the west shore. 103 land which is being rapidly settled upon. It rises in benches Low the stream and is thinly sprinkled with pine and fir, the altitude being about 1,(500 feet above the sea. The soil is rich and deep and general farm pro ducts thrive. Many orchards are being planted, though its special adaptability to fruit has yet to be demon stratod. The winters are not severe, though 25 degrees below zero is occasionally experienced. Snow lieu on the ground from November till March, completely pro tecting it from frost This valley is fifteen miles in length, and lies twenty-five miles west of Ellensburg and 100 east of Seattle. The Snoqualmie wagon road runs through its whole length, also the most desirable of the several routes surveyed across the mountains for the Cas cades Division of the Northern Pacific. Northwesterly from the upper Yakima valley, and sixty miles from Ellensburg, have recently been dis covered some promising quartz ledges. But little pros pecting has been done, though the assays show the quartz v to be rich in gold, silver and copper. Great confidence is felt in the extent and richness of these ledges, and work will be prosecuted upon them vigorously this season. Coal croppings have been discovered over a considerable extent of country lying between the Teana way and Cleellum, but the extent and quality of the deposits have not been ascertained. There are several large mountain lakes on the eastern slope of the CaB cados, well stocked with fish. They will soon attract the sportsman, and their beauty will draw in later years those who flee in summer from the heat and bustle of the city to the pure air and grand scenery of the mountains. The great disadvantage Ellensburg and Kittitas County labor uuder is the distance from market and a point where many needed things must be procured. The broken surface renders the construction of roads a matter of great expense, and no navigable streams exist within the county. Priest Rapids, on the Columbia, is the nearest shipping point. Machinery and freight have to be hauled 100 miles, and stock is driven the same distance to market, or across the Snoqualmie Pass 120 miles to Seattle. This is the land of plenty for the consumer in the home market Barns and bins are full, fat cattle, fine horses, sheep and swine are increasing rapidly, and there is no adequate outlet for the surplus. How quickly this will change when a railroad is constructed across the Cascades 1 Upon this the hopes of the people are cen tered. It is the one thing needed by that growing region. The citizens of Kittitas and Seattle have com bined to build a wagon road across the Cascades from Ellensburg to Seattle, following the Snoqualmie Pass. Considerable work has been done on both ends of the rood, and a mail route has already been established This will be of great benefit to both parties to the pro ject, but can in no considerable degree supply the want of a railroad 'Isabella Mahteiihox. " Johs," said the teacher, " I'm very sorry to have to punish you." "Then don't; I'll let yon off this time," responded John. NOTES OF THE NORTHWEST. A pleasure stoamor will soon bo running on Flathead Lake, Montana. Telegraph communication has been opened between Belknap and the Coour d' Alone mines. A new town in the Big Bond country is named " Brackon." It is situated at the northern end of Badgor Mountain, and its site is well chosen. This year Walla Walla appears as a hop producer. Twonty-two acres of vinos planted last season on tho Yellowhawk, a small stream near that city, are in good bearing condition. The People's Steam Navigation Company has been incorporated in Victoria with a capital stock of 1100,000. It is propoBod to put on a line of steamers Initweon Vic toria and the mainland. The Hoquiam A Chehalis Steam Navigation Company has boon incorporated, to navigate tho Chohalis Rivor in Washington Territory. A light draft stoamor will bo constructed at Hoquiam. Arrangements have boon made for erecting a largo throe story brick block upon tho burned district in Tacomo. The building will cost $100,000, and will bo one of the finest on tho coast. The Puget Mill Company, at Port Gamble, is ono of the loading institutions of Puget Sound. In 18H.'I the mill cut 41,000,000 foot of lumlor, 8,000,000 laths and 2,000,000 pickets, and loaded 77 vessels. A grist mill, with ono run of stones, is being erocted in Centralia, W. T. A planing mill was rocontly built in the samo town. At Chohalis W. M. Urquhart has built a store, 28x68 foot, and two stories high. An analysis of tho iron ore recently discovered at Sooke, British Columbia, shows 57 7-10 per cent of iron. It is believed that when smelted tho oro will yield an average of 85 per cent The ore is abundant and easily accessible. A railroad from Port Orford to Coquillo Rivor is lMiing considered by parties interested in that jxirtioii of tho coast of Oregon. When dovolood thoro is no doubt that the great resources of that rogion would give such a road good suport Preparations ore being made to sink a shaft for petroleum near Whatcom, W. T. Oil floating on tho surface of springs and streams in that region lias boon olwtorved for some time, and it is now proposal to see where it ootnes from. The sawmill of A. M. Hotter k Bro., which was de stroyed by fire a few weeks Ago, has boon rebuilt It lias now a capacity of 10,000 foot of I u rubor and 30,000 shingles per day. Tho mill is situated on the Missouri River, not for from the Great Falls. Three large companies of Eastern capitalist have been incorporated to work the Snake River pbuvm.