592 THE WEST SHORE. of four of 44 the noble army of martyrs sane superstition of witchcraft Anoth. who died for their faith-Patrick Ham- er band of martyrs like those above at ilton, Henry Forrest, George Wisbart the monument, sacrificed to the merci. nd Walter Mill -who were burnt at less ignorance of their persecutors, and St Andrews be'ween the years 1523 and as truly martyrs as the persecuted Coy. loM. Just below this monument an ir- enanters, with this important difference, regular hill runs along the Bhore and that the Covenanters had the satisfac and projects into the sea so as to form tion of dying for a good and avowed a little bay. These bear the significant cause, while these wretched beings were names of " Witches' hill and lake," and cruelly murdered without the shadow of here were enacted those horrible, incred- a sufficient reason, and by virtue of laws ible atrocities consequent upon the in- which left them no hope of mercy. C. L. Henderson. FAME. When one ha climbed the ladder, steep, that leadetli up to fame, And, that lie may ne'er return again, has pushed aside the fame, lKx'8 he e'er remcmU'r what it cost to reach ho high a place? Or docs sun-ess, o jicrfect, all those hitter days efface? If he would hut look backward once, to the toilern on the way, With their sore, discouraged hearts, aching, breaking, every day, He would surely stretch a kindly hand to those yt left l.rhitld, To help them up that weary way, that they might knowledge find. Klu Hiuginsox.