THE WEST SHORE. 170 abundance of splendid fruit, giving promise for the fu ture when the youugor trees shall have reached a good bearing age. On Summer lake, further to the northwest, is a small town Wring the same title, which is the cou-tf-rofqnito an extensive stock industry. Tho settlors have their lands under fence, and a numW of them have sot out orchards. The soil is highly productive. About ten miles north of Summer lake lies Silver hike, ten miles in length, along whoso western side is a val ley, or sage bruHh plain, capable of producing coroals, if irrigated, which may easily be done from the streams running through it A number of stockmen have settled along the creeks, but have made little effort to cultivate the soil, except for vegetables. This valley is some what colder than Summer lake and Chnwaucan. For one who is willing to work hard to establish him self, and none other should attempt the life of a settler in a new oouutry, there are goxl opportunities to secure land in Lake county. There are good roads leading into California ami to the railroads in that direction. Thcro will no doubt soon be a good road, one that can be used winter and summer, constructed to some point on the Oregon t California railroad, probably Ashland It is doubtful whether a railroad will penetrate that region for some time to como, though one has been projected frcm lteuo, Nevada, to pass through Honey lake valley and reach the Willamette through Lake county. A few miles have been constructed, but the date of its comple tion to Goose hike it would be hazardous to prodict A railroad passing through Eastern Oregon some distance north of Lake county is more probable, and with a good wagon road from that liue the country will xesesa bct ter facilities for reaching ouUidu market. m WENATOHEB VALLEY. One of the most pleasant and fertile sections of East em Washington is the valley of Wenatehee river, a tribu tary of tho Columbia entering it from the Cascade moun tains on the northwest It lies ou the northern boun dary of Kittitas county, and has 1mm receiving many new settlers the post two years. Now that the railroad is completed to EUensburg that regiou has become more accessible to immigrants, and settlement will no doubt become more rapid The distonoe from EUensburg to Wenatehee is about forty miles, over a fairly gixxl road, crossing a high divide and passing by Mount Stewart, the great mountain peak of that region. The Kittitas valley is famous for its products, but except in siao and railroad facilities it possesses no advantages not enjoyed by Wenatdice. In fact the latter has a much lowor al titude ami is consequently hotter adapted to fruit cul ture. Many of the settlers have small orchards and vineyards, and the grapes, pooches am! appl of the valley find a good market throughout Eastern Washing ton. There is yet some good government laud open to settlement There is also much good grazing laud in that region which settlors can avail themselves of. THE SPHINX. An npieal has beeu made by M. Ernest llonan for funds to euablo M. Maspcro to remove the sand from nronrid the Oront Sphinx, "The clearing of the Ornt Sphinx," says M. Ilenan, "was begun two months ago. Up to tho present time the ordinary resources of the llouluk Museum have sutllced tor tho work, whieh might be completed in sixty days if money did not fail. Alxmt twenty thousand francs only are wanted. The apMa1 for the LougHou excavations, which was addressed two years ago to the intellectual publio, wits so fruitful that wo are ouoouragod to once moro ask tho true oonnoseeiurs in ancient things to contribute to one of the works, the most imperiously demanded by the present condition of Egyptology. The Great Sphinx of (lhi,eh, nt two steps from the pyramids, is, in my opinion, tho most astonish ing work of the hand of mail which past ages have lie. queathed to us. It is an immense ImhI of carved rock, about seventy metres in length. The height of the monstrous edifice, it it were cleared, would exceed the highest houses, No fashioned monument either in the rest of Egypt or in the rest of tho world, can be ooui- parod to tins strange idol, the vestige oi a stage o im munity whieh bullies all our Ideas. The impression whiuh such a spectacle must have produced on imagin ative races, and who were dominated by the souses, may bo undorshiod from that experienced by the Egyptians of the present day when standing liefore that enormous head emerging from the sand and costing across the desert its sad look. The Arab, at this sight Hies terri fied, either throwing a stone or llriug a gun at the strange beiug. The temple opxmite the Sphinx, if it Is a temple, has also a character of its own. This fantas tic construction resembles less the other temple of Egypt than the Pantheon resemble Notre Dame. Hut that all this i-imrmUi; which is unique in the world, must le of tho remotest antiquity is indisputable, since tho statues found there are those of King Chepren, thus tiding us back to ages whieh everywhere but in Egypt would be called fabulous." M. Kenan, in concluding his apieal, point out that to lay bare the Sphinx will le to restoro to tho light of day the most ancient work which bears the trace o( human thought, ami he antici pate that " the descent which it will afford into a world now more than six thousand years old, will push still further hack the limits of an historio past that seems to fly with each step taken to reach it" Usk Til K Pahmmi. The word " use" in this connec tion doe not mean that the children should 1st allowed to make a play-room of your parlor. In one sense it should not Ite a living room, because it should 1st the one place iu all the house where work Is not an obtru sive suggestion. Care should U exercised not to make the parlor a " family refrigerator " or give it a stiff and forbidding air. There is no reason why on should feel so constrained that breathing is made painful by tha fear of being obtrusive.