The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, September 01, 1885, Image 1

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Tacoma, W. T.
September, 1883.
Portland, Or.
no. .
A llluMtrnted Journal of (Hiural Information, aVtutot (0 Ih4 aVwIopmrlif
I'liblUhMl Nliuullanaou.ljr rrom Taooma, W. T and Portland, Or,
Hiiliwrilliiii prim, K annum ) u
hiiikIo ipii ". ,T. . .77. ....... ."!.!..".".,"!" 51
HiilMriiiHiHi oan ha forwanM li rwutonal i.l'l.r or pnat'ai 'aminrat unr rink.
- - amw w.ii rawiT, auiMuri )I1UUB at aiMITV IHm,
L.. HAMUKU 1'ubliHln.r,
PORTLAND, 122 front 8t. 908-810 Paolflo At., TAOOMA
I'hrnnolimr of Kranta
JWt Wrk on an Kmiiljr Htumauli " ,
Kdilnrial "
(tiitarnnKinl Land OI.iummxI (If Huiljlinjc. and Hm.iil.nmw (llluitralni, XM aiid'li)!
Juan llallailin A Hlurr Inim Lift.....
Montana'; Nov (lllu.t ratal, itU) !,..,'.!"
Ni'hanf thi. NiirtliwnH
Old and Nw Jniian, Nu. I '.. ,
Ilnwn Hlala l)nlmllr (lllnitratnl. !M "
I'ort Townwml lmpr.iri.mi.iiU (, J7H)
HntMritirity uf NortliwMlirn Kaima,
!!' V.,,w 5.'"' OialWhiijr (UlilKlraml, I7ll
TliaNmrTiia IliHIta ( ).;.,... "
To thi. Hnmmil at Miinnl lUinu-r ,, . , ,
Victoria Tlwatra and Nw Oriard lliilal (llliulratml, Hit).,.,
.. aim
.. !!:
.. KM
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.. Till
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The Wkht Siioue ha Uo largo and profusely illus
tratod editions in preparation, which will I hi issued in
iluo season. Ono (tho first) treat of tho Canadian
Pacific Railway and tlm oountrv through which it onuses.
The other is devoted to the city of Portland, and will bo
most cluborato and complete. Those editions are being
prepared at great expoiiHO, and thousands of extra copies
will be circulated throughout the Uuited States, Caniula
and Europe.
Until recently it wan impossible for Portland lumlier
to find a market east of the Cascades, much to the hard
ship of our sawmill men and of purchasers of liimln'r in
that region. It seemed absurd that Michigan luinhor
should be shipod to Houthorn Idaho when this great
timl)or country waa within audi catty reach, yet the freight
tariff cloned that market to our manufacturer. Recently
the mill men, after much lulxir, convinced tho U. II & N.
and connecting oompauie that mutual interest required
the owning of this field to Portland, and Hocured a re.
duction of about two-third on the old prohibitory rate.
Orders began at once to pour iu from point km far et
aa Butte, and our mills are eierimicing a gratifying
revival of business.
Volume IL of the California portion of IJancroft's
serins of Pacific Coast histories has been received. Mr.
Bancroft's great historical undertaking, which at first
seemed almoat impossible of accomplishment, lias now so
far progressed as to rendnr its completion certain. Kaeh
volume as it has boen issued from the press has added to
the historian's reputation. That these volumes will for
ever remain standard authority on the subjects of which
they treat, and that the author will occupy a first rank
among the historical writers of the world, cannot Is
doubted. Tho production of auoh an elaborate serifs is
a rare example of what great literary ability can aeoom.
plish when seconded in its efforts by ample means. The
work should lie in every library of the United States.
Tiik seventh annual exhibition of the Portland Me
uhanica' Fair will begin October 8 and oontinuo to the
21th. Strenuous efforts are being made to surpass iu
exhibits and general and special features the display of
any previous year. This fair deserves the supNirt of
our pitixoiis, who should make every effort to render it
attractive and instructive. It is one of the means by
which our struggling industries are encouraged through
the interest excited ill their hclmlf among the thousands
who attend the exhibition. Manufacturers throughout
the State and the Northwest generally will find it to their
interest to make a display of their wares and methisk
This fair attracts thousand from surrounding towns and
cities, leside being thronged with our own people, and
this year tho nttendanco promises to Imj very large, not
withstanding tho dullness of trade.
Tiik "missionary car" has started out iimui its fall
campaign for the conversion of unWIicvcrs in the pre.
eminence of Oregon as a field for immigration. The car
is filled with jtscinien of our product of every kind,
and under tho management of Mr. li W. Allen will visit
various jxiints in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and iieighlxiring
Stntw. Tho car will finally reach New Orleans, where
lU contents, together with other articles, will Ixi put on
exhibition in the Oregon Department of the North, Con.
tral and South American Knmition, which opens No.
vemlxrl and close April 1. Management of this ear
could not lie placed in better hands, nor could Oregon
find a more valuable representative at New Orleans than
Mr. Allen, lly his energy and shrewdness he gained
more favorable notice from visitors and the press for the
Oregon exhibit last winter than any other State received
and this, too, in spite of the fact that our display waa at
first conspicuously small and ridiculously insufficient,
and of the further fact that for long time he was mi
sapplied with suitable printed matter except the copies
of Tiik Wkst Smoiir donated by the publisher-and un
upNrtcd by a State appropriation, which latter, when it
was finally made, was gobbled up by ornamental "coin
missi oners. The ability of Mr. Allen wa so fully recog.
nimsl by the managers and associate commissioner from
other Stab that ujsiii reorganization ho was chosen
StMNiud Vice-President, lneinlnT of the Itoanlof Manage,
nient and Coiiimisioiier from Oregon. In hi hand
were placed f2,(MMI, the Minoutit aporopriated for each
State, and even if he receive no other financial aid he
will see that Oregon Is worthily repnwetitetL
TrirHR I lunch complaint voiced by the pre of