THE WEST SHORE. 303 THE WOOD RIVER MINES. A 8 B.n enml)e of what can be accomplished in a kriii tiiiitt iu U,u uihiing regions of the West, the famous Wood River mines are deserving of special t tont:on. Compared with plaoor mining the development of quartz lodges is n slow pronoun, nnd yet in fivo yonr tho rogion under consideration luw lieen transformed from rii uninhabited wilderness to tho home of from 0,000 to 7,000 people, living in threo well built towns, nnd pro ducing this season 85,000,000 worth of bullion. Truly, wo are living in a fust ago. Tho country is moving for ward with giant stridos, the Grout West leading the vau. Tho almost magical transformations of this region, the rapid creation of wealth, the audden springing up of pros jxtrous towns and cities, and the establishment of groat industries are astonishing, oven to those whoso enterprise is mainly instrumental iu causing them. To others such results, accomplished iu so brief a period, must indeed scorn marvelous. The term "Wood River Country " embraces the reg ion lying along Wood Rivor, and tho outlying and tribu tary country, nearly all that is valuable of Alturoa County, Southern Idaho. Through tho lower cud of the county runs the Oregon Short Line, from which a branch ninety six miles in length extends up Wood Rivor into tho min ing rogion. At tho junction of this branch with the main lino lies tho town of Shoshone, a prosperous busi ness point, containing nlmut 000 iiooplo. It contains a numW of good stores and lias an excellent weekly paper, tho Journal Its location makes it tho actual gateway to the Wood Rivor mines. It iu distant from Portland (522 miles. Here are locatnd tho shops of tho Oregon Short Lino, and from hero visitors to tho celebrated Khofhoue Falls take tho stage. The surroundings of Shoshone are not very inviting or encouraging to tho agriculturist, but a journey of twenty miles up tho branch lino brings the traveler to tho beautiful and fertile valley of Silver Crook. It is about twelve mile square, well watered, and nearly all settled up, though, no doubt, a fow good locations might yot be found No finer laud can bo found anywhoie. The road next enters the main Wood River Valley, which is thirty mile long an'1 one-half to fifteen wide. The road passes in succession through the towns of Bellevue, fifty miles from Shoshone, Hailey, five miles further north, and Ketchum, the terminal jxiinl Kach of these towns is tho centre of quite an extensive mining region, and each contains a number of mills and smelter, besides being the shipping point for largo quantities of crude ore, which now goes to Denver, Omaha and Kansas City, but which could be diverted to Portland, provided the 1 ilU-r city pscsod tho facilities for its reduction. Rcllovue, tho first one reached by the railroad, is a town of 1,500 inhabitant, and is located on the east branch of the rivor. Across the river is the small town of Droadford, a general miners' headquarters, and prac tically a portion of the main town. Itellevue has Hpli'iidid brick school house, and in man other ways exhibit signs of prosarily. It draws its piimipul sup- Hrt from the surrounding mines, tho chief of which are the Queen of the Hills, Minnie Mooro, Queen Victoria, Monday and Oswego. Tho most successful is tho Queen of tho Hills, owned by the Hellevuo Idaho Mining Com pany, whoso head oflleo is in Salt Lake City. Of this company John A. Hunter is President; Hoyd Park, Vice. President; J. C. Oonklin, Treasurer and General Mana ger; l O. Horn, Secretary; J. A. Lusk, Suorintondont. Tho oomimny hasalxmt "0,()00 invested iu tho mine and concentrating works, an engraving of which is given on another page, and omploys aixty-flve men. Tho mine has lawn worked threo years and tho concentrator ono year. It is paying a monthly divid- nd to tho owners, and enough ore is iu sight to insure dividends for some time to oomo. Tho concentrator works forty tons of oro r day, and threo hundred tons of concentrations per month are shipped to Denver, where a ready market is found. Tho oro averages 70 to 75 per cent load, with from HO to 100 ounces of silver ar ton. Some of these gentle, men, with other parties, are owning up tho Triumph, near tho famous Parker mine. The Overland ia also a very promising mine on tho oast Pork of Wood River. It is oMniug up finely and shows oven a higher grade ore than tho Queen of the Hills. Five miles north of Hellevuo is the town of Hailey, the largest in tho valley and county seat of Alturas County. It contain a population of 2,500, and ia tho great centre of the Wood River and Sawtooth mining regions, financially, politically and socially. It contains three excellent para, tho 7'iWa, AVint-.ViW and Inlvr Idnluxtn, each publishing Mil a daily and weekly ndi tiou. The town is admirably located iu tho very centre of the quart region, ami its enterprising merchants draw trade from all parts of tho surrounding country for a ratlins of a 100 miles. Within half a day's drive are the farms audatock ranches of Camas Prairie. Hailey has a lino brick court house that cost $10,000, an cflloiout fire department, oompleto water works system, telephone connection with surrounding towns, two saw mills, smelt ing nnd concentrating works, numerous good stores, shops, eta There are several good hotels, ami one Is iu course of erection that will cost 9.10,000. Hailey contains more brick buildings than any other town iu that region. There is a small bank, but the town offers a splendid opening for a bank of suflleient solidity to command the entire confidence of the mercantile ami mining interests. Seven miles west of Hailey is Hullion, exclusively a mining ramp, situated in a gulch. In this vlclnty are some of the richest mine in the Territory, such aa the Bullion, Maytlower, Jay Gould, (). K., Kureka ami Main u. The Inst ha mid three dividends in thirty day. Two promising claim, Red Cloud and Cyclop, have recently Imnui purchased by a witi plenty of capital to work them. Just Imck of Hailey i Quigley Gulch, iu which are the Ophir group of mi in. There are four claims showing high grade galena. On Deer Creek, jiut alsive Hailey, are the Montana, Silver Moon, Mountain View, Wolf tone ami Dnvilt mine, all promising oins. Tho Narrow Gauge group luw pro.