AN IDYL OF I) idewalka. The atrwt car lie he Id the center of the atrect, ami there m an op ml down car on the track. There waa ample ijc on either aide, if the driver cculj ug to keep but borac itrtigt.t ahead. They flew at the down car, m c1om Uiat Hepworth could have touch! it with hit ban! Kvidently. Pal thought that a tniae waa m gl aa a mil. The witch carte iu jat ahead. The bora e daahed acroaa the main liuo to the otber aide, displaying, m a hy-atamler remark! to a friend, market intelli. genee for a pair of runaway A fat, middle-aged woman, with a heavy mar. ket haakot, had juat atepped into tbe atreet to tmrd the up car. The horee wore almot upn her U-fore abe mw them. She jutuptl Inck, fell, and in her terror, rolled over and over into the gutter. 8be atill clung ti Imr bviket, although iU content acre M-atWred in every direction. Ouco Hcpwnrt'4 ten tured to look out lie In! Pat'a about and a child'a acream. A little girl of five or ail yearn aUl directly in the way. 8be acemed petrified with terror and unable to move. Hep worth abut bia eyea, with a groan, to Die awful trag. edy, which be waa pnwerle to avert Dut aome one bad already aprung to the recue; yet the flying boraea, aith quick, er movement, again displaying marked intelligence, bail iwerved to the right and the carriage wbeela harly grail the child'a drea. Would thia terrible aanpenae never ceaae? Thia waa the thought which waa oobatanlly upj-r. moat in bia mimL Hut aurely that iu the Uy to the right; ami now ami then be could ee the Mack bulla of the Lipa lying at anchor. All at once, the car. riage atoppej ao aodJenly that he m thrown forward upon the next teal Aa be recovered bimaelf. Tat m holhtg open the dim. " Ocb, ahure! an didn't 1 mak' it?" he aaknl. aith a 101 griu. K VI 18 (U'lXII. 4.V1 The mile bal lcn made in jut four minatr. A light dawned upoo Hep. wvrtb'a mimL ThU tuad, headlong apt waa only a run to clear Ih be might not forfeit the fitra hit of ct 4 a be had given him. It waa ao abomina bly aelfiah pieoe of huainea, ami be felt inclined to gite Lira a good trounricg; but Tat a face glowed with auch arem aatiafaction ami p humor, that ha U. tlel up bia indignation, and contented himoelf with aaying. in hi eeverl tn of voice: " iWt rrj--at that, my friend, or you will get into trouble." At that moment, a mounted jlic of. nmrdahs up, hi bora flecked with foam. " Zomd, Tat! You tnul nmtnd tlxwe l.ruW U tter than that Such running in a cruadM atrwt ia dangroua liul . IteM. " (ch, your riverenc! In't it taeadf that'a intirely apenl thryin' to) oldth 1mU? 1 oiuldn't do it at all, at all; they would mak' it," with a aly U-k at Hep. worth. " I'ut Metiran biU on them, ami I'll guaranty you can hold them." aaid the officer, aa he rl a ay. When Hepwortil rehei the lt, there wm plenty of ttcnfl to apara. In. deol, be miitht bate takea if etqrry all the way through, fr a large amount of freight had Un aent lown that morning fr ahiptneat; ami hen the (at finally lrknl out of Iter pier, it waa fully half an hour aiw lt ap)int. el time of leatitg Hh ba.1 tA g far, Uwever, ahf-ft it Ijrame avilrtt that he waa oteff,UL The rir waa bw ami ahe waa drawitg heavily. 1U. fre the diatamrv waa half c4aplV!. the ke-1 phoghl it to a aamM ami atock faat, the atero alightly aaayitg with th XtxAumiA the aU-r. H'pworth pal the ileck ia a fer ti i(&pati4a. IU nvukl ni'ttt .Hay II" ae Laagry