The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1884, Page 186, Image 23

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"Pardon me for intruding, madam," said Sam, ad
vancing politely, " but I have a complaint to make against
your man. Ho has Loou Liuiug in wy LuuBe for the Lot
two hours, and I am sure you will consider his conduct
no less reprehensible than I do. I don't wish to insinu
ate that he had any felonious intentions, but I fear he
came after my maid servant, and I particularly object to
love making on my premises."
As Mrs. Choke seemed transfixed with horror and
indignation at her husband's misconduct, Sam took the
opportunity to retire, deeming that lie had said enough
to leave the Hon. Martin in a considerable fix. He,
therefore, placed his card on the half table and disap
peared, porfoctly satisfied with the issue of his scheme.
London Truth.
rnilE value of pure water for stock cannot be overesti
J. mated A number of careful experiments made by
M. Dancel, and given to the French Academy of Science,
go to show that the amount of milk obtained is approxi
mately provisioned to the quality of water drunk, and
that the yield of milk can be increased to a considerable
extent, without deteriorating in value, by inducing milch
cows to take an abundant quantity of water. Indeed, M.
Dancol maintains that a cow that does not commonly
drink as much as twenty-seven quarts of water a day is
necessarily a poor milker, while a cow that drinks as
much as fifty quarts daily is sure to be an excellent
milker. Stagnant wuter, and that from standing pools
and small jkiiuIs, is always more or less foul in summer
time, Hud eveu though abundant in quantity and easy of
access, has au injurious effect on the llavor of dairy
products. Often cows soera to prefer such liquid even to
clear, running water, but experience abundantly shows
that when milch cows have access to such pools a first
class articlo of butter or cheese cannot be made from the
milk, which is sometimes found to be absolutely unwholesome.
TARGE heads are found in the cold regions and
1 smaller ones in warm regions. Men with large
heads endure oold better than those with small one.
More vitality is roquirod to sustain life in cold climates
thaw iu warm ones, honco Nature gave largest heads at
the north. The Lapps have the largest heads in Europe
in proportion to their size? Norwegians next; then come
Swedes, Danes, Germans, French, Italian Arabs have
the smallest of all men in Europe. Muscular men have
wide hem , because the largo nmscles on the sides of the
kull pullmg daily while chewing pull the side plates
outward, uoiiv men. with aimn
-- .b HiimesB power-
ful muscles, have narrow, long heads. There assigns
of .character m the form of the skull, but they are km
reliable and not ao eaaily scanned, and there are not one
Unith aa many aa in the f.. ti, t. . . . .
. . . , - - "im oi me Head ia
prmcpally by he bone, and muscles, and not by
tka brain a ojiiiia lull;! UJ
IT is a misfortune to a young person to be employed in
fioiiie tty uuoiiiOBS wilu large wages. Wtrength is
impaired by inaction, money is spent without
tion, expensive habits are contracted, principles of
economy are forgotten; the victim of big wages, spoiled
for hard work and impoverished by extravagance, has a
very sad prospect before him. I have met men who were
in receipt yearly of from five to twelve thousand dollars.
I have known many such as salesmen, and small indaoA
is the proportion of those who profited by their talents
permanently. They aped in their livins the class whn
possess solid and accumulated wealth, or grew indolent
in gathering their laurels, only to see those they pos
sessed fall to the ground beyond Dower of replacement.
The slower, more moderate, les8 brilliant fellows gen
erally fortified themselves better against fate, and made
their exits from their accustomed spheres with more
fortitude and dignity. Many a girl after earning hun
dreds of dollars, much of which is spent for ornaments,
trifles, sweetmeats and tawdry finery, finds herself at
womanhood with broken health, and with less clothing
and less money than her mother had laid bv while rlnitiu
housework at fifty cents a week. Good hard work and
low wages, which make eoonomv a necessity, teach the
young to earn and save, and turn out at last those grand
men and women who live and prosper when the butterfly
tribe of spendthrifts have vanished like a dream. A
firmly fixed habit of economy is in itself a guarantee of
luiure prosperity.. .
fNHE Papuans of New Guinea are still only a half
1 known race. Intellectually, Mr. Wallace places'
them above the Malays, although the Malays have
acquired more actual civilization by contact with superior
races. The Papuans have a taste for personal embel
lishment, but it takes such eccentrio forms as the attach
ing of two boars tusks joined together to the nose, with
the tips turned upward. They eat many kinds of large
insects. What they consider music is their ordinary sub-
suiuie at festivals for intoxicating liquors. They are
totally ignorant of metals, and the coast dwellers are
even unable to procure fire for themselves. When they
accidentally let their fires go out they have to ask a spark
of the hill tribesmen, who produce it by friction. Yet
they divide the year into lunar months and have names
for the constellations On a nt iha trihaa tli a Tlema.
counts up to a million. In the New Britain group the
rapuans of New Zealand have a remarkable custom
which even the Eiwt
years old are shut up for Borne five years in cages like
uuBb exungmsners, made of palm leaves, out of whicn
they are never allowed to come till they are to be mar
ried. The cages are placed inside large houses, with old
"u,uou wn them. t The girls are taken out once a
day to wash, but thev nAVAr laava fVia Vintiaa Mr. Wal-
lftce aaya that the young ladies do not seem to Buffer in
I 11 Ao lilt