The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1884, Page 169, Image 7

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settled by an intelligent and enterprising class of people.
They have surrounded themselves with all the luxuries
and conveniences of life, have built elegant and costly
residences, have beautified their lawns, and in every way
sought to elevato the social and moral condition of the
city. Especially have they devoted much time and
money to the cause of education. The largest public
school building in the Territory was completed lttHt year,
and two others are in course of construction, the three
costing $100,000. This gives the city school facilities
adequate for the rapidly growing population for several
years to come. This will be supplemented by the eroo
tion of other buildings as soon as they are required.
Seattle has never evinced that dilatory spirit which
delays the erection of new edifices until the progress of
education is blocked by the overcrowding of the old ones.
These schools are thoroughly graded, are conducted by
experienced educators, and are all working harmoniously
upon a thorough system. There are also a number of
private institutions of merit, such as the Trinity Parish
School (Episcopal), Sisters' Academy of the Holy Name
(Catholic), St Xavier's school for boys (Catholic), busi
ness college, kindergarten, etc The Yesler College is
an institution for boys, endowed by Henry L. Yesler.
The Sarah B. Yesler Academy for girls has been endowed
by that lady and will soon be organized. Here is located
the Territorial University, upon a ten-acre tract donated
by Mr. A. A. Denny. The edifice is imposing and occu
pies a beautiful and commanding site. Its standing as an
institution of learning is high. The university has never
received the consideration it should at the hands of the
Legislature, but that body will no doubt in the future
pui-Bue a more wise and liberal policy. The Young
Naturalists, an organization of young men for the study
of Nature in her various material forms, is an outgrowth
of the high standard of education. A valuable cabinet
and museum are among the properties of the club. There
are several religious denominations possessing houses of,
worship, and though none of them are costly structures,
they are all extremely neat and attractive. The denomi
nations represented are Episcopal, Methodist Episcopal,
Protestant Methodist, Free Methodist, Congregational,
Christian, Presbyterian, Baptist, Scandinavian Lutheran
and Roman Catholic. The Young Men's Christian
Association maintains a free reading room, where all are
The press, universally admitted as one of the greatest
educators of the people, and as reflecting in their stand
ing and character the social and intellectual condition of
the community, is fully and ably represented. In enter
prise and appearance the newspapers of Seattle have few
equals in cities, of the same size in the United States.
The daily and weekly Posi-Inldliijencer, Chronicle and
Evening Herald are the leading papers of the Territory,
and on the Coast rank second only to the great dailies
of Portland and San Francisco. They are enterprising
and ably conducted dailies, all of them issuing a large
weekly edition. The 47r is a sparkling Sunday literary
pnper, neat in typography and interesting in content
There are also the Mirror, an attractive temperance jour
nal, and a German newspaper called the Tribuene.
The present population of Seattle is a matter of esti
mation. That it exceeds 10,000 souls is evident During
Hie ytuu' 1SS2 it increased from 4,500 to 6,000, nud in
1883 to more than 9,000, and it is confidently expected
that by January 1, 1885, fully 13,000 people will be found
living within the limits of the Queen City. Tho additions
to the city's population consist chiefly of a class of pooplo
who are financially able to purchase property and build
homes. This is evident from tho scores of Iioubob going
up in all directions, to be occupied by tho builders.
Many of these are persons with capital to invest in local
industries, whilo othors are mechanics who, with tho
accumulated earnings of years, have como West from the
overcrowded cities of tho East to build a home for their
families, where labor is rowarded and a way open for
their children to make a start in life.
The climate of the Puget Sound country is an agroe
able one. In summer bright, sunny weather predomi
nates, without excessive heat at any timo, Bnd with cool,
comfortable nights at all seaHoiiB of tho year. Instead of
snow and ice during tho winter mouths, or, as there
denominated, the " rainy season," there is a mingling of
sunshine and rain, with a temporoture seldom below tho
freezing point Tho proportion is alxmt two day of
cloudy and rainy woathor to one of clear and bright from
Novembor till April. Tho rainfall m 1NW.J was tf LBD
inches, though tho avorago for tho preceding six yoars
was about GO inches. The averago temperature was 61
degrees, the highest being 8-i degrees, in July, and tho
lowest 12 above zero, in January. Tho average during
those two months was C2J degrees and 39J dogroos. Tho
only drawback is the rain, to so much of which new-comers
generally ore unused; but since this amounts simply to
an inconvenionco and not to a positive discomfort as do
tho hot summers and cold winters of tho East they
quickly become acclimated and the feeling of newness
For beauty of location and surroundings Soattle has
few equals in tho world. Lying at the head of Elliott
Bay, it stretches along and around that Iteautiful sheet of
water on both sides, the hills rising, but not too abruptly,
from tho water's edge, and affording a splendid view of
the bay fiom nearly every portion of the city. Across
this calm expanse, above the most of vesseU and the,
smoke of constantly passing steomers, the eye catchea tho
blue-tinted mountains which lie Iwtweon tho Sound and
the ocean, above whoso dense forests tho whito Hmka of
tho Olympic Range rise in a long serrated ridge. On tho
south tho hoary dome of Mount Rainier towers grandly
above tho foothills and lesser peaks of the Cascade
Mountains, while to the north Mount Baker lift bin
white crown end needlo-pointod peaks altovo tho inU-rvcii.
ing hills. The scenery of Puget Sound is notud for its
beauty, and at no other point can so much of it that is
grand and inspiring le seen as at the city on Elliott Bay.
Four miles from tho boy and directly east of the city,
ho noor, in fact, that a conlimioim line of residnm-p Jimk