THE WEST SHORE. Vol. XI. Portland, Oognn, Dwmbcr, 1SS3. No. t. ESTABLISHED 1878. TIIK WEST HIIOKK. An MuMrnttd Journal of Otntrnl Infitrmnllan, rfamtol la Ikt dmlopmtnl o IKt Uraul II mi. RuhwriplioB prira, prinum Hgi Tn lor..ini nnintrlM, ini'luillm puataii " "!'." Htntiln oopim t ,.. aft HiilMxripllnn ra n ha (nrwnnlnl hgr nwiatanal l.llrr nr pnalal nlnr Hi nur rlak. I ualrnaalan uil Nwa Auula will KHMira aulMimulluua at ! nlm. L, Bamnal, Publiihw, 122 Front 8t., oor. Wuhington, Fortlud, Or. tabi.k or Amir-ntlum In BrUlah Columbia .. s-i Aitrli-ulliininl auaila I!il Allwrta llixlrirl, I anaila txi Aaaihihiia lliatrict, l anaila mi Atlialawa III. I net , Canada Ml Hritiali Columbia, l'riiviiM M Canadian Can ho Itallwar. 15'i, IM, IM1 Caribou aiutCaaaiar, II. C Wl Climiiuliiiry of KvmiU wi Cliniatauf lint iah Columbia hm Cllmnlnnf Cauaiia. IJ Clihliin II, 4 ;m Coal in llritiah Columbia. M Coal llarhor, II. 0 IKI lnoniiiion uf Cauxla mi Kuitnrial. . ' tl Initial, N.K, 171 KamloofM, II. (' BUI King-aton, Ontario II (mummy Hl.lril't, II. 0 M .llllMWl, B. C ., U .mil. in, Onlarin $Tt .unitarma: in ilriliah Columbia .. k .jrllim, II, I' nit mantioin, I'mtlnoa 171 M initial in llriiiali tilumbia... .. . Il (XtSTKSTH. HoniraU, Canada. ... lit nmwIim, ii. p ., Km. II . Sl-W Wiotlnlnalnr I'll r, II. i',',',',',, N'W Wia.liiiiiu.lnr IlialrlrU... Niraila Vallnr, II. I' Niirlliwrnl 'li'rritorint, Caliaila., Nova Hmtia, I'mvinra ., , Okanaa-an Vnlli, II. f. Ontario. I'malni. .... Ottawa. I tularin. . . rrinna Kilwanl lalaml, I'rnvltiM Uiii.mmi City anil I'mvlnra ... Oww I liarlullf Manila. II. (' , , Kakntlii.wan lli-lrii'l, Caiiaila. Havmia'a Kwrry, II. V , , Vallnr. II. ' Ha'iiiVa llriilio, II. C Hi. John, N. II Toronto, Ontariii, . , .. J! iMr I iaut ami (lamia, IL 0, . anouuHf City. II. C. . , Vallixnilriir lalalill, II, I ' Virliina. II. C. . , .. Wuimi, Manllolia Ynlnlily, II. I' ... ... Vala Di.tru-t, II. I! Hi, ma ... tin III . 'l . lit I 'J . Wl XI . . ;i . wl . . tail . Wl . ' Tub atandnrd of excellence of Tun Wkht Hhoiik In being continually niiriol AiMitioniil arctic talent Iiim boon aecurod anil publication facilities have been malcrU ally improved. The excno of producing tho magazine lid Iwon doublml within a ahort Miriiil, but tho mh liHhor fwds juHtifiml in thin course by tho hhti'mhmI favor with which it evorywhnre mouta. Tho iniinr.ino for 18Hft will be Buiwrior in morit ami intercut to any proriuiiH volume. The Janunry nnmlxT of The Wkht Hiioiic will be duvotod mainly to the city of Portland, and will contain a largo numbttr of lianilrioiiiiily exneutod hUoU'Ih of thn city and iU lurroundiiiKH, valuable aa wull for tlnur artia tie merit m for the aubjocta they rxprononL The cnine. tflry, city park, harlor, dopoU and car yarda, ilocka, edu. rational inntitutioim, viowa of the city, atrm'tn, etc., utc., will all lie rcprortonUsl, and will ooinbinod form a collec tion of Portland illtiHtratiiina in markixl onitrsMt with anything heretofore publiHheiL A largo auppletneut of the now High School, Wutifully exwut.1 in three color, will bo a iecial feature. Tub preaent numW of The Wkht Hhoiik coinpleUw the volume for 1H8., and conUina a full aljihaljetical iudex for the year. Compli'to volume Ijound in (tiff In)cr cover, or in cloth and leather, are now ready, alwi IHHi in loiter or cloth, aud 1TO in iH'r only. The prioe nf theae ia 92 for the pnjier binding and tl for cloth, with fifty centa reduction on each ailditional vol- umo where two or mora are ordered, vin.: Paper, H.50 for two and to for throe; cloth, t-'i-fiO for two. Tho IhiiiiuI volume form a collection of picture of this region which it would lw impoKHiblo to proeuro iu any other form, ncoompanied by appropriate and accurate deHcriptivo matter. Oiikiion'h dewmuial ceiiHii, taken midway between thoHO of tho UniUl Sttia, ha Iwen completiHl for 1S85. Tho ouuuieration i mado for each county by the A HeHHor, who doe not adopt tho ayHtematio and thorough methiHl of tho national enumerator, and win mo return aro necerwiarily inaecurato and innimplnte. Nothing 1 nioro certain than that every county in tho Ktate ha added largely to Us lMipulutiou during the pant (lvo year, yet in aome countie a decreano i retorted, amounting iu one iiiHUnro to fiftoen Mr out Amu-wMir make tho biking of tho cennu incidental to tho other dutie of their cillloe, henco they naturally omit many name from their lint. Aa compared with the national ceiiHU, the return aro a follow: 1RS0, total Npulation, 170,711; lHHr., total, t0t,0rl iiiii1,.h, ll.I.l ID; female, KW1 To thi muHt 1m added 4,1'JO C'hiueHO iu the city of Portland not included in tho almvo. Iu 1H80 tho vote of Oregon wa 40,81(1, which wa a ratio of one In four and one. third. Tho vote of lSH-l wa H2fiH2, which, at tho aainn ratio, indicate a imputation of '21H,'HH, Thi i lieyimd (pieHtion nearer the mark than the aHneMnor came, ami in the year which ha clapNed addition have probably brought our population up to :)r,(XK!), AT tho Granger Congre recently held in ldmt-ni a memorial to Cougre wa adoptml, r'tiiting that Ixaly to amend the pab lit law no that iiiinHi-nt puri'haer and liner of article which may hapien to ho infringoment of the proprietary right of aome patenteo bo relieved of reHpoiiHibility, and mauufai turer and vendor alone bo liable to unit for damage by tho owner of the patent Thi 1 a meiwuro of relief to which the commuter of thi country are entitled. Innocent purchrwer ahoiild not be mado to milTer for tho acU of uucrupuloua manu. facturer, or bo mulcted in damage to fill tho piH'leU of a imreluiMer of Home alimmt unkiiowu tiatent riibL A aullicieiit illiiMtratiuii of tho Injimtiee of thi i the ierMi. cutioii a Mliort timo mncat of many of our farmer by tho purchaaer of a drive well liiitenL Men who hail Haiti for a well and uod it in gmnl faith for veral year were uel ly the owner by purchnMi of an old mUiit ami coin. llod to pay a heavy royalty. Hitch conduct I limply legal roblniry, and it i the duty of Congrc to remlr it imNwiblo. With agricultural mchinery appliaioea multiplying every year, it i umnif.mtly unjunt U lay upon our farmer tho roMNiiNihility that hould apper. tain alone to pirate manufiw'turer and dealer well aware of the nature of the article they handle.