108 THE WEST , SHORE. men alone. Thore are between 2,000,000 and S3,000,000 invested in the business, and the value of the season's pack, at the low rate of rr , in f3,2r0,000. It can easily be understood how thriving must be a community supported by such an industry, yet thin is but one of its advantages. Situated aa it is at the mouth of the Colum bia, witli a good lmrlxir and a custom house, it is the nnt ural gateway of Oregon for all ocean commerce; and with a railroad connecting it with the Willamette Valley, a road that has been aurveyeil and may eoon.be con structed, Astoria will become an important shipping point for wheat and other valley product, and will no doubt lxcoiiie tho stopping place of many vessols that now anil pant it docks and go 100 miles inland to receive their cargoes at Portland The facilities for shipbuilding on large scale are very superior, and as a manufiicturing jMiint, eHeciHlly of flour for foreign shipment and lumber for markets at home and abroad, she possesses great ml vantages. Two saw mills are located thera Outside of the city Clatsop County hits an area of 1,401) square miles. The surface of tho country is chiefly mountainous, but many siren inn flow through, along which are areas of flue agricultural land Even back from the streams, almost everywhere, tho soil is oxcellent and well . adapted to cultivation, when the ground has been cleared , of its dense growth of timber. Clatsop Plains, a strip of , laud lying along the sea shore, whiah has been settled for thirty-five years, is the largest Uxly of agricultural hind ill the county. Tho soil is light and sandy, and produces vegetables, grain and small fruits in abundance. Put little wheat is raised, otits and barley being the principal cereals. Hay is the chief crop and dairying the leading feature of the farming buaiuoss. The soil is well adapted to hop oulture, though that industry is not yet carriod on there. The same is generally true of the ranches on the Nehalem, Lewis ami Clarke, Young's and other rivers in the county. On these streams and in the mountains are large areas of vacant land, covered with timber, still oeu to settlement In the vicinity of Saddle Mountain, whore rise the Lewis and Clarke, Nekanikan and North Nehalom, thore is a large tract of desirable land These streams diverge but slightly for a number of miles, and the ridges be tweeu Uietn are easy of ascent. Tho streams are lined with bottom lamls, which near Uieir sources become sev ersl miles in width. In the whole region there are prob ably 600 square miles of exeellout land, the meadows of those streams being the richest jxmaible, and the soils of the intervening shqins equal to any upland It is all timbered For vegetables, hay, dairy products and small truiU there is sure market at high prices. From end to end Uie couuty is covered with a dense growth of mag. nifloeut timber, and hundreds of men make money by logging iuUi the streams from the claims of settlers and selling the logs to mill men at Astoria, Much charcoal and oordwood are also taken from the claims. In the Nehalom Valley, lying partly in Clatsop and partly in Columbia, is the largest body of the most desirable tim ber and Uie greatest extent of valley land Groat induce ments are offered there for Bottlers to locate and enjoy the benefits of the railroad when built through that sec tion of the county. Coul of a superior quality has Wn discovered in the southern portion of the county, and it is probable that whole region is underlaid with seams of that valuable material. Iron ore has been found in sev eral places to the east, and it probably exists in Clatsop as well. TILLAMOOK COUNTY. v One of the most inviting of Oregon counties is Tilla mook, as yet but thinly settled and almost entirely unde veloped It lies for about seventy miles along the coast, reaching inland as far as the summit of the Coast Range Mountains, and having Clatsop adjoining it on the north and Benton on the south. From the mountains a num lor of rivers of considerable size and many smaller streams flow down to the ocean. The Nehalom flows out from Clatsop and enters Nehalom Bay at Jhe county line; the Wilson, Trask and Tillamook flow into Tillamook Bay, and tho Nestucca and Silotz enter the ocean direct further to the south. Along all the streams are many thousand acres of valley and bottom lands, the greater portion of which are as yet unsettled, and in the uplnnds lying along the coast, between the streams, are vast tracts of splendid grazing land, fitted also, for agriculture when cleared, that remain still in their primitive state. The largest ami oldest settled section of agricultural land is Tillamook Valley, surrounded by mountains on the north, east and south, and sheltered from the ocean winds by a range of high hills that rise between it and Tillamook Bay, it possesses the most dolightful climate of the whole ooast of Oregon. Back of the fringe of timber, a mile or two deep around the bay, the valley opens in a fine vari ety of prairie, woodland, knoll Bnd ravine, stretching away for miles, to climb at last the easy and wooded slopes of Uie Coast Ranga Three or four rivers come down from the mountain through narrowing arms of the vidley, gathering the bright, pure waters of hundreds of mountain rivulets and brooks. The best of the valley land (meaning that which is prairie and most easily cleared) is, of course, occupied by settlors already there. But Uiere is room for thousands of homesteads on Gov ernment land which can be put in cultivation at an expense of a few dollars per acre, which, if at first more encumbered and troublesome to subdue than prairies of Lastera Oregon, is, when onoe in cultivation, far more valuabla Twenty miles south of Tillamook Bay is the Nestucca. The river has about ten miles of tidewater, with splendid ill on both sulos of the stream for twenty miles np from ho bay. The bottom land is narrow, not more than Uiree-quarter. of a mile wide on an average, but the foot hills are low, with numerous small streams running down from the mam mountains, on which there is considerable good laud, as good as there is in the State, vacant The country has no m lis. altlmnd, ! i , .... uc quite a uemanu steamer. The bmber is mostly dead from fires, but there