The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1884, Page 194, Image 31

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Many claims have been purchased by them, one bringing
$2,700. The new process introduced for saving fine gold,
if a practical success, will create a revolution ulong Snake
Messrs. J. K. Gill A Co., Portland, Or., have just
issued a revised edition of their "Complete Dictionary
of the Chinook Jargon." It is compiled in two forms,
English-Chinook and Chinook-English, and is invaluable
to one desiring to become familiar with that universal
Indian language.
The Seattle Lumber Company has incorporated and
purchased the site for a mammoth sawmill on Eagle Har
bor, Puget Sound, altout eight miles from Seattle. The
C )inp;iny has purchased 10,000 acres timber land, paying
therefor $100,000, and as soon as possible will begin
operations on a large scale.
By roads which have been constructed recently, access
is given to much desirable land in Pillchuck and Stilla
guamish valleys, in Snohomish County, Washington Ter
ritory. Thousands of acres of this land are open to
settloinont, and claims are being taken rapidly. The
land has all to be cleared of timber.
A number of families have recontly settled in a valley
lying along tho boundary line between the counties of
Mason and Chelmlis, Washington Territory. The soil is
rich bottom land, covered with alder, maple and other
light timber and brush, and is easily cleared. There is
yet sulVicient land untaken for !100 claims.
Tliu Holom Mining an I Ualuotioa Company's works
at Wicko tl lily produce bullion, amalgam, matte and
concentrates, valued at $0,024, all at a cost of $1,000 per
day. This leaves a margin of $5,024. Tho $024 pay for
tho shipment of tho product East, leaving $5,000 per day,
or $1,800,000 net profit per year-twelve per cent on
On tho last trip of the hhiho a sawmill was taken to
Alaska. The capacity of the mill will be 10,000 feet per
day, and it will probably bo set up at Juneau, where it
will for a time U principally engaged in cutting lumber
for a much larger mill to lw soon erected there. This
effort to develop the timber resources of Alaska will be
watched by lumWrmen with considerable interest
There is quite a movement of miners into the Selkirk
Mountains, in British Columbia, this spring, along the
projects rout of the Canadian Pacific Railway The
majority of these are crossing the mountains from Mani
tobn and Montana. Gold is found in the Selkirk Ranee
from the north Wnd of the Columbia as far south as
kootonai luver, but is m.t abundant along the Illecille
wait and iU tributaries.
Montana comes U the front with a new mining excite
ment Placers hsva ! i :..
Mountains, some seventy miles north of Glendive. Over
tlim nnw fiii.l I. ........ !.. i V,OT
- .. vm, wnu mm trmUUon f
Srtl t Thver,i9 im-
nitmal; the tangible Prnt. the exhibition of yellow
dust on the .treeU of QWdive, haa set that c ty in I
fever, which bids fair to spread its infection throughout
the whole Territory.
A few yeors ago G. Davies opened a small book store
in Seattle, and by careful attention to business has built
up a lares trade, while his personal intecrritv h Afl urnn
him the esteem of all with whom he has come in contact
He is now in the East purchasing goods, and the firm of
G. Davies & Co. will remove from their present cnnfinA1
quarters and open a large book and stationery store in
the magnificent opera house now being constructed, as
soon as the building is completed.
One hundred filings have been made unon the am.
veyed townships lying noath of Flathead Lake, Montana.
Owing to its location, in the direct pathway of the warm
western winds, the average temperature is much hipW
, o
and vegetation is much more forward than at points in
the lerntory lying further to the south. A steamer on
the lake and a regular conveyance from there to the mil.
roud now render this region easy of access. There is
mucn valuable land yet open to occupation.
The Astoria and Coast Transportation ComDanv.
which was incorporated in February, is constructing a
large steamer at Astoria. She will be 128 feet long, 26J
feet beam and 9$ feet depth of hold, and will cost about
$20,000. She will be schooner rifriwd and have two com.
pound engines. The carrying capacity between decks
win De tons, and she will draw 9 J feet when loaded.
It IS expected to have her nnmnleterl enrlv in Aumist
1 j D-
when she will be put on the route between Astoria and
uray s tlarbor,.
Port Townsend. the nort of entrv for Putret Sound.
' x J O '
lies at the entrance to that magnificent body of water. It
is increasing steadily in population and business, and has
a number of important manufacturing industries in or
tributary to it Charles Eisenbeis is erecting a fine stone ,
business house and building a $30,000 sawmill near the
city. J. J. Hunt is building a large three story addition
to his hotel. It is among the possibilities that Port
Townsend will become the terminus of some of our future
transcontinental railroads.
It has been announced by the officers of the Southern
Oregon Improvement Company that they will construct
twenty-five miles of the proposed road from Coos Bay to
Roseburg this season. This will take the road from Coos
Bay to the Coquille River, tapping the immense timber
forests of that region. Machinery for a sawmill, to cut
100,000 feet per day, has been ordered. Two steamers
have been purchased in the' East, at a cost of about
$200,000, which are nowon their way to San Francisco.
They will be placed on the route between that city and
Coos Bay.
The coal deposits lying along the proposed route of
the contemplated road from Helena to Fort Benton, in
Montana, are both extensive in quantity and valuable in
quality. Several promising mines were opened in the
Sand Coulee region the past winter. The Great Fall
Coal Company has been incorporated by capitalists of