THE WEST SHORE. Vol. XI. Portland, Oregon, Mprch, 1893. No, 8. ESTABLISHED 1876. THE WEST SHORE. An Illustrated Journal 0 General Information, devoted to In dtvtlopmnl 0 tht Qnal Wut. Rubeoription price, per annum , $3 On To foreign oouutrie, including postage r, IV Single oopiai w Subscription oan be forwarded by registered letter or postal order at oar rlek. Poetmiwtare end Newi Agent will receive subscription t above re tee. L. 8A1HUKL, Publisher, lit Front St., cor. Washington, Portland, Or. onljr few day en that delegation from tht Interior (ought the eld of oar Board of Trade In tit oonitruotlon of a road to the Caur d'Alene mines, a project which would be the meant of bringing many theueandt of dollar of trade to thU oil annually. In addition to the oiual doe of reonlulloue, the Board aotually conferred upon theee gentlemen a perm (I to toliolt contribution, and are too obtuet to nnderetand their disgust thereat. When thee men are naked to oontrlbute toward project that will be of freat benefit to the city, Bute and thcmeelvca individually, it U refreshing to witness the elaorlty with which they thrnat tliir hand deep Into Utelr pocket and-keep them there to hold their puree from (lipping out. TA8LS Or CONTENTS. Pir Alfalfa W Blackfoot Beoervatlen. M lllack Walnut Culture .?. 67 Chronology of Events tt Editorial ol Land of Uoeee 70 Lewi County, W. T TO Mullen' Bridge! A Story M New Method of Preaerring Hope TO Not of the Northweet (I PUater Decoration. 82 Pioroe County, W.T II BUiptoe and Wright' Campaign. 01 Thuraton County, W.T M A blue X on tht paragraph Indicate that your aubeerlptloo plree with tlile nutnosr. Pleaes renew at once. Wu the Northern PaoiHe wae flnt completed and the vlllard boom wa it it height, it suited the railroad management to represent Portland a the great present and future oity of the Northweet. Journal!! war brought bare in palao oar and royally entertained. The bwinea men were metaphorically petted on the back, and aamrad that they were marvel of aageelty and enter prise, and that Portland wa the "future great." The bubble bunt, but our wia men do not eem to reelite that till beautiful picture of future greatneee waa only painting on It flimsy eurfaoa. They elt Idly In their office aa though thi wonderful future were already attained, initead of being Mmething that mut be worked for, and worked for bard, too. Bom of them actually believe they really are enterprieing and far-elghted. They hare been told ao, and cannot undentand why any one ebould nndertak to deoelrt themi la fact, they do nut admit the poibll!ty of being deoelved. Thy think, too, that II I public spirited, and an eridenoe of their deelre to do'thoir atmoet to promote the in tenet of the city, when they belong to a Board of Trail and aeelet in pawing neolution and listening to n porta, whu, In fast, they are making them wire the laughing etnok of the nation. What a brilliant exploit It wae to get together and aagely memorial! Cong rWon the eubjeot of the Nloaraguan Treaty, long after that body had knocked it on the head I In three or four.weeka It will be Urn for them to pea neolution oa laet month' dynam It outrage la London. j IT nee only taken two mouth tor our commercial Boloo to aheorb the Idea which svsry newspaper la the BteU hae been thrusting at them tine lb New Orleana El position oponed-that oar display i disgracefully Insignificant, and the great Bute of Oregoa hae seal a very email boy to mill. Baring Anally taken Intellectual eognlauo of thi anpleaeant faot, the held a meetlttg the other night to ooueider the eltoalloa. After much frtotioa of lueee, Uiey de cided that the time was too abort for which they alone are to blame to make a ooUeotloa of manu lectured article, the on thing especially needed, and that their euperebundant energy-not oaeh-ebould be ei pew led la ending a little more of Just what i then already. Ilarlng done thie tlwy passed a resolution and appointed a aommittee to pa tlte hL Tor genuine enterprise and liberal ity three men an without a peer. They stand ready, and area aailoua, to pea resolution in faror of any and every merltorion project, and oa epeeial o alone will oontrlbate a committee to euliclt oafaocriptiuna, which aommittee, from long eauerieaee, hae learned to eonfiae It labor to the rsodltloa of a report of It lark of ucoac. or to a request for aa eiteoelo of time, with the hop that the whole matter will be f orgutiaa before toother arrtlng. It waa It hat been truthfully aaid that If it wen not for the fool In thi world w would have no wia men, ino wisdom I only known by It contrast with fully. That I th only consoling thought when reflecting on the enures pursued by the men who control the business affair and hold th pun strings In thi comma, nlty. With an opportunity to lay th foundation and build the euseralraotunof great continental and manufacturing city, such aa no other In the Northweet meee, our but! net men lt down supinely and do nothing, kiting th gulden opportunity pas unrecognised and nnimprovtd. The time ia fast com. ing when Die trade of thi city will seek other channeUi when men with enter prise and publte aplrit will draw la other commercial centre th business now thrown Into the hand of our moeeheok trailer, A correspondent of the Toped Commmwtallk deeoribed the eltuatlon eiactly when he eald of tlile cltyi " With, out enterprise to develop her resources, or aagaclly to dleoern Ui enure of event, aha ia altting In th who of her hope, whil Tecum and Btatlle an planning for her futnn humiliation," Nothing but phenomenal blindness pre. venla a recognition of th plotun he drew, and tuloidal alupidlty alon can account for then being a subject fur such I sketch winterer. It I pleasant lo poee for Ui artlet'e pencil, but not when h I Meklng a model for dry rot and decay. From the same source we learn that Portland I th " rloheet, latlest and dirtiest city of It sit In th United Bute.," a statement not wholly within th bounds of truth. That it la lit richest ia notion which may, perhaps, pleas th fancy of our millionaires and aus them lo dnw their puree string (till tighter, with th determination that ah ahall continue to be the richest by not giving away a cent, but serves chiefly to tickle the conceit of a lot of impoeant- ou men, who delight to b spoken of aa rich, even If It la only "on tit average." That eh I th laileet no on will undertake to dispute! bat ft for being the dirtiest, we dissent, In th Alleghonlee I city admitted to be dirtier, dly covered with the eoot and grim of Induct ry and great manufacturing antes. . prises, wltlls Portland' I Juet simple, plain, every day dirt-dirt whlob repre. ante nothing done and give bo prom Is of anything to b dim la th future, Pt)TUD la the largest and richest ally lo Ui Northwest simply because bar location and the past condition of trade her made her eo, and not by virtue of the enterprise, liberality or eagacity of bar gesnhante, aa represented by their eoramerelel organ Ualloe. Bit bee eel by the gal and fathered toll from all who peeeedlnorout, and ha returned ant sent, Her wealth represent bugs tag levied apoa the Industries of th country, to foeter which ah makae as effort. When an her great manufacturing enterprise to prove that eh see created eomeof thi wealth herself? Their Invisibility la prominent, Pasteoa, ditlon of trails enabled her to ell quietly down and command the bueinsee of thi regina, but those condition are npldly hanging, and lie time will qaickly soma when ehs eaa ao longer command, bat mast compete with yimnger, man vtgnrnaaand mat eatsrprielng Itlaa, with th odd of pnjsille and Irene, portelloa facllltiee against her la many places. If ah only exhibited disport, tlonko do eomethlng then might be come hop fur her la lb futon, bat her raonoyed msa seem to be a nab Is to grasp th eltoalloa. It reulrse ao prophet' vleten, ao power lo pierce III veil of futurityi all that la a ary I th good, practical soremna asnee lo pereeivs the drift of saoee alnewly plainly at work, and a knowledge every Intelligent maa el mold have wf lit progress of other pieces end the elgnihoense uf earrent evsule. If they pissesesid thees they would know that ao great eily wa ever belli apoa movtaetsse, sv by simply bsing lessk apo lb body of the sammndiag eoanlry, Rome beeam greet by th epuileof aatloo eoeyleered la battlei bat I has "goad old times" bar long