The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1885, Image 1

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Vol. XI. Portland, Oregon, April, 1888. No. 4.
mm to hulil off and not hitiu active operations till later In the erason, wlion
salmon win be taken In greater numliere, will knap moat of tlioin oul of the
water for several wwke yet, Tim solid atone and Iron bridge spanning Snake
Hirer near Huntington, on Ilia Oregon Short Una, la the in connecting link
between Oregon and Idaho. The beautiful and peculiar Kails of Ilia Hanllam an
hown to (tHNl advantage. TheHnutiuiu la a tributary of I lie Willamette, flowing
down fnira the 1'aMmhia, and la lull una of nunuinma walar power it mama In the
Statu. On tlia same page ar several mnna along Crooked HI Tor, a tributary of
tlia Una Chutes, including the great landmark, "Stein's Hilar." A glimpse la
alio (inn of a amall portion of IUhcim Hlver Valley, tha " Italy 0 Oregon,"
m m
Whin that dmwainna which prosagca death la upon ua, tha hand that aliakaa
ua tlia moat roughly and heats ua tlia moat severely. In tha affort to reetora ani
mation to our benumbed bodies, la tlia hand of li'tr baat friend and though ha
eiclte our pugnacity and arouaa ua even tu tha point of abuse, wa sooner or latar
learn tint such waa tha aula uhjsot of hla rough k-eatmetit, and tlw very Ira and
hot blood engendered by hla ninduut wan tha maana of caving ua from threat
ened death. Than, perhaps, wa maka a tanly acknowledgment of our (ratltuda.
Buch were, and are, tha motives of Till Want Hhiiri In endeavoring to arouaa
tha marotianta and mpitaliaU of Portland from alothfulnaaa and lethargy, and
send tha warm blood of haalthful enterprise oouralni through lhair vein, Tlia
(inly method of Inducing a aulflalant degree uf animation waa to Brat nolle
their pugnacity, and thia Tui Waar Hunan undertook to do, and apparently mo.
oeaded, trailing Ultima and tlia own better aenaa of tha paopla themselves to
ham ita aotion regarded In tha proper light and dua acknowledgment mad
of it frlandly offloee, Kren In tha heat of angar they mut admit that auoh a
onuraa la far preferable, a id productive of Immawarably mora good, than tlw
sickly fawning of oartatn weakly, which, for tha aaka of a faw advertising
orumbe tliat may be oaal It, fall" down In tha dual and worships tha donor, tf
auoh vnpliledorallen la pleasant lo our bualnwa men tliey ara weloome to It, but
they oan ba aaeumd that It will nsvsr apur Uwin on to grant Mhlevernenta, or
rouea tliam to tha naoaeaily for aarneat and Intelligent notion to maka Portland
the oily uf tludr hoiae. Tliat auoh a Journal, whoaa weakly laauanue la n metlse
of uncertainty, end whoaa pruprlaUira ara never free from anilely foe their
dally bread, ehmild infer to tlia Oreoonlun, rltfnii, HlunoVird, rVeicoeie, AVer
JVorlamst ami Till Wmrt Swing aa " irraepouailde," U supremely ridiculous.
Bat enough on thia branoh of tha suhjeot, ainoa II la probable that tha business
men, for whoaa benent tliat Journal ia aoppoaed to be taauad, are prolmbly un.
aware that they b ve found In it n doughty thainplon and n awaai comforter,
which eeaka to gently etruka Uialr baoke until tin drowsiness from which they
Intra been aruueed aluill poeeaaa tkem again.
An Illustrated Journal of General Informtition, devoted fo the deivlopmrnl of
Ike Qreut Weit.
Subscription price, par annum fan
To foreign oountries, iuoludtng postage , 2A
' Single oopioa all
Hubaoription oan bo forwarded by registered letter or iioatal order at our rink.
Postmasters and Newa Agenta will reoeive aubeoriptiona at above ratea.
L. SAMUEL, Publisher, IX Front St., oor. Washington, I'ortlaiiil, Or.
A blue X on thia paragraph Indicates that your aiibeorlptlon ei
plrea with thle number. 1' lease renew at ouee.
Wobo oomea from Philadelphia that the Northern Pacitio haa authorised tho
letting of n oontraot tor the Caaoadea Tunnel, This ia oheering newa to the
oitiea on Pugot Hound, whioh oan now look forward with oortainty to epoedily
possessing the railroad faoilitiea required for their future growth.
It la naturally gratifying to learn from the stream of Immigrants now pour
ing into Southern Oregon that the great majority of them, who seem to be so
well posted upon the place, of their destination and pleaaed with the proepeot
before them, gained their Information from a number of Tni Wbht Buorr
Issued some time ago, gWing a complete description of that region. It is alao
highly pleaaing to reoeive assurances from tlia leading oitisens there of their
knowledge and appreciation of tint fact.
GonBKOK Moodi haa appointed to the Board of Immigration men whim
character and ability give us the greatest oontidunoe in tha auooeaa tliat will
attend their efforts. Eaoh section of the State ia represented by one of Its fore
most and most enterprising oitisens, while Portland contributes two of her most
energetic and publio-apirited businoee men, who hare been identiltnd with the
movement from the beginning. The Board ia composed of the Hon. II, W.
(Arbeit and Charlea II. Dodd, of Portland W.N. Ladue, of Halem I the Hon. II.
B. Miller, of Josephine County 1 the Hon. L. B. Cox, of Pendleton.
OUR friends at Oregon City hare atraok upon n happy Idea that not alone the
power, but the beauty of the falls aa well, should be utilised. On the west aide
lies a grand plateau, which baa been subdivided for residence property, each
block oer ooking the river and falls, and affording a aplendid point from
which to view those snow-crowned monarolia of the Caacadea-Hood, Ailams
and SU Helena. A substantial and ornamental wire suspension bridge will be
thrown acmes the rirer Immediately below the falls, commanding a line rlew of
them, aa well aa the locks and the river both shore and below. Tills gives aooess
to the town proper a well aa to the railroad depot. In connection with thia la
a project to build a fast steamer, which will make two round tripe daily between
Oregon City and Portland, alternating with the care, and thus offering an oppor
tunity for travelers to go In either direction four times a day-twice by rail and
twice on the river. The cititeos and business men of Portland will thus be
offered an easily accessible aubnrban raaldenoe plaoe, poaeeseing haalthfulnraa
of olimaU, beauty of location, and lying within eight and sound of the beautiful
Willamette Falls. The gentlemen who have thia enterprise in charge are Messrs.
Charm an, Hardi f , Walden, Pillsbury, Kasthem, Logue, Htratton, Williams and
othera well known to the oitisena of Portland. The subdivided tract contains
KB acres. Other projects an on foot looking to the greater utilisation of the
Immense power of the falls, and everything indicates tliat Oregon City ia elxral
to enter tliat career of proaperity whioh haa been universally believed to be only
a question of time. A splendid view of the falla is given in the present number.
Tni West Huong lllnatrationa for April oonelst of a varied assortment of
Oregon views, snob aa fittingly aooompany the eiliauetlre description of the
Hut whioh the number contains. Several of our prominent public building,
and institutions of learning ara presented for the Inspection of strangers and
our own eitliena aa well, who feel a natural pride In contemplating these evU
denoes of prosperity and cultivation. At Halem ara tho large Insane Asylum
(recently completed), the Penitentiary. Mariuo County Court House and the
State Capitol, the last being all complete bat the dome, work a poo which I now
in progress. The MoMinnvllle College ebowe for itself. It Is a well-eetabllebed
Institution. The State University at Kugene City baa received an appropriation
of ISUM). and plana are now being prepared for the erection of another large
otruoture in the violnity of the one ehown in the engraving. The Court Houee
el Oregon City waa recently completed. It eontaine immense Iron vaultefor
the protection of reeorda and papers of every kind, which were put lu by W. II.
VYllahlra Co.. of this ity. The view given of a ship yard at Cooe Bay aimply
shows a some that may be wllnssssd then at any esason of the year. Theaeene
on the Nehaieta ia one which might be repeated on nearly every stream ia the
State. The mountains are fall of game and the streams abound la rornelone
andgamey trtmt. The salmon eeaaun of the Colombia began un the let of April.
There ara too fifteen hundred boats at Astoria I but the tendency of oanMry-
IT must he distinctly and primarily amler-lo at tliat no " attack " haa been
made upon the business men of I'ortisnd. The press has aimply nwle plain
etatameut of facts, the thoughtful consideration of which will redound to Ihe
Interest of all concerned. Instead of being abated. It ehoukl he eoromemUd fur
Ita candor, ami even If lie edvloe he more wholeaome than palatable, It slum Id
none lint lees be taken. Much lees haa an effort been mails to Inlura Porllaul.
On Hi contrary. It la solely for the good of the city, and the surrounding aoun
try aa well, the press takes tlw stand It ihae, einoe In their prosperity the preaa
nnda lis own. That thia should not seem patent to all, or tliat It should ba
neoawry to call attention to It at all, lea matter of surprise and yet the con
trary haa been asserted by many, not the least of whom la a anilleasaa whose
position as the head of a large wholesale hones would seem to eaetnpt him front
even the sunpioiiin of having ao little good eaneo and hulgmanl. Portland owes
more to the press than she will ever be alii to pay-aertainly vastly more than
she has svsr attempted to pay In Ihe pact and III del it will baoom greater as
the years roll on. The pram will not relai Ita effort In build np the elty. but it
le a pity oar baelneee men do not keep II in better eunditb for the task.
A onartl trailer In leather, who glvea employment lu one awa, aellng In the
triple capacity of bookkeeper, salesman and porter, end whose name le never i
heard of in oonneotioa with any public enterprise, ami la never eesa on any salt.
eriptiim list for Ihe pablle welters, bee asserted rather blatantly I hat be will
work up a llet among hla frienibteiriyeiittlho(Awaeilmanl Tna Wanr Saving.
Ho far as the taller a concerned, he has boyrartled It always, and aa hla card dose
not appear In Ihe former, II la pMiable tliat hla patronage of thai paper alao le
oonnned to borrowing oeoaaiueal copies of reading it la places of public resort.
The threat is unworthy serious eunehbrallon, for If the genllemaa should at-
tempi lo execute U, be will qulrhly discover hie painful lack of esoes and now
absurd and hmeeorae ia the position be haa taken. Nevertheless, II affords a
proper opportunity lo call allenlh to a few facte which, perhaps, the public
iloae not fully appreetal. lu the nnvmtnm Uw people of thle oily possess a paper
superior la every eenee lo that publlehsd ia any city of Ita etas ia the world, la
enterprise and editorial ability H le Ihe peer of any of Ihe greet awtrosolltaa)
hiamals. and nothing but the lack of disiirmt Inaaelal support prevent H
from being their equal la every respect. Take the Omrmlm from Portland
and a void wooid be lift which would rsraala long nanlled, sad a blow would be