The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1885, Image 1

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Tacoma, W. T.
July, 1888.
Portland, Or.
VOL. XI. NO. 7.
An llluttnttrtt Journal of dtnrrnl Infnrmnllm, damn-it to tkt dmlnpmrnt of
(A UlMl tl'Ml.
Puhllahcd Nlmullanaaiialy from Tamima, W, T and I'nrtland, Or,
AtthaoripUon print, par annum III
To liiniicn oountriaa, inoludina; poataira y V,
Hinitla oupina ai
Huhaoription oan ba forwarded by mrialarnl lallar or poaUl onlnr al our rtak.
FoaUnaaUra and Nwa AwiU will raoain aubaoripliona al abut a ratio.
L,. SAMUEL. Publihor.
PORTLAND, 122 Front St. 908-010 Paoifio At., TA00MA,
A Mratariona Dwalltnf.
Chronology of Kvwnta
rntnul I 'ara, Montana (llluatratnl, 111)
, Ml
Kirin of Hlaata In Minaa..
Klamath Kirar (UluatratMl. IWI) A
Lumbarina; on Pom Sound It
Nota of tha Norlliwiiat tu
Halam, Oraaon Ulltutratad. IWI mn
rllioahona Kalla (lllualratixl, illl-'ill) )
nualliimohaan ltler, II. 11. (llliiatratMl. Ill) , til
1 lia lalanda of Pumrf Hnunil lilliuLrald. ttlh . .tan
Tha llancli Laniln of Montana tM
Tba lliwaiana at lloilaa and Kurt Koaa v tu
Valla! of tba Launhiiia Walara. Utah lillualralwl ami imi
W hit Sulphur Sprimja, Montana (illiwlrauJ, til tai la
Once Virginia City was the one great miuing city of
the United States. The honor was for a time usurped
by Leadville, but now beyond question the mantle lias
fullon upon Butte City, Montana. In that city more men
are employed, more money is paid (or wages, more capi
tal is invested in mills and reduction works actually in
use, and the bullion output is greater than in any other
mining camp in the world. The next numbor of The
West Siioiik will be devoted to illustrations of this busy
city and its industries, including views of the mines, re
duction works, machinory in operation, otc, etc. Acoom
panying these will be given descriptions of the processes
employed in mining and reducing ores. Taken as a
whole, it will be the most interesting number issued
since the magazine was founded.
From Alaska to Mexico, and from the Paciflo Ocean
tq beyond the great "Backbone of the Continent," the
"Stony Mountains" of a century ago, we are receiving
ketches of scenery for illustration in 111! West Hhoiif.
Our regular and special artists are out in all directions
along the lines of the Northern Pacific, the 0. 11 k N.
the Short Linn, the Utah & Northern, the Oregon & Cali
fornia and other routes of travel. They are sending us
ketches of valley and mountain, rivers, cataracts, towns,
cities, mines, mills, and cores of secial subjects that
have never before been illustrated. These will apjiear
from mouth to month, accompanied by interesting de.
script ivo articles, inch as will make Till West Kiiohi
for the next twelve mouths a most desirable family vis
itor. It is a gratification to state that in spite of the
prevailing hard times our subscription list iuoreasea
steadily, and we feel that this success la not entirely nn
deserved, since our efforts to lay something new and
pleasing More our readora have not in the least relaxed,
but have been increased to such an extent as to render
the expense of publication much greater than formerly.
.'or this reason we look upon the continuance of old sub-
scrilrors and the addition of so many new ones as au evi
dence of popular appreciation of our sfforU and their
successful results.
Beef shipment in refrigerator oars does not offer
gilded inducements to the small ocrator, according to
the stuUunouts of the Marquis de Mores. Such small
ota as two oar-loads cannot lie made to pay, and the
shipiior must have a cooler in which to store meat until
sold. "Sheep are nearly impossible to refrigerate, do
not give good loading in the oars, and are a drug iu the
Chicago market" He says that the expense incurred iu
handling dressed beef renders it uecessary to handle from
100 to 150 per day in order to make the business profit
able, llis idea is that shippers in Eastern Oregon and
Washington cannot engage in the handling of dressed
beef with profit, but that if from fifteen to thirty thou
sand head oan be shipped to him at Medora during the
months of February, March and April, he oould dress
and ship them from his own establishment. Our ranges
supply better beef at that season of the year than he can
obtain nearer homo, and, from his standpoint at least,
such an arrangement would be a desirable one. Tha loss
in weight and quality of live stock by the long haul from
Yakima or Wallula to Chicago would thus lie avoided,
and this saving might more than compensate for the lower
price nr hundred at Medora.
Commihhionkii SrAitKH, ' iu his anxiety to find under
existing laws some remedy for thf acknowledged fraudu
lent practices by pre-emption claimants, has ordered that
the issue of all patents shall bo luspeuded until each
individual case oan bo Investigated. Ilia object is good
one, but this seems a harsh method of attaining it, as
well aa one of doubtful legality. It is qsestionsble
whether he has the power to withhold pateuta npon the
presentation of proofs required by law, unless npon com
plaint and charges in tha way specified by law. This
indefinite iuseimion of the data for securing oomplute
title seriously interferes with the honest pre-emptor'a
ohanoea of selling his claim should cirouuistanoee render
it necessary to do so, as well as defrauds tha county in
which the laud is situated of the taxes, which oan only be
leviod after patent is issued. The best remedy for pre
emption frauds is the abolishment of the law altogether,
and such modification of tha homestead laws as will run
dor their provisions less burdeusome and applicable to a
greater nuuiW of people. Our public land is going fast,
snd no person should be permitted to acquire more than
100 acres from the Govern meut Even at that rate it
will all ba gone in a few years.