would N difficult to conceive of n more favorable n-t of conditions for the milling busineM on h large scale. An enterprise of this na ture should embrace a transportation scheme of its own, and should I hi of so large a nature as to bo self-dependent. Such a mill as this would main from threo thousand to firo thousand barrels of llour ier day. Tho relative saving of expenso by manufacturing on a largo scale is too well understood to rcquiro argument As to other points in favor of shipping our product in tho form of flour, they aro well known to millers and snipers. Thero is, in tho first place, tho saving of five cents per bushel on grain sacks; also a saving of one-third of tho freight, since tho refuse of tho wheat amounts to that much, and when ground in England only equals tho valuo of its own freight Thero are, Ix'sidcs, tho multitude of associated Wnefita which flow from tho conversion of raw rnateri als into manufactured products, such as increaso in population and wealth, tho creation of a home market for a great diversity of products, and not only tho retention at homo of tho money other, wise sent abroad, but tho bringing hero of that necessary to purchase tho pro ducts of our own labor. This is by far tho Ix-at location for a largo paper mill on tho Pacific coast Htraw can m Lad in abundance; wood pulp is easily and cheaply obtained; tho conditions of va nomical manufacture are uueualed, and the shipping facilities are all that are to bo desired. Reprcsentativea of tho larg. est two mills in California have examined tho situation, and express themselves as strongly impressed with tho ad vantage offered. It is needles to enumerate tho various industries which might find lodg ment here. It is sufficient to say that frw ground upon which to build, free K)wer for ten years, facilities for receipt and shipment of freight unsurpassed, all combine to makf Oregon City the mt udvuntageous point for uianufnc turing on the coast With but few ex ceptions, whatever can manufactured profitably in the West can U produced at Oregou City to letter advantage than at any other Nint Oregon City is, in its true sense, tho oldest town in Oregon. To lo sure, settle ments wero made at other joints at au earlier date, such as that of tho Pacific Eur Co., at Astoria, and tho Methodist mission, near Halem, but hero was made tho first genuino effort to found a city; and it was natural that the pioneers, as their eyes rested upon these falls, whoso !eauty and jiower apjsealcd strongly to their lovo for nature's works, ami their inlsjni instinct to make practical use of ever) thing, should decide that at this jxjint would spring up a city. A towu was laid out, which was for a numW of years tho leading one in Oregon. It was tho first capital of the territory, and continued as such until the seat of gov. eminent was moved to Kalem, as tho re suit of a olitical quarrel U twei-n the memUra of tho supreme court It is unmcemry to trace the history of the city through tho forty-tin) years of its existence, except to say that it has Urn one of slow, but constant, progre. In terest now centers on iU present condi tion and it pnj-ct for tho future. What a bright pathway is owning up Ix foro it has already ieti lii' out The large increase in population, trade and the value of property, nhich U a