The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1886, Page 171, Image 3

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Shump, and others. Tho Blackwell ia said to have
yielded $10,000, ami the Swindon a loss sum. The InU
tor claim is now being worked, ami froo milling ore
which pays seventeen dollars per tou ia being extracted.
A line stamp mill, formerly the property of the Oregon
Mining and Milling Company of Althousa crook, has
been purchased and ia being Bet up on tho Swindon
ledge by L. D. Brown, Esq. On tho north aide of tho
Rogue, oppoaito Gold Hill, Messrs. llay and O'DonnoH's
quartz mine yielded a pocket of several thousand dollars
some few months Bince.
In 18(10 a mine called the Enterprise was located on
AlthouBO creek near Browntown, ami was worked with
profit for some time. The rock paid twenty-aix dollars
per ton at first In 18(17 it was abandoned, but relocated
in 1875 by the Oregon Mining and Milling Company,
who took up several other quartz leads near by and built
a very expensive mill, the same which ia now owned by
Mr. Drown and ia employed at Gold Hill. Home proa-
pectiug ia now going on in thisdistrict, and quartz carry
ing a fair amount of gold has been lately found
Quartz veins are numerous in the mountain regiou of
Nortlioru Josophine. The country rock ia highly mota-
morphie and exceedingly favorable to the existence of
veina. On Galiee creek are the celebrated Yank and
Mammoth lodges, each over two hundred foot thick and
traoeablo for miles. They were the acene of a great
quartz excitement in 1874, when every foot of thoso giaut
voiiiB was located. Nothing cam.? of it, however, and
they still await the day of exploration. The Oroon lodgo,
called also tho Sugar Fino, haa produced twonty-eight
thousand dollars in bullion, and has but lately oeasod
working. The quartz pays from thirty to eighty dollars
per ton.
The Lucky Queen mine, on Juinp-off-Joo crook, has
a history which is too familiar to Oregonians to require
a roietition. Its totel product of bullion was alxmt
$20,000, and the working expenses alxmt MO.OOO. There
are fairly extensive works uwn this voiu, and a costly
mill was once in existence. The Esther or Browning
mine, on Grave creek, was worked for some ten years
and was well esteemed. It production is set down at
0.000: exiionses. f 12,(KK). The rock averages eight dol
lars ier ton in gold. There is a five-stomp mill, driven
bv water. Work upon this claim ceased alxmt five years
ago. One of the tunnels is alxmt five hundred fool long
the longest in Southern Oregon.
On Cow creek Bnd its tributaries are a great many
lodges which have loon prospected with encouraging re
sults. The Tellurium and Umpqua mines, uoar Can
vonvillo. are the most noted. So bullion output is re-
norded in anv case. Prospects" re tolerably numer.
ouson all the streams of the en-tern part of Douglas
county,- but no ledges of pnved valuo have been found
south of the Calapooia mountains.
This district is tho most elevated mineral region in
the whole Northwest, lying as it does ou tho very sum
mit of thnt high spur of the Cwvule range which uipu
ratea tho waters of tho North Umqua from those of tho
main Willamette, ami not lesa than live thousand feet
above the sen level. Tho country rock of thoso veins is
said to lie porphyry; and it is doubtful whether .the for.
matiou is not more recent than the latest of tho Jurassio
strata. Homo very line specimens of gold quarts havo
boon found in Bohemia, and prospecting is still going
on. It is said that tho veins are very narrow, and are
subject to ramifications, and however assiduously tliey
are traced they fail to solidify into a compact and defi
nite lode. The principal improvements were introduced
by Joseph Knott and son, of East Portland, who soiit
about ten thousand dollars in setting up a five-stamp
steam mill at the Excelsior mine, ami a large additional
sum in operating that and other claims. Itock that went
two thousand dollars or ton was round, and the nrsl run
of one hundred tons milled forty-live dollars Mr ton. The
gold was froo, and no base metals existed to render amal
gamation dilllcult A streak of chloride ore, worth two
hundred dollars or ton, was found in one of the veins.
The river nuarU leads are numerous, but
havo not lieon much prooelod, nor has there liooii any
production of gold to chronicle. None of the claims are
of particular moment
sanuam mariner.
The first discoveries in the Huntiiuii roiion were made
in lHli'2, when the celebrated White Bull mine was lo
cated. Perhaps no vein in the world has ever produced
more lioautiful ami unique sociiiious of native gold U mi
this claim. Tho wire and crystallised metal have lieoouia
celebrated among curiosity collector the world over. A
joint stock company, whereof . n. Uidd was president,
held jmssessiou of this claim until lHU.'i, informing
meanwhile considerable work. In connection with our
other associations they built a llvo-stemp mill costing In
all twenty thousand dollars, lhe total product of the
Hantiain mine to date is estimated at ton thousand Hol
lar ; total exoiio fifty thousand dollars.
This brief account necessarily omits details of several
localities in which uold and silver has Imoii found, such
as Sixes river, in Curry county; Molalla river, Clackamas
county ; Wagner crook, in Jackson county , etc.
STATISTICS OK rilolilllllo!.
Jackson creek district 47,000
(lold Hill district 180,000
A imlouate district iUrt.OOO
Illinois river district 40.0IKI
Northern Josephine and South Uiiisiia district, HO.IXX)
Sixe river district l.tXK)
Bohemia district.... I'MXX)
McKenzie river district
Sautiam district I'M)
Other mine M),XX)
Total estimated production to date. 7!l.'l,0l0
At present it seems as if the hs-alilies which would
lsst reiy the trouble of pr.sqs-cting are the rougn.
niotintninous region alionl the head or Williams and
Althoiise crocks, in Josephine oounhr, and the motanmr
phia formations along the northern Hank of the Siskiyou