The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1887, Page 580, Image 4

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Eastbam, president; C. A. Dolpb, vice- gives away its building sites for facto
president; Joseph Simon, secretary; ries, and donates its water power for ten
Charles II. Caufield, treasurer; W. E. years to aid those factories to firmly es
Pratt, superintendent tablish themselves; but it does not give
The company has outlined a plan for away its valuable residence and business
the development of the water powr and property. The large tract of land on
the building up of large manufacturing the west side will be laid off into lots
interests, which is not only comprehen- and blocks, and will be sold for resi
sivo and extremely liberal, but highly denco and business purposes. The es
practicablo. It oilers to manufacturers tab ishment of largo manufacturing en
tho land upon which to erect factories terprists and the drawing hither of the
and tho water power by which to run thousands of operatives necessary to
them. The land will be a free gift, with conduct them, will create 6uch a demand
title in fee simple, and the water power for this property as to render it extreme
will bo given freo for ten years, a rea- ly valuable, and thus, in the fullness of
sonable charge to 1)0 made for power time, tho company will reap its reward,
thereafter, at a permanent contract price And the fact that there is a final reward
to le agreed upon at the time the origi- in store for them, makes the action of
nal agreement is mado. The develop- these gentlemen none the less liberal,
ment of the power, so far as its practical public- spirited and sagacious. They are
application is concerned, must bo made taking steps by which every citizen of
by the party using it Tho company For tland and Oregon City will be great
alao proposes to develop power for the ly benefited, and all honor is due them
uho of small factories, which will bo for their efforts. What we need is more
supplied at a reasonable rental. It also practical, enterprising, public-spirited
has in contemplation the transmission men of this kind. The plans of the com
of power to Portlaud by electricity, pany are not for to-day, nor to-morrow,
Thoro aro numerous small enterprises but for all time; and contemplate, not the
in Portland, using engines from five to establishment of a few feeble industries,
twenty-five horse j)ower, which could bo but of immense flouring mills and other
supplied with electiic power from the factories, employing thousands of hands,
falls at a much cheajer rate than now adding millions of dollars to the trade
paid for steam. The plans of the com- of Portland and Oregon City, increasing
pany also embraco a suspension bridge enormously the value of property in
across tho river below tho falls, the east those places, and creating a certain mar
end reaching Oregon City at Seventh ket for a great variety of products in the
btreot Tho bridge will cost about $2-3,. Willam etto valley and the Columbia ba
000.00, and havo a span of four huudred sin, thus indirectly increasing the wealth
f't Complete plaus have already been and population of the entire Northwest,
received, and it is expected to havo tho They look forward to the creation of a
bridge completed by the first of Janu- city at Portland, backed by manufac
arJ tures at Oregon City, as large and as
The development of these plans uec- prosjK?rous as has grown up about any
charily calls for tho outlay of consider- great water power in the United States,
ablo money, and there has, as yet, been There are numerous industries which
no intimation of tho method by which might find a good location here, but it is
tho comivany projxs to reimburso it- desired to point out the advantages a
self. Tho question is a simple one. It special few would enjoy. The mind