THE WEST SHORE. 1 2th Year. Portland, Oregon, August, 1880. No. 8 ESTABLISHED 1878. At last Portland is t have the much-LlloJ-ot re- THE WEsiT fcJHOHE duction works, uot through the graoiousiioss of our largo capitalists, but by the enterprise of meiT of smaller ;ii.traifdJWaioiodrftoi,drWiopi ,uonnB, The Portland lloduotion Works Co. has boon incorporated with a capital stock of ."0,0(H).00. Two towikb0! blocks of ground in Kant Portland have boou purchased u''T.'" '""i "'. '."'."J ,' '. " n,lll le contract lot for (ho erectiou of building Ar- BubaoripUoQ out ba forwarded by nirUtarad lattar or poaUl nlar ! our rlk. ,11 1 . ...... F.imutnuiNmAg.uwiii nin lubHriDUou t ion ntn. rangomonU havo boon made for machinery, which will r n.rrr,. , ,. , - consist of a small tost mill and a forty-ton smelter. At SAMm-Publl,W' "land 173 Bxnd St., Portland, Or. of thig mMmtf n ,mHHU,0 j, k,ing ,mwurml , KnfrmloriraiuMMoiiMroiivkiit.ilbaiSmmitCliiMRntM. I this city. It in PXpOCttul that tilt) Works Will 10 ill full operation before two mouths havo elapsed. Tho metal- TABLS OF COXTKNTS. . ' . . , .. 11 1 i ir i t i Pu. lurgiat of tho company will bo Mr. II. 0. Lang, and WtarM lto. J, E. Clayton, of Salt Lako City, well known VUithnulUkaandVillay N , ... . . . ... . . , liowtorouucviinr m throughout tho mining regions of tho West, will bo eon- HowtoiHMintMintaiwiiy iirx. suiting engineer and examiner of mines. liMifl County, Orogon (l)luitrfttvd, (nmim XII, !UI, 'M tM) mil Mrlon County, Oroirn (IHualmtrd, puirM Sit, DM, H, SM) B I Prtmim on w t)K 8om0 hiinablo reason tho business mon of iuunHi.iKiitari.riM. v Portland take delight in being " worked" with "adver- h'Su kte." They seem to mxivor rPuUy from TiiaNiaimnot thaWiat m the shock of finding themselves gulliHl by some travel- TuoMMyimn.inti.oKir..... -. w ing sharp, ami aro prepared to receive tho uoxt ono The Oregon State Fair will commence on tho thir- with ohui arms. Tlioy are lmginiiing to light a little teenth of September and continue to the eighteenth. " V l Uw man with the iprMi chart, tho l,t.d album, Appearances indicate that in many resets tho fair ilnwl, the programme for trave ing shows, will be Bii.iorior to previous ones. Rml 11,0 hum ml ,na ,'"0 H,,mll"r " ttth ,,tt w1" man comes along like the " manager and proprietor m ..L, . .,. , T, , Lloyd's map, tho " president" of tho U. S. Matfiuiiui The eighth annual exhibition of the Portland Mc rubliMhing Co., or tho chi.f bottUvwaaher of tho "Man- chanica lair A8a,c.ation will be he d m thm city oon- uf,oluril,Ki Co,mm,roiHi Mu EnU.rpriMea of tinning from OctoW aevon 1, iutlie twm.ty-third. It ia j.,,,,, u j,, u mMn u for hllll again under the BU,MrinU,ndence of Mr. A. H. Whiting, mn )f ()ur m,r,ftllli, orK(llliwiUoll omirHO Um who ao Buccoaafully managed ita alTa.n. l.t year. ow Mi iatur,H( with,mt , Hm1.,w of au. thority for ao doing, and our merchant follow tlioir cx- Fiiom the aunual reiMrt of Mayor YcHler, of Seattle, ,,,, To lw auro tho chief Itottlo-cleam talka in a it apiiearB that tho aBBOrwed valuation of property in V(,ry ,B, Rounding atrain alxmt tho gr.dit IxmeflU ho that city 1b $5,570,475, while the toUd indebtotlmHB i CXHH,u t cuf,,, ,, the city, but when the froth la but 110,813. Total payments into tho IroaHury during lv i,i,,wn BWnyi t U WNI that ho ia aimply running an the year were W.,m Tho city ia certainly in aplon- ndvortining m'lieine which can not inwaibly Imi of tho did condition to take advantago of the tide of prosier- mt remote mlvantago U Portland. As a result of his ity again sotting in on the Northwest count lnlmra wo will have a book of advertising puffs, In which 1 ho who pays tho most will receive the most, and from The artists and presses of The West Smoke are which he who pays nothing will he omitted entirely, crowded with work to tho utmost capacity, not withstand- This threat of omitting parties is freely made for tho ing this is supposed to be tho dull season. The quan. puroao of forcing them to contribute to the support of tity of bank and commercial work of all kinds, catnloguo the work, and only has tho least weight Iwcaiise of the illustrations, colorod laliels, maps, portraits, etc., that endorsements given by tho business men alluded to. In has been turned out by this establishment since the other words, by their ill-considered recommendation of a first of June is surprising, and the superior excellence stranger alsmt whom they know nothing, and a work of the work astonishes everyone not familiar with the fact about whoso "peculiarities" they are equally ignorant, that The Wkht Shoiie has one of the host orgauized ar-1 they are permitting him to use their names to extort tints' corps, and its establishment is one of the most money from our people. In justice to themselves they thoroughly equipiod for Cue work, to he found in the should withdraw their endorsements and apologia to United States. I this community for ever giving them.