THE WEST SHORE. 95 THE STATE OF OREGON. , HALF it century ago the term " Oiegou " whs UHed to designate the whole watorshod of the mighty Col umbia Eiver, including the present political divisions of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and portions of British Columbia and Montana; but it now signifies definitely the State of Oregon, lying betweon the forty-second par allel on the south and the Columbia Eiver and forty-sixth parallol on the north, and extending from the Paoifio Ocean eastward to Snake Eiver and the fortiotli Washing ton meridian. On the north lies Washington Territory, on the east is Idaho, south are Nevada and California, while its western shore is swept by the waters of the vast Paoifio. With a longth from east to west of 350 miles, and a transverse width of 280 miles, the State embraces nn area of 95,274 square milos, or 61,000,000 acres, of extremoly diversified mountain, valloy, hill and plateau lamia. The proportion of arable land is indefinite, be cause much which is now classod simply as timber laud will in future yeare be rendored fit for agriculturo, while many square miles formerly deemed suitable for pastoral uses only have recontly boon decidod fit subjects for the plow. Three ranges of mountains traverse the State from ' north to south, between which lie great valleys, or expan sive plateaus, giving a diversity of soil, climato and re sources ranging over a wide scale. From Southern Cali fornia to Alaska the Coast Range runs parallel to the ocean shore, its low summit ridge seldom (in Oregon) . exceeding a score of milos from the water lino, to which it gently slopes in some places, and in others projects into the wator in bluffs and rocky hoadlauds, that give the coast a rugged and forbidding aspect to the mariner. Those mountains aro covered with a deuse growth of timber from base to summit on both sides. Parallel to this, about 100 miles furthor east, run tho Cascades, ex. tending from the California line north into British Col umbia. Those, also, are heavily timbered, with tho exception of a series of lofty, snow-capped poaks, though on the eastern slope the timber is not ho dense and does not extend into the lower laud at the base. The Blue Mountains occupy the eastern end of the State, being a comparatively short range, extending from near the southern line to a few miles across the border into Wash ington Territory. A wealth of timber crowns this range also, feeing henvier in the northern portion. The lower levels of that portion east of tho Cascades, fully two thirds of tho Stato, are generally devoid of timlor, except along tho watercourses, while west of those mountains, save numerous open spaces in tho valleys, tho country is i one continuum forest, covering fully five-sixths of it area. The cause of this is clear when the climatic condi tions aro studied. The forottt trees of Oregon embrace many of the most commercially valuable kinds. The beat tnxt aro found at medium elevations, accessible by 'ordinary logging roads. Their value depends largely ujxm accessibility. The tinilx-r is worth from to t-0 per aero, deluding uihiii quantity and quality of trees. Standing timber, or "stuinpago," ranges from 11 to $1.60 per thousand feet, board measure. The priuuipal true found u Uio low lands are fir, pine, codar, yew, ash, oak, maple, balm, or oottonwood, alder and myrtle. On tho higher levels are fir, pino, spruce, oedar, hemlock, larch and madrono. Of the firs and pines there are soveral varieties, but tho most oommon and generally diffused is tho uhivt Ihuyltwsii, or Douglass fir, somotimes called " Oregon pine," which is the main reliance of the lumWinon. This noblo tree grows to the height of !I00 feet, with a perfectly straight trunk, and it lowest limb is frequently 100 feet from tho ground Specimens have been found eight foot in diam eter and over 400 foot higlu Besides being used almost exclusively in the Stato, it is shipiod in great quantities to Sail Franeisoo, South American ports, Sandwich Isl ands, Australia and China. It possesses great toughness and durability, and is esiooially adapted to shipbuilding. Planks and spars of any length up to 100 feet are easily procurable. Tho oommon cedar is also well distributed and out in quantity at tho mills. Tho white cedar, grow, ing in great bodies in tho southern ooast region, is an especially valuable tree, and is out in groat quantity, chiefly for shipmout The olimatio conditions aro varied, giving three, and evon four, distinct climatio areas. Yet all are in their way desirable, and oompare favorably with other regions. It is well known that a wido difference in temperature oxiHtH in oorrosponding latitudes on the Atlantic counts of tho United States and of Europe, and the cause has lieeu well established. Whilo along tho eastern shores of our own country ooursos tho Arctio ocean current, bearing down from the northern sea its icy waters, tho wostern countries of Europo are wanned by the mighty Qulf stream, which boar to their shores the thermal water of the tropical ocean. The Columbia Eiver region is in tho same latitude as sunny France, Switzerland and xrtions of Italy, Spain and Portugal It is subject to ocoauio influence very similar to those of tho countries mentioned, and nwiosaar ily ha a somewhat similar climate. All thi region i near enough to tho Pacific Ocean to lx markedly affected by iU current. By reference to any map whereon the ocean current are shown, it will le een that tho great Japan current (Kuro Siwo) that mighty stream of warm waUr bear directly against the western shore of America. The temperature of the winds blowing ovor it is affected by it heat, and they carry their modifying influence inland many hundred mile. The average spring tenieralure of Western Oregon is 52 degree; summer, 07; autumn, 0.'); winter, 2)1), or 52.75 degree for tho whole year. The thermometer sel dom rise alxivo 'JO degree in tlm Itottiwt day in tlm summer, and rarely fall below 20 degree iu the winter, so that the most active outdxr Inlxir may Ixi performed at all time of tho year and at all hours of tho tlay. .Con sidering the thermometer' limited rango during the four seasons, and the other condition eculiar to the locality, a year would Iw mure prierly divided into two season the wet oud the dry, the former hinting from the middle