The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1886, Image 1

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1 2th Year.
Portland, Oregon, July, 1 888.
No, 7
ESTABLISHED 1876. hia own city, county orBtato. There ha. boon muoh
said on thin subject by the promt ami private liulivwuai.,
THE WEST 8IIOKE. RU(l -t wouU mm Htriulg0 Umt ma 0fT.wt haa Wn
An llluitrated Journal of Qoiwrol Information, devoted to tkt dmlopmtnt produced by BO IIIUcll preaching, Were it not H Willi-
of tk, orqi wat. jUown fwt tlllt j)r(MM,j,t linn been estranged from exam-
8tti-oriPU.npri.pium " pie, that Mine of the most frequent ami pan.iafa.ui scold-
Tofowi((noountriM,inoiudiDgpo.uie - erB Rro 0(j,m guilty of the offense they ao foroibly lay at
f - - hU a rvL
Po.ttnMt ud Nun Agenu will n.i. lui-oripUoii. .i iw" r.u Birit ami a true regard for our welrare should dietnw,
T. . m v. . i a I biuI tho complaint, of manufacturer, aud dealer, will
L.8AMm,PabU8her,Ko..nUnd173 8aooudBt,Portland,Or. much 0f the lard
Entered for trmianiulontkrouah tk$ Haiti at 3md Claw Rati. t;m0 BJ gonjoity of employ Ilie4 which bear 0 llOavily
. upon many of our people.
I'm I "
An Monument (lllu.tnul.pwai) JJJ COMI'ETENT JMIWHIW estimate tllO Oomlllg wheat Orop
B"Bar..;.-. ZZZ'.'.'.'.'.m h nlwut the aain'o quantity aa that of bint aeaaon. As
. lllrd'iNwtalnJnuuMMHaiuM iu . . I t I,,,.., iliU viwr this la allow
K.iiu.rii the acreage la somewhat larger thii year, una ia auow
Healthful of ltau.ii M . . mm r(H1uotitu of tho average ylul. wtl
the lack of rain for maturing tho .pring grain. Hinee
Muitnomih (iiiu.tniii. i-p. .i .a imata was made there have been aeveral ram. ol
KSScS, .ufflcient precipitation to benefit the crop, ".ally,nMounuui ;;v' J Tue yj.M wiH nt full ImiIow that of last year an
Sb may exceed it In l,,cliUe. laat year', cri.p w
?.okMin.. : ": be largely exceeded by the coming harvest What our
t ... it I f,.rm,,r,i neod ia not ao much a largo crop aa a fair price
It should be a great fundamental principle of all " ,m,y
Americans to patronize home enterprise, and purchase r J tnHm)orUU tnamM,
home products in preference to foreign article., and hi. 1 .pently no ground u,K.n which U base
idea should not be confined to it. national nse but bo m f VnmrklH, uUum l wheat quotation.,
applied locally in all tho affair, of life. It . houM I bo ao
thoroughly localized that every citizen would d scrim - ,,riM,tiflnlly that the
nate in favor of hi. own .tato a. against any other h . "Ofh vy, UUtoU 1.o,hh1 U.i
iTn Inty when in competition with J J.S J'naval station and ship
own city, town or village n pre ference to d ta "13 y thogovern t,.n lMt mm will
Above all things those local Industrie, which are tug. V 1 f )mMlU ,)f wl, lr,m, WWM1, ti.u-
li.B I. tf1,3LSSt trSSSl Wbor, and distance from o,. .
cessful oration moan abided businoe. am FJ J fc AM , tilnM, of war are
the communitie. in which they are located hould be when . U re i , M ,ny ot,,r
encouraged, not only by well wishe. but b, art rf. U-V r.nt unV jg t . J rf
ble patronnga It is, of course, asking towibt 'J 'fresh waU.r harU.r on the cast and can be
.t npon tho public purchasing an .ufenor art cle at a fe . , thai ir c.ujMtratively
price, ii-nply to encourage hnj 17!!- lW"
roorchat or prof.-ional man deluding n, the t- Sho - b
pority of the ooramuuity, an owner of property wh a. ustratimu v u
ZlJ is by the una .UniUrd. capitalist ing x Jng of the
wbLmone'y b ured by that I.-- 'jaSlS .pU iJyV U -
turer of other good, in the aame oommnny. or even a beautif ul of y,,
mechanic whose family U dependent upon hi. opportua- jJyJ'a,l elegant .ngr.vlng.
ity for .nsUn. -iMT&t ScWett ner, fri.m -vtt, Thl.
CaKHt n aimoa au, . - - - wiU WDdor u d,bly attrwuv. ana vM.u.-.
helping wrnsuii Dy aiuum