THE WEST SHORE. Tacoma, W. T. August, 1883. Portland, Or. ESTABLISHED 1875. VOL. xr. HO. a. THE WEST SHORE, An UtatraM Journal of Oram! Information, drvofed h) Int aVmtoBnmi nf lh Qnat H'hi. PablUhod Mmultaaoouly froal Taooma, W. T, aad Pertlaad, Or. SubrivUoa prioa, par annum $1 01 To foraua ouunlriai, Inclwliof pnataaa I It HiniiU oopiai HubMnptioa out M lurwardad by naltUrad Uttor or portal iiW at our rUk. Puauaaatera aad Nm Aaanta will raoMta ulMonpliow al toon rata. L. SAMUEL, Publisher. PORTLAND, 122 front St. 908-910 Paoiflo At., TAOOMA. TABLE Or C0NTMNT8. Pam A Bnnkra Continent oa tot Paoiflo CnronoloaT o( Kvaota til Kuril Dun oa Paat Bound ll lUlitonal W! Ur Blunr and HU V Our BritUh Ntiahbom. It Brianoa Aiiplinl u Airioaltar , V Tasinia Oil Company t Tli Camp of Hutu (llluMiaUd, ai l MM, M) naatara aontana. Ulysses Simpson Grant, GENERAL OF THE ARMY -AND- TWICE PRESIDENT of tht UNITED STATES. Born at Point Pleasant, Ohio, A PHIL SI, 1K& Died at Mount McGregor, N. Y., JULY H, IN. In Lift t Nation'! Praiarvar, In Otath t National Inharitinc. ORATfrriNO u it ii to know that The Weht Siiori has the good will of the press of the Northwest in gen eral, and pleasant as it is to aee flattering notions of oar publication in their columns, we most decline to hold ourselves in any way responsible for any statements they may see fit to make about us and our future movements. Whenever The Weht Shore deoides to do anything of Interest to its patrons or the public, due announcement will be made in its own columns, and until this has been done all may rest assured that no important changes of any kind will be made. This, of course, does not apply to that steady improvement in all the departments of the magazine which is being made from month to mouth, and which requires no announcement but its own presence. Within the next sixty days the great Canadian Pacific Railway will be completed, and another iron band will link the Atlantic to the Pacific. In several reports it will have a greater effect upon the conditions of trade and travel than any f iU predecessors exoept the orig. inal transcontinental line. Probably not until the 1st of January will it be in complete operation for freight and passenger traffic. The scenery along the route is grand, and the reaooroea of the country through which it puses are varied and valuable, and to the general public little known. It will be the pleasant duty of The Weht Shore, with both pen and brush, to make the public bettor no. quaintcd with them, and for this purpose our artiata and correspondents are now at work along the lino. There is a lesson for Portland to be gleaned from a study of the illustrations and descriptions of Butte glvou in this issue. Of all the cities of the West, Dutte has been the least aufferor from " hard times," and the reason is a simple one. . Her population contains a large pro portion of wage earners, all of them having steady em ployment, earning good wages, and receiving their pay regularly. Such a city keeps hard timea at a distance. It is in our power to place ouraolvea, to a degree at least, in the same situation, and one of the means of acooiu. plishing such a result is the establishment of the reduc tion works so of ton spokon of. We ueod, as a city, more people living by their own lalxir, and fewer aubsUting on the labor of others. Frequently we hear of the discovery of mica tlojxwits in quautity, aoonmpaiiled by the assertion that they con tain enough to supply the world; but as time passes it transpires that the deposits are not commercially valu able, chiofly because sheets of sufficient sine cannot be split from thorn. Deposits of this character are quite numerous on the Coast, also gypsum, which is frequently mistaken for mica. There are, however, several valuable deposits which are being worked One of these is in Idaho, not far from Lewiaton, and another in the vicinity of Spokane Falls. A fine quality of mica is being ml nod in British Columbia, 4.T0 miles northeast of Victoria, by F. A. Foster. This splits into large and beautiful trans parent sheets. This mineral ia improperly called isin glass, and with many of Its nses the general publio is familiar. Uarveht is now progressing under the most favorable conditions everywhere, and reports of a magnifloent crop are coming in from all directions. Estimates of the total yield of Oregon and Washington vary w duly, ranging from 15,000,000 to 80,000,000 bushels, owing to the diffi culty of determining the total acreage or the pro1able average yield Even at the lowest estimate, with a fair price, such as may be reasonably looked for before the 1st of January, we may auticlMite far letter times finan cially before many months. Orave doubts are expressed of the ability of the O. It. A N. Co. to handle Uie wheat crop of the interior, especially in the Snake Hirer region, and the extension of the Pslouae branch to Moscow, and the Riparia branch into the Pataha country, Is urged as at least a partial removal of the difficulty. Work on the Moscow extension ia now in progress, but the other project remains in abeyance. The whole Inland Empire