96 THE WEST SHORE. of November until May, during which period the rainfall Id Culuiu auJ regular, iiibuiiiig (niUiu clop uui good pasturage. In the Willamette Valley the annual rainfall U from 40 to 00 inches averaging aliout CO inches the name a at Davenport, Memphis and Philadelphia, while in all other valleys it is sufllciout to prevent any drought The rain comes gently and without atmospheric disturb ance; thundor storms are rare. The fact that the great bulk of the rain fulU during the four months from No vemW to March is what has given Oregon audi a repu tation for rainy weather. The climate of Middle and Eastern Oregon differs in this from that of tho western part of the State, that there id much lex rainfall, liocauso, More crowing tho high summits of the Cascades, the ocean uir curronta have loen mLIkmI of the greatest part of their moisture. Consequently, it is colder in whiter and drior at all seasons. The raiufull, however, throughout the greater part of Eastern Oregon is suflicicnt to insure large and remunerative crojw, whilo in other planes there is an ntnplo supply in running streams for irrigation purposes. The range of the thermometer is rarely alxve the sum mer temjwrature of Western Oregon, sometimes reaching 100 degrees, but only at rare intervals. Ordinarily the thermometer indicates 5K) degrees as about the highest summer temorature, and 10 degroos as the lowest for winter, with occasional lajmes to points below tho zero mark. For sxcial features of tho climate of "The Coast Region" and "Southern Oregon," see pages IOC and 110. If these facte prove anything they prove that the habitable ortions of this whole Northwestern region are singularly adapted, by virtuo of their climates, to com forteble outdoor work at all prominent industries the year round; that with soils of ordinary fertility the vari ons cereals, fruiU and vegetables can le grown over a vast extent of now unoccupied territory; that millions of cattle, horses and sheep can thrive without sholter or prepared food on almost unlimited natural pasturage; and, lest of all, tliat litis is .indisputebly a healtliful and invigorating climate, where epidemics are uuknown and no distinguishing type of disease exists. Hurricanes, floods or otlier storms destructive to life and pttierty are almost unknown in tho history of this region. The growing season along tho coast is accompa nied with bounteous showers, whose absence in the inter tor is not felt Ixwause of the ItcnofWnt distribution of lands and streams suiteblo for irrigation. During har vest time there is rarely any raiufall; in fact, such a catastrophe as loss of emits from drought or flood would be considered phenomenal Tho general Uographieai future, the natural re sources, tho present and possible future industries, the land under cultivation and that still oen for settlement or purchase, tether with a fund of information locally applied, will m found iu the following detailed descrip tion of the State by district and counties, and remark on the condition and poaihilitios of agriculture, fruit growing, stock raising, mining, manufacturing, ednea ttoual facilities, transportation, lines, eta. Willamette Valley. Vncs, nearly half a century ago, the praises of Ore gon were sung along the frontier by trappers, who spoke so glowingly of its great beauty, mild climate and won derful fertility that a few venturesome men crossed the wilderness to reach it, the Willamette Valley alone was referred to; and a few years later, when long trains of creaking, white-topped wagons toiled annually across the plains and mountains, the hundreds of hardy pioneers from the Mississippi Valley were intent only upon reach ing the groat grassy vale through which courses the Willamette. It was then supposed to be the only portion of Oregon suited to agriculture; but though we all now understand how great an error that idea was, time has only served to oonfirra the exalted opinion they then pos sessed of its marvelous fertility and genial climate. The Willamette Valley extends from the Coast Range Mountains on the west to the Casoades on the east, and from the Columbia River on the north to the Calapooia Mountains, which separate it from Southern Oregon on the south. Through it run the Willamette River and its numerous tributaries, such as the Clackamas, Molalla, Santiam, McKenzie's Fork, Long Tom, Mary's, Tualatin, etc. The valley is about 130 miles in length by an aver age width of 100, including the foothills of the Coast Range and Cascades. Lying wholly or partially within it are the counties of Multnomah, Clackamas, Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton, Polk, Yamhill, Washington and Columbia, possessing one-seventh of the area and three fifths of the population and taxable property of the State. The altitude of the valley varies from twenty to four hundred foot Bbove the level of the sea. On tho arrival of the earlier settlers the lands were found to consist of two sorts forest and prairie the latter bare of vegetation other than the rank grasses which thon grew luxuriantly upon every open spot. The prairie extended at intervals on both sides of the river from the vicinity of the Falls of the Willamette south ward to tho Calapooias. Nearly all tho elevations of land separating them were covered with timber and brush. Excepting the marks of tillage on cultivated fields, and the evidences of civilization, the valley remains, as regards ite salient features, about as the first settlers found it There are the broad and fertile prairies separated by ridges aud by streams shaded by strips of woodland, and the heavy forests of timber trees, covering the mountains and hilly slopes as with a garmeut The first acta of the earlier settlers were to select the most available tracts of prairie, while some laid claim to such p aces as in the nature of things would become most valuable. Thus tho lands in the vicinity of boat landings and water powers were soon taken. There was a suf ficiency for alL though the Donation Land Act, passed by Congress for the exclusive benefit of Oregon, gave to each married settler the generous subsidy of 640 acres of land of hi. own selection, and to the single person 820 acres, mat act was a temporary one only. With such induce menu, imm.grante enme i rapidly, and in due process of time the valley Ucame, as to iU prairie, covered by the