THE ISLAND OF 11KST. THERE, that is finished, and if I tones ach my templet throb, my nerves write another paragraph for the quiver, and my entire. leing languishes next month, may 1- " for rest, for relief, for obliTion, for any. " Eh? What's that you're growling thing that will take- mo out of tho tread about, George? Were you addressing mill routino of editorial drudgery. I'm your remarks to me, or to some sympa- quite serious, Mac, ami you needn't bxk thetio being immaterialized to all eye, at me as though you think mo bereft of save your own?" my wits. Itcason still bangs to her Mr. George Stanley gave a percepti- throne, but threatens to let go her hold ble start, and a quick glance in the di- if I remain hero twenty.fuur hours rection of tho speaker, but vouchsafed longer. 80 I hong up my n, I take no reply, until, one by one, the closely, down my hat, I make my adieu, and if written pages of his manuscript wero my shadow falls athwart your threshold hung upon the book. Then, with a sigh again within a month, may I U" of relief, and a nonchalanco that was Just then a gust of wind, with ilU characteristic, bo answered- advised ofliciousness, itderjosM and Neither, my dear Mac Not having cled tho door with a "bang," Whind noticed your entrance, I was unawaro of tho retreating form of Mr. George Stan, your presence; and as for immaterial, ley, and whether or not ho added the fin ized beings-no, thank you, none of ishing word, or words, to his last an them for me. Give mo something ma- teuce, can never be kuown with any do. tcrial and animate; something tangible to greo of certainty, all tho senses; give me, for instance-" " George! I say, George! ad a mo "Yes; don't hesitate; speak right out; ment; only a moment," shouUn Mr. tell me who she is, and if it bo in the Thomas Mcdrcw, hurrying out into the power of mortal to give her to you, 111 corridor, and leaning far out over the j0 jt.. baluster. Hut the hollow echo of re. Give me, for instance, a rest" treating footstep was tho ,lo rejon What do I hear? Slang, from the - What spirit of nnrwt has taken . lit of the dignified, tho august, Stan- session of tho Mlow?" muM-d Mr. ley' What next?" McGrcw, half owner and sole manner ul "See here, Mac; there is no slang a flourishing wkly publication, known about it; I want rest; I must havo rcL as The Chmjnon. t It is three years since I had a month to M H can not posaibly U smowt I call my own, and I havo reach! the would not fore mo hero to wre.ll. with limit of human endurance. I havo the par for a whole bod h aU. scratched away with this faithful old pen Whew! Tho bare bought sUrt. the of mine, until not a thought, not an Mm, fit l ? d " not a shallow of original conception is iwainH on tho first Uue No, no left in my iowrUhM train. My G"W U