The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, January 01, 1887, Page 28, Image 22

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TlSS: those .ho have no e uca-
iX-cim of be. tional attainments. They have no trou
? , "1 l i' e worL No more arc He about preaching down to the level of
I! d -d l-ers, -d the common mind It is hardly worth
mintLwy. Possibly, while give this feature any further at-
without much .tody or training, a man (ration. The idea that we must have a
railing bin"!' ,,or' miGht Rllmini8- ' f ortlinary-rainae(l fr or"
t.r wMAhing jruh or rhai paragor- dinary-minded congregations, is silly,
ic and without groat danger, and a man, When we think of the vast apparatus
without any preparatory study for the of the pulpit in this country, of the
ministry, might dwo the people with thousands "of sermons preached every
the Ojni Tinrt Cam j of the gospel, and Sunday, of the immense resources in
14. do them further harm than render- weekly operation for bringing the most
iug thorn unduly uleepy; but let him important truths home to the minds and
undertake to make up a prescription hearts of the people, and then note the
from any of the complex ingredients of apparent feebleness and indefiniteness,
theology, and the patient will bo ready the moral and practical results, and how
for the coroner. slowly the popular feeling is moved and
Perhaps the weakest reply attempted elevated and christianized, we cannot es
y our opjionenU, ia that it would not cape the conviction that the pulpit and
do to have a smart, talented, cultured pulpiteer must be at fault It is not a
man in every pulpit That sort of ar- matter of surprise that this is attracting
jjument was uaed not long since by a attention, or that it is a common picture,
Iv. I). 1). in Oregon. As this gentle- which represents scores of weary listen
man it called upon in hia church capac- ere in our churches, decorously submit
ity, to preach to congregations through- ting to the sermon, as becomes conven
ont the country, amall and large, in the tionality, and expressing a sigh of relief
city, in town and out in the backwoods, when it is ended. It is not a caricature;
UouJer how, as a "amart," "educat- it is a real picture, and mournful enough
od." talented w man, a D. D., he man- when we think of the great subjects and
ago to cpe the full force of his logic ends which have brought preacher and
M protect the people of these different congregation face to face. We find, and
ngrogUon. Make an application of with sadness, that what, in its own na-
m;w.schcU' ow tore, is so vitally interesting, what ought
Xr77-bMmrhU8e8' tobeinty and practically exciting,
nt " T1':? U li8Ue89' flat and ""profitable. There
LToLrlT ! J n1 f can be but one conclusion; defectiveness
d be did more L 1 7 , Bpter without P d the audience
.nindJf hTutdfn, rDlhe th0Qtbefit, a prosaical and.platitu-
of St U, Rev. fcSft ! hearte of te.rers glow
OtUct, two of the eminent pul- .
paraof the PmbyUrian chnrrK Z " not do to say that the value and
Chwh of Portanceof divine truth are independ-