THE WEST SHORE. 189 TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING. THE rapidity with which cattle are being shipped into Montana this spring is truly alarming. Every poier from the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains is teeming with items concerning it The live stock world seems to have awakened all at once to the knowledge of the exist ence of our Territory and its facilities for stock growing, and every capitalist is seeking to engage in the business. And instead of using good business judgment and buying on the range, they seek to save money in their investment by buying in the States. The result of this movement will be that the business will in all probability got a very black eye next winter. Pilgrim cattle that are accustomed to standing around a hay stack in the States are not calculated to stand our winters and rustle for themselves, and the loss in winter will unavoidably Imj great The mortality of pilgrim stock last winter was more than three times that of our natives, and the same will in all probability be the case next winter, notwith standing they are being shipped earlier and will be in better fix before cold weather sets in. Then the rushing in of so much stock is bound to overtax our ranges, and this will also increase the probabilities of loss. A few unwise journals have advertised that there are plenty of unoccupied ranges in Montana and have gotten up quite a stampede upon this fabrication. But the truth is the unoccupied ranges of Montana are very limited and are dry and remote from the mountains. The shipping in of 25,000 cattle from Wisconsin and Minnesota, 25,000 from Iowa, and the driving and shipping of 25,000 from Texas, will more than stock these unoccupied regions. But we have no assurance that these unoccupied ranges will alone be sought Herds will in all probability bo brought in and turned out upon our ranges that have been fed for ten years. We noticed only recently that there were 9,000 Texas steers in Wyoming en route for the Mussel shell, a region in which every meadow of consequence is occupied by a sheep ranch, and upon which there are already innumerable herds. Our position in this matter is for the interest and welfare of the industry. We want to see Montana produce every pound of beef possible and its ranges grazed to their full capacity, but we don't want to see the very life of the industry imperiled by over stocking range Husbandman. One of the best managed and accommodating trans portation companies on the coast is the Canadian Pacific Navigation Company, whose steamers run from Victoria to various points in British Columbia. Mr. John Irving, the manager, is a gentleman who not only understands the needs of his company, but fully appreciates the wants of the traveling public. The boats of the company are large and possess excellent accommodations for passen gers. A trip up Fraser River on one of these steamers is not excelled even by a Bail on the world-famous Colum bia. The scenery is both lautiful aud imposing. Every route upon which the bouts ruu is calculuted to impress the most earnest business roan with the idea that bin journey is but a pleasure excursion. GOVERNMENT LAND IN KITTTTAH pnrrwrY. rjlIIE Kittitas IjoaiUzer thus speaks of the vacant land J in that region: "The question is often asked, Is there any Government land to lo hail in Kittitas County? Wo can say yes; plenty of it yet in the Teanaway Valley. Wo would judge there are almut 45,000 acres of good bun veyed land and alxiut (50,000 of unsurveyod, all lying in the beautiful valley west of Kittitas and east of the Sno qualmie Tass, known as the Teanaway country. A wagon road, which runs through this valley, is being constructed over the Cascade Range to Seattle, which brings us within 100 miles of that city one of the best seaHrta in America; also the Cascade branch of the Northern Pacific Railroad is surveyed through this valley to the Sound. This valley is unsurpassed for growing grain, grass and all kinds of vegetables, plenty of good timltcr, excellent water, with ahuudanco of fish, and is destined to be one of the best valleys in Washington Territory for fruit growing of all kinds. It is surrounded by the Cas cade Mountains, which protect it from the severo winds. Snow falls on approach of cold weather in tho winter and stays on the ground until wild weather is past in the spring, which keeps trees from starting out in bloom until all danger from frost is punt. As soon as the snow is gono all Nature is clothed in a garb of green, inter spersed with a hundred varieties of wild flowers. Tho ground dims not freeze here during winter, consequently all hardy kinds of vegetables live in the ground all winter and come out in a growing condition in the spring." m VACANT LAND IN LAKB COUNTY. A CORRESPONDENT writes the Lakeview Examiner iV as follows: "As it may be of Homo interest to your immigration society to know' the extent of tho public land that is vacant on this side of tho valley, I will give you a short sketch. There aro at least 25,000 acres of Government land vacant Itctwocn Thomas Creek, Cotton wood, Drew's Creek and Dry Creek. It is covered with black and white sago brush, and is easy to get in cultiva tion. As a general rule, two men with a good team aud sulky plow can clear three, acres a day, ready to put the seed in, and in Utttor shae than by tho old method of grubbing the sage brush. Tho plow tears tho root out, and all thero is to do is to burn brush, roots and all, as tho plow turns them out The land will compare favor ably with any in tho State, yielding from twenty-flvo to sovonty-fivo bushels of small grain to tho aero. TiinlxT is handy and easy of access. m m ExcEEDlKOLT desirable lots in Seattle, the "Queen City of tho Sound," can bo purchased of Exholnmn, Llewellyn k Co., lending real estate dealers of that city. These lots are 25x125 feet n'"l nT0 the same spoken of in their advertisement in another page, in which tho size is incorrectly stated at 20125 feet m Os the 20th of May the JWird of Direct of the Northern Pacific authorized the hitting of contracts on the second section of twenty.five milm of the Oiwndo division leading east from Taconis.