n THE WEST -SHORE; 123 tains. It is about twenty-five miles wide, and extend the full length of the county. It supports large forests ot timber, inoluding fir, pine, spruce and tamarack. Along the larger streams are narrow valleys, where the soil is exceedingly fertile, and where wild redtop and several other grasses grow, affording exoollont hay and pasturage for live stock. Many places in the mountains are susceptible of cultivation, yet but fow sottlomohts have been made. In the summer time sheep borders and stockmen resort to this region with their stock, for here they find valuable pasturage for Bheop, horses and cattle, ' East of the Blue Mountains is Graude Iionde Valley, a ciroular grassy plain, thirty miles in diameter. It is one of the most fertile valleys on the Pacific Slope, well watered, and very productive of fruit, grain, vegetables i and hay. Wheat often yields from forty to sixty bushols to the aore, and oats and barley from sixty to eighty. Grande Bonde Eiver flows in from the Blue Mountains and follows an exceedingly crooked channol through the valley. There are many smaller streams running down from the mountains, and along the foothills copious springs break forth, thus affording an abundance of water, whioh converts much of the valley into a natural meadow. Timber is conveniently near in the surround ing mountains. The climate ia subject to greater ex tremes than that of Umatilla County, west of the Blue Mountains, though the winters are not extremoly sovore. Snow seldom lies on the ground more than three weeks, and, as a goneral thing, cattle remain out all winter, only occasionally requiring core or footling at any time. Though there is considerable agriculture, stock raising and dairying are the leading industries. Thousands of cattle, sheep and hogs are raised, the cattle grazing on the fine grass of the rolling hills ami up tho mountain sides, and the sheep in the mountain valleys in summer and the lower valleys in winter. The Eagle Creek Mountains are very rugged, and valuable only for timber and grazing, so far as their sur face is concerned, but they are known to coutain gold, silver and copper quartz ledges, which have yet to be sufficiently developed to ascertain their true value. A section of the county as yet but thinly settled is tho beautiful Wallowa Valley. The valley projmr is some forty miles long and about twenty wide, including the arable foothills. It is occupied chiefly by stockmon, and is for the most part unfenoed, though there are a number of fine farms, gardens and orchards. In gonerul it is a high, rolling country, with a colder climate than any other portion of Union County, excepting, of courso, tho moun tainous regions. It is on excellent stock country, and the inhabitants are largely occupied in stock raising. The hardiest vegetables are grown, and various kinds of grain in most localities mature and rien, but often more or less injured by frosts. Although the country has been settling up very rapidly during the last three years, there is yet room for many thousand immigrants. Another locality is the great Iraimha Canyon. It is best described as a huge crack in the surface of the earth. The bed of the canyon is about 1,500 feet lower than the Wnllowa Valley lUiJ ILo Lulu ItinilB. wliiuil lid mi ttitlinr side of it A clear Btroam of water runs swiftly through it, ami in many places thore are small tracts of very fer tile soil. Tho olimato is semi-tropical, and the cactus grows in abundance. Sevoral families have taken up their homos thore, and have found the soil and climate well adapted to yie culture of grapes, poaches and many oinor varieties of tomlor fruits. 8now seldom falls' in this canyon, and stock fatten upon tho green bunch grass which ouinea and matures More tha snow is fairly off of tho high lands adjacent Tho Imnaha will, in the near luturo, be notod for its delunous fruits and oorlv vomita. bios. To tho east and north of Wallowa Valley lies a bolt ot oiwii, rolling hills similar to the colobratod wheat lands at the wontem base of tho Uluo Mountains. This bolt is forty miles long and alnrnt twelve wide, fully one. ii ii ... - . . tniru Doing good arable land, and nearly all of it Bubjuet to location under the laud laws. ' ' ' There are several small valleys in the county. One of those, Indian Valley, situated north of Grande Rondo Valloy, is quite thickly settled, and is a rich lrrnin urn.' dueing section. Pino Valloy is a very beautiful placo, nosuing nign up in tlio roughest part of tho Eaglo Crook Mountains, vory much isolated, but oontaiuiuir nt iirnwml about one hundred families. Eaglo Valloy and Lower Powder Itivor, in tho southeastern part of tho county, are places occupied by but a few pooplo, who aro engaged in goia mining ami slock raising. Korth Towdor is a new plooe, which promises to Imksoiiio an important railroad depot It is suportod by a large farming community whioh has settled along the valleys of Wolf Creek, North Powder River and Clover Crook. Thore is room In thi vicinity for many families to find iwhmI homos. Tho Biu n 1 . . i . i irooii oouniry, in wniun Is tho little community of James, town, is also a growing one, and offers nood opportunities for settlement Bunch grass ranges border tho valleys on all sidoa, makinff the county one of tho liest stoek ridi lis mi tlm Coast More than one-half of tho farming lauds aro yet open to settlement under the homestead and pre-emption laws. Saw mills to cut tho heavy timlwr of the inoun tains, and grist mills to grind tho wheat of the valleys, already exist The Baker City Branch of tho O. It k N. Co. posses through Grande Iionde Valloy, and stock, grain, butter, choose, etc., can lo shiped to market either east or west Union is the comity seat ami largest town, having a population of H00. It is situated in tho southern end of Grande Rondo Valley, and has good water power. A large flouring mill, furniture factory, wish and door fac tory, tannery, brewery, soda water factory and planing mill constitute iU industries. La Grande, on tlm w side of tha valley, has a population of 000, and contains two saw and planing nulls, soap factory, furniture foe. tory, flouring mill and United States bind Office, and will soon have railroad machine shops. Island City, on the river, has tWO people, a largo flouring mill and a planing mill. Oro Doll, at the entrance to Grande Itondn Canyon, has a flouring mill and pinning mill. Many