The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, August 01, 1887, Page 591, Image 15

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daughter, held back by two of the con- see tho ruins of St Leonard', offered to
spirators, in an imploring attitade, bogs accompany us, as ho had the key which
for her father's life. guarded the entrance on that day. This
Tho cluster of buildings composing was nn unusual concession in view of
St Mary'a collego is very handsome, tho severity with which tho Bablwith is
abundantly draped in ivy, with a mag- observed in Scotland. Tho old rootless
niGccnt ilex treo of great sizo shading a chaiel is a fine specimen of gothie arch
largo part of tho collego yard. In 1579 itecture. Tho monastery, founded in
tho college constitution was changed, 1512, was endowed with tho revenues of
suitably to tho spirit of tho times, and a hospital that had long ken kept for
under tho direction of Oeorgo Buchan- tho reception of those pilgrims who had
an, was appropriated exclusively to the- coino in former times to worship tho
ology. Tho collego is approached from relics of St Andrew. Separated from
South street by an elegant arched gate- this chajel by a wall aro tho houso ami
way, and on the faaulo of tho principal's grounds of Mary Queen of Scots, which
house, over tho porch, aro tho royal sho occupied on her occasional visits to
arras of Scotland, having tho crown St Andrews, Tho jiart of tho houso
above and St Andrew, on his cross, be- facing tho street is modernized, but tho
low, tho wholo surrounded by a garland back, overlooking tho grounds, is an.
of thistles. Tho ivied ruin of tho Do- tiquo and picturesque, with its many
rainican friars is extremely charming, gables. As wo entered these grounds,
Tho apso of tho chapel, with tho tracery through a low, massivo archway, our
of its three windows quito perfect, forms guido reverently removed his hnt and
a graceful decoration to Madras college, remained uncovered whilo wo tod
immediately in its rear. This monastery there. This rese ct to royalty, or to
was founded in 1274, by a set of Dorain. tho misfortunes of tho unhappy queen,
ican, or preaching, friars, called Black touched us, as ono is always moved by
friars, from their black frocks. Dr. truo sentiment, whatever diversity of
Bell, originator of tho monitorial ays-' opinion may exist " Ah! many a plea,
tern, built thereon tho famous Madras ant, as well as sod, scene, ha this place
college, and enjoined that tho Madras, witness.!," said he, " for on this very
or monitorial, method should ) fob A was tho unfortunate queen wont to
lowed in tho institution. IIo left X120,- practice at archery with ltandolph, tho
000 for schools on this system in Lon- English embaswador, who, meanwhi!,
don, Edinboro' and Glasgow, and five, was plotting and revealing every word
twelfths of his wholo fortune for Mail, and acttohismUtreM, Kliiatrth." Tho
TM collego. Children row all parts of handsome stone Ijouw on tho other sido
tho kingdom aro sent to this jiopular of tho ruined chap-l, and overlooking
seminary, and there is a Madras infant (Ja -n Mary's temporary home, was tt
school in an odd building, resembling official rrsidwo of (ieorg. Buchanan,
those of Bologna, with its arcades, tho the ceb brated principal of Ht Andrew's,
site of tho gray friars monastery, so and promoter of tho reformation, who
called from their gray frocks, bound at so often and so soundly "birched" the
tho waist by a rope. Wo attended Trin- young princ afterward James VI., of
ity church in tho forenoon and St Sal- FeotUnd-I notice tho Scotch S' ldom,
vator's in tho afternoon, and so soon as or nvcr, ad 1 "and I., of Kcgfand" as
service at tho latter was concluded, tho do we. Tho martyrs' monument is In.
obliging janitor, knowing wo desired to elegant and clumsy, but commemorative