THE WEST SHORE. 120 the Three Sisters are all viBible, some of them with their RAMBLES THROUGH THE NORTHWEST. .n 1 nV.rvtm VlldVl lTltfirVfiTllTICf Vlllla DnA U T"KKB " rTZi S ir ly Hood and St. Helens, as dissimilar in appearand 1 Nrt W (,u,kly . n U,t 1, hmd y po8sibly can riBing of it central locatx.n and a, I t., s r n n sp ; . . i i i 1 1 , . i , , , n t it il; i ill 1 1 i auuTw -n w. uuu i Mi 1 1 m ru r, ; : , ; f. , lino of travel. Such only can expenditure oi time ana 41,,. (inliunrv tourist hoo. ninny a ihk uh One of the greatest attractions in the immediate .... ti n i T11 i ir vrrMi i ! ,.. ,lnHliinff cas- vicinity of rortiana are me rans oi me Willamette U7 Z;I h - hi river, foaming ' River, at Oregon City, sixteen miles above. By taking , nt 8ix 'clock in the mOTgte Falls will Ix-twcen tlm rugged w'" , . , , ,, i ttOT j0uT,tfnl riAa tv. W,iinu. mid many n mountain-locked valley, lie will lxi uimblo to viHit, lllltl Cf tll'lll 0 will not Hwak, Have to nay that thoHconcs umiii which the eye of the ordinary tour iHt rent aro far ex ceeded iii nunilerly thomany of thovory existence of which, perhaps ho never hoars. Assuming, thou, that liy oiio of the numerous routes of travel t!i tourint Iiiih arrived in Portliuxl, (lit lirnt questions that naturally arise aro, What jxiints of interest nhall I viMit, and how nhall I mail' ago it HO IIS ill HOO the inimt in tho 1 i in ited time allotted to mo V The Went Niioiik iiroiKWPH to Hum i ii it i i up nrieny mo duel nt- .-ijyiVV. trnctuniH acooHHililo to 5fjT i' thow who nro traveling for '' 'ffifaM I'lriinurc, no mill ono Hooking .--f ' tfv-"-for HiiHWein to the aliovo (pies- vioim may im nnltnt in noising them. The lirnt thoiiLdit tlml un.r. gentH itwlf i, that Uhi many The boat will be taken tlirougn tne jjocks, a very interesting opera tion, during which the Falls may be seen from the west side. A landing will be made at Canemah, on the east side of the river, whpre, if bound south, the traveler can board the train and continue his journey. Otherwise a delightful walk of a mile along the river bank brings him to Oregon City, where he can spend an hour at the Falls and be in Portland again at ten A. M. ; One not caring to pass through the Locks can take the train at half-past seven to Oregon City and return as before. A trip that no tourist should omit to make is to The Dalles by water. The scenery "ffiST V 7i"-iii!l!U. 1 of the Columbia River is admitted to be unexcelled by that of any naviga ble stream in the world; and the best of it lies between Portland and The Dalles. The trip can be made by rail one way and water the other. Trains now leave here at one o'clock in the afternoon, and step at Multnomah Falls fifteen minutes to rive passengers that beauti- 'ilLt.i un,u' """"j J" fL i f ul sheet of water, pouring over the edge ' of the Columbia Gorge and falling a distance of .iJL 800 feet, Stoiminrr 11 tiiht at The Dalles, and rr o o , . ;..r..jL viewing the cascades from which the city derives its name. Rtwimar mnv ha fa Von tnr the return trip IB j - mw vuuvu . i- . the morning. The trip down the river, embracing views of rocky bluffs, forest-crowned banks, the Cascades, the famon t :-:-'' f . -t,e '.-.-itojBr-- A I "J wwmu DUVUOO VUUU ttW'-'j ,.1 t , . . A "l uiwjiHioii constantly nxed. is too errand ior aesciipw"- TXMXr7jnA"-Shn 'm iAt Ite W. to MuUnomal. Falls, r.n 1 Lxl m ml . ,.f .,? . t 5' "i "le !lmmer at Mv o'll morning, can mak