The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, October 01, 1884, Image 1

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    the West shore.
Vol. 10.
Portland, Oregon, October, 1884.
No. 10.
An Hluttrated Journal nf Urntrnl Information, devnfrrf to the oVtWofiitirnf o
Me Omit Ifeif.
Subscription prion, per annum m
To foreign countries, including pontage ".!!"! 3 H,
Hinnle copies !....""."!!!!!
Subscription can be forwarded h registered loiter or postal order at our rink.
rutmattin and News Agent will reouire auusoriptioiia at aboo rates.
(leneral Traveling Agent Craigie Sharp, Jr.
I.. SAMUEL, l'ubllsher, 1411 Front HU, cor. Washington, Portland, Or.
An Unmixed Evil 3n7
Ben Wright Miuteuore 814
Hniiiliiin Diumond Minoa KI2
Chronology of Event KIN
F.leetricity Ubiquitous KSH
FiroplnoeOrnnmeiita.,'. r. Ill
Flint bnw Milla HIV
Found in a Wagon Hoi .T
(tcxwe AreFrotitnble 831
I loose Lake Valley. Oregon KIJ
Marvelous (intranla KM
Miaaouia Gold Minea 8U5
NewKiiaiwr Hyperliole HI!
Notn of the Northwest KM
Oregon Dairy Product Kilt
Our lllualrutioita (Descriptive of
the nutneroua Kiigravinga) Km
Secret of Strange Noiaee tl'JT
Nomething About Canals ill
Stolen Public lmta. KM
Tame Hnukea: A True Htory Kll
The I'otst ,
Too Much Finggerntion tM
What Damp Feet Mean 8
Tlie lilitho in Glacier Bay Ill
llritiah Columbia
Along the Fraeer 824
Across the Ukuuy U
McLeod River Fnlla Ill
Columbia Hirer
IronTranafor Boat Taeoma RSl
Crossing of Eugle Creek Hi)
Hook Bluff JV
l)ul Lands, Mauraiaea Terree.... 880
Fort Cur d'Alene lit
Linkvill Kl
Link Kiver Kit
Mount Hood la
ltorky Cnnyon, near Boieman . . . , KXi
Fori Ciinliv lift
Mount Adams IT.'.'
Mount Ht, Helena tit
Indian Knoninptnont t
A blue X on this paragraph Indicates that your anlrrlitliin e
plres with tills numlxtr. I'leasa renew at once.
The Oregon State Fair was a disastrous failure, owing
partially to a waning interest in these anuual exhibitions.
The people were far more interested in saving the large
portion of their crops from threatened destruction than
they were in exhibiting the small portion already liar
vested Besides this, the directors seemed to lalmr under
the impression that it was their duty to keep the fact
that a fair was to be held a profound secret, and no one
can accuse them of being unfaithful to their convictions.
We need and can support a good State Fair, and Sulera is
the only proper place to hold it, but the directors muHt
manage it in a more thorough and business-like manner
to make it a success.
Theke have been rich discoveries of placer diggings
in the Little Rockies, a range of mountains in Choteau
County, Montana, and there Boems to be a disposition
disployed by certain newspapers of the Territory to work
up a boom similar to the Ceur d'Alene stampede which
cursed this country but a few months ago. We adviso
them to go very slow in this matter, even if absolutely
certain as they by no means are of the value and
extent of the now diggings. Otherwise they 'may have
the sin upon their souls which now oppresses or should
if it does not several over tealous tmpers of the Ca-ur
d'Alene stripe. Such Btampede as was witnessed at
the latter place would do Benton vastly more harm than
good, and her citizens should not recklessly create it
A pamphlet, from the cn of Mr. C. 11. Carlisle, him
recently boon issued undo the title, "What Roadost
Thou?" calling the attention of thinking men and women
to the corrupting and debasing influence upon the rising
generation exerted by tho immoral and pernicious litera
ture which covers tho counters of our news dealers.
Nothing in Mr. Carlisle's long career as a journalist has
given him so extended a reputation, and brought him
into such favorable notice among the liotter class of our
citizens, as his efforts to cleanse the filthy stream flowing
into the lunula of the youth of our land. Urn pamphlet
should have the widest circulation, and receive the
thoughtful consideration of all fathers and mothers who
would remove the snares Bet for the feet of their children.
Do wliat they may, parents cannot wholly remove their
children from theso contaminating influences so long as
the flaming pictures are posted up to catch the public
eye, and tho paorB, with their Kiisonous contents, are
hawked about the streets, thrust liefore the face of virtu
ous women and innocent children in railway cars, left
lying on the ground or uhiu chairs and tables in private
offices and places of public resort Nothing but tho almo
lute prohibition by the Legislature of tho printing and
sale of such r. class of publications, with a penalty suffi
cient to render the statute effective, can bo of avail to
check this growing evil. The mutter has 1eon taken
hold of vigorously in several States on tho Atlantic Coast,
and will bo urged Uon the Legislatures of Oregon and
Washington during the next session of those bodies.
Every journalist who believes that tho jiooplo, and espe
cially the young, whose mind are as plastic clay, receiv
ing lasting impressions from everything with which they
come in contact, should bo supplied with clean and
wholesome reading, should do his part in arousing the
community in which he lives to the deep gravity of this
subject Mr. Carlisle says:
Unless yon ban nsrrowed ia jmar ova menu! activities, an lew yoa bars
lost interest in tlie welfare and ai-bulhllng of lbs rasa, yoa ess nut remala aa
apaUietlo spectator in the pressor of such monstrous ariL Whs yoa ban,
as yoa mast Id any Investigation of the euhjeet, what fast of Impart
thought an running beneath nur aortal Ufa, bow mark of tlie morally polsuaoa
gases these sewsra ais emitting Into oar bums, your Intel lent aal and moral
sMiet will be outraged. When yoa Cms la realise that lb yualb of lb laadl
youth of both sesest tbose la the formalin period of llfsi those who srs aomlag
on to bumiM opinion and sentiment, an nun Is lb abbs! objeelln puiul of
attark. well may yoa lie alarmed. When yna kanw Ul Ibresgh IU Inlueaee of
IhM eril agencies hamlmls and UwraaamU ban goe oWa trnm tba eoronsi
summlls of a mablso'e pars4isartelneas to the basilar depths, wbera la lb
Mullns gloom and anliftlng miasm of a polluted life no pan thlag Uess, ia M
out ewiugh lo Irs tbe baart of ersry ratloaal being easiest the mea bo la Ibla
way an ooining soals Into dollars and aente, wbo an patting aoaor and taau,
eenee ander the m Inllng die Sbould It But be anoagb to make sr desaat
maa sa anreWUnlng. untiring enemy of tbeea moral Amies 1 It la the eoluessj
t Ulalny of Ibla day. Etecy atlribalo of Its nttoaal. oeder-lurtag. auovs-b.tlBg.
ehiblnadoeiag maa ballds ia the air aa Imlignaal prolMt against Ibla mer
chandise of Uest wbleb is best and most worthy la life. Ijuuweew la loo lav
pored shed ia ita lanetira aad wllberW iiaaliiy to mbeniau'ly deoooaew neb
a monetriHie tblng. Mo maa aaa rise to a aueimeiHsinto plteb af dswaaoiatbsi
ml theerll, and t'airl wsn aerer aUusstw boxes aaoagh ia the wxld too-le.
brata wtta fragraMi tle bliihiad karaatan aad eanan si Iba eeiaga wae)