THE WEST SHORE. 107 the ground; but beneath this mass of wood and shrub lies n noil of remnrkitblo fertility. It is often stated that it does not pay to oloar timber land that it costs more than the land is worth. This is an error when Buch land as is spokon of above is meant Suppose, for example, that a settler has located a home stead of 160 acres on that charaoter of land, and begins his work of oloaring in August It is usually possible on a windy day, in the dry time, to got a fire started which will run a good many rods in the green timbnr. This fire will kill and burn up msot of the brush, and consume much of the rotten wood on tho ground It will also kill the green timber. We way supine that the settler makes a preliminary burn on fifty acres. It might take a week to do this. A great many fires would have to be started, foeble ouos encouraged, or the fire checked by counter burning if running in a direction not desired. In some places the brush would be simply burned off at the roots and pot burned up. Any quantity of logs would be left half burned on the ground; but, on the whole, the burn would be ready without more trouble to be seeded. The best time for this is just before the autumn rains in October. Grass seed scattered in the ashes in the fall makes abundant pastuiage for the succeeding year. Our settler thus has pasturage secured for a number of years. He wants to got laud ready for cultivation. ' As soon as the preliminary fire is out he must go to work in tho most eligible spot to gather up the brush and haul up the logs in piles to burn. He can scarcely gut along without a yoke of oxen in this work. The large spruce trees which remain standing he can bore and burn down. He can bore from a dozen to twenty in a day. The hemlocks which remain standing he can easily burn out by piling brush and logs around their roots. The solid timber on the ground must be out open by saws and rolled tngothor to burn. There would still be left roots in the ground, but a large part of thorn, as well as the butts of the trees, would be reduced to ashes. If the settler is clearing on the side of a hill he can roll the lengths of the logs down as he cut them off. An able-bodied man, with a yoke of oxen, can clear almost any acre of laud in a mouth. If he takes advantage of a thin patch in the woods, such as always are to le found, he can clear double that amount I3y spring for in burning logs by piling thorn into a pit or rolling them into a little gully where there is a fire it takes no difference how wet they are he will have from four to ton acres of land cleared, ready for the plow, and forty or fifty acres of grass for pabturo. He will have been able, too, to rive out a few thousand spruoe shakos and make a shanty for himself and family, and to put up a slight sholtor for his oows and oxea Suppose that he has ready only four acres of land for cultivation. One of these acres will raise all the vegeta bles his family needs for a year; two acres ho can sow with carrots, which will make excellent feed for bis stock, and part of which he can sell, if he be near market, at good profit The other acre he can sow to oaU, which be will cut for hay; yet if he has so much pasture and a apply of roots for winter feed he will need little hay. He would in a short time burn up all the brush and rot Uu logs on some acre or two next his oloaring, without bringing down the solid timber, and sow it to wheat This he oould out with a sickle for his ohiokons, Tho second summer he would, perhaps, work some for his noighbors, to get somo ready money. K he camo with money enough to buy oows and hogs, he oould begin at once making butter and fattening hogs. It he wore uot thus prepared ho oould,' undoubtedly, get hold of several calves, and in a few years work into a dairy. Cattle and goats would tramp and eat down any fresh brush that began to grow on his burnt land The dead timber would gradually rot away, and ho oould constantly incroaso his wholly cleared land In teu years ho oould have every acre of his quarter section either wholly cleared or iu productive pasture. He oould have an orchard in bear ing and comfortable buildings. Work can nearly always be had by an industrious man, to aid in tho supKrt of himself and family while clearing his land and scouring title to iiis homestead. If one goes into tho woods in this way and this is no imaginary piuturo, but what has boon dona a few years' lalor will make him a home and productive farm. It is not truo that it oosts (50 an acre to oloar heavily timbered land if one settles on the land and does the work himself; but eveu if it wore true, the land is worth (50 an acre, and will yield an interest of fully 12) per oont ou the investment Any one who has nerve and muscle, indus try and suflloiont steadiness of purpose to work at the same place a doxeu years, has as good a thing as he wants iu tho wood of Western Oregon. CLATSOP COUNTY. This county occupies tho extreme northwest corner of Oregon, its northern lordor being tho water of the mighty Columbia, and its wostern the rolling breaker of the Pacific; east ami south lio Columbia and Tillamook. The oonuty at proseut to far a population and proorty are oonoernod, oonsista chiefly of tho city of Astoria, thriving business place of 8,000 people, lying on the south bank of the Columbia, about ten mile above the bar at the rim's mouth Here was made the first settle, ment in the whole region tributary to the Columbia Uiver. In 1811 the Pacific Fur Company established a trading post and general headquarter for the immense business they expected to transact on tho Pacific Coast, and the place was named Astoria in honor of John Jacob Astor, the founder and financial backer of the enterprise. A few year later it became the property of the Hudson' Day Company. In 18-18 a town began to spring up and a custom house was established In 1810 the canning of salmon began on the river, and from that time Astoria grow rapidly. Twenty-four of the thirty-eight caunerie now on tho river are located there, and tho other are tributary to that city. There were packed during the season of 1884 650,000 cases, or about 1,800,000 fish, of an average weight of twenty pounds eaclu In catching the salmon some 1,700 boat were employed, with two men In each, and more than (1,600,000 were paid out to fhther-