THE WEST SHORE. 185 Before Mrs. Multiple had time to express her aston ishment at this information the butler entered the room, crimson with suppressed laughter. " He's a putting of 'em on," he exclaimed, with a spasmodic burst, which he smothered with his hand. " Hush I you idiot," whispered Sam, with a furious gesture. " Have you frightened him ? " " He was trembling like a leaf when I went in," said the butler, composing his countenance with difficulty. " He had just heard you call for a revolver. He wouldn't hear of putting on the livery coat at first, though he swore he would do anything rather than remain in the house. I persuaded him by Baying I would bring his own clothes to him if he would wait at the nearest public house where he could change." "Quite right," said Sam, nodding approvingly. "Now go and hurry him up. Don't give him time for reflec tion." The butler disappeared again, and Sam commenced to arrange his somewhat disordered attire preparatory to starting off on his expedition. Mr. Choke had evidently lost no time in disguising himself, for a moment later stealthy footsteps were audible in the passage. In an instant Sum had bounded out, and came face to face with Mr. Choke, who started back as though he hud boon stung. "Hullo I What does this mean?" exclaimed Sam, fiercely. " Please, sir, it's a friend of mine," said the butler, with promptitude. " I was just agoin' to ask for the key to let him out." " What do you mean, sir, by having friends at this time of day ?" cried Sam,, as though glad of an excuse to vent hiB ill-humor. "Why, the fellow must have leen here two hours and more. Where does your mastor live ?" he inquired, addressing Mr. Choke abruptly. The latter was evidently quite unprepared for this question, but Sam's manner was bo peremptory that he had no opportunity of considering his reply. He men ; tioned the name of a street in dangerous proximity to the one in which he resided, apparently because it came first to his mind. "I will speak to you afterwards, Simmonds," said Sam, taking his hat from the stand with an impulsive movement; " and as for you, sir, I shull accompany you home and complain to your master. I don't choose to have other people's servants lurking for hours about my house, and I've no doubt your master will be gratified to hear how you waste your time." Sam did not wait to observe the effect upon Mr. Choke of this startling announcement The fact was be hardly dared trust himself to look at him, for, after a single glance at her unfortunate admirer, Mrs. Multiple hod retired with precipitation into the background, and Sum feared every momoat that her mirth would prove infec tious. He therefore hastened to unlock the door, and Mr. Choke followed him into the street, apparently in a hopelessly dazed frame of mind. But all of a sudden the unfortunate man seemed to realize his position. Ue started, glanced nervously around him, and then put up his hand to hail a cab. "Hi I What are you about?" cried Sam. "I don't want a cab. It is a short distance, and I prefer to walk. You lead the way and I will follow." Mr. Choke looked painfully undecided for a ixomcnt, and glancod at Sam as though ho meditated making an appeal to him. He checked himself, however, ami started off with an oir of desporation down the street at a rapid pace. Sam followed more leisurely at a little distance, keeping him well in sight, and evidently keenly enjoying the episode. What Mr. Choke's feelings wero it was not dillloidt to conjecture. He shambled along, with his eyes U)on the pavement, overwhelmed with confusion, and keenly eon scious of his ridiculous appearance. The clothes he wore were many sizes too small for him, and though the livery was of the quietest description, the brass buttons and the striped waistcoat were unpleasantly conspicuous. Possibly he may have consoled himself with the reflection that he was not likely to be recognized in such a garb, but if bo he was cruelly mistaken, Sam had arranged that half a dozen irreverent young momlicrs of the club to which Mr. Choko boloiiged should bo oil the alert, and the consequence was that the poor wretch mot mora of his acquaintances in a short distanco than he had ever done before in his lifo. But at Sam's particular request none of them gavo any outward sign of recognition, so that the victim was spared tlio anticipation of tlie endless chaff and ridiculo which awaited liim. Sam had guossed, from tho resolute manner in which Mr. Choke hurried along, that ho hud resolved to adopt the wisest course under the circumstances, and make tho best of his way homo, without wasting timo in futile attempts to elude or shake off his wrsecutor. Ho was, therefore, not surprised when Mr. Choke passed without stopping along tho street which ho hod given as hid address, and turnod his steps donperutoly toward his own residence. On reaching his destination he paused on the doorstop and turned round to Sam. "This is the house," ho murmured, as tho latter came up. For a single moment Sum felt aoft-hourtod and in clinod to bo moroiful. Mr. Choke's piteous expression was more touching than tho most eloquent apjmid. But tho recollection of the man's gratuitously insulting con duct to his wife decided him not to falter in his purpoao. Ho, therefore, said quietly: ' " Very wolL I will speak to your muster." Mr. Choke gave a kind of gusp and proceeded to un lock the door with a latchkey. Un probably intended, in the comparative security of his own hotiso, to reveal Lis identity and to get rid of Hum Ix'fore Mrs. Choko came down. But, nuluckily, they had no sooner entered the hall than a severe-looking elderly ludy appeared at the top of the staircase The instant she perceived Mr. Choke she threw np her bands and exclaimed: " Good heavens, Martin ! What is the moaning of this?"