The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, March 01, 1884, Page 80, Image 19

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wilderness and fought tho savage denizens for years, and
never Ix-foro lioen guilty of lying down to Bleep in nn
eneinv'a country without iiosting a guard.
Slumber's chains Inmnd tlio camp, but around it stole
tlio iuuou fl ln of WtVugu fcleiuioi. Xelilol' UllJ neiiior
they crept, until they stood among the sleeping men by
the fire. Tho Modocs wero ready to claim the first white
victiiiiH of that band of murdered ones who have fallen
in that sterile lamL
liven in his hIiiiiiIhth tho HeiiHitivo ear of Kit Caron
caught the Hound of the dull thud, uh a blow fell upon
the head of a keeping companion, Leaping to his feet
ho kicked tho smoldering ciiiIhth of tho camp-fire, and
by tho light of tho uprooting flame Haw tlio dark forms
of the MtxlocH. Springing to one Hide to avoid tho light
of the fire, tlio hold trapper cried "Indians! Indians!"
Hiid in an iiiHtant tho camp wim aroused. Crnne, a Dela
waro Indian, Hprung to bin feet and endeavored to din
charge his gun, which wiih unfortunately unloaded, and
received five arrowH in his breast. Iteinoinberiiig that
hit gun waH also unloaded, Carson cant it aside, drew a
singlo-barrclcd pistol mid discharged it at tho Ravage who
wim slaying his friend, but tho bravo was dodging about
ho continually that tho bullet miHHod him and cut tho
Hiring of his tomahawk. All but this Modoc wero now in
full retreat, mid bh hn turned to lleo two bullets from the
now thoroughly aroused camp laid him dead upon tho
ground. I Io was the only one of tho attacking party who
reinainml long enough to bo hurt, and had they all beeu
hh hold oh ho it would havo fared badly witli that unpro
tected mm k
With rillo in hand they kept clone vigil till morning,
"'t " ')' I'I'IM'ared Ut molest thi-m. Lajeunnosso and
Dciino, an IriMpmis, had been killed in their Hleep before
tlm nlarm was given, and the bravo Crano had died in the
Ntrugglo, Hearing their inanimate forms tho Horrowful
party started back along their trail to moot tho main
body, hut after progressing alsmt ten mill decided to
bury them among tho willows of a small stream. This
wim Hot Creek, in Siskiyou County, California, discharg.
mg into Klamath Lnko from tho Houth. Having per
formed this painful duty, and having driven their horses
backwards mid forwards across tho sjiot to destroy all
trace of the grave, ho that tho savages would not exhume
I ho, they continued their journey ami WK, llM,t
Uieir friends, and the company, once inoro united, went
into camp for the night, cherishing thought of revenge.
On the morrow, when tho party commenced iU journey
towards tho Houth. fifWn
, niu, were , by tho np,earace ol
i . , . . 1 rlu''y W'K'ii. Sk i t nii
... ..... . ... . , llllk, n,l v urson W1W H(llt
jext day m tho d,reet,on of Tule Lake to search for tho
Indian v, ag,S neoompiuiied by ton men. They
Minn mi, I. I.n.l.. ......... - i . . .-I... it" j
. ' "wiwna oi Iirty lodges, and hav-
ig o time to Kend for n.iiforcomcnU, charged bo lv
thU.ish,l Modoc. Tho Il,m
. MU Mll7 Jimuo Wltro 110Vii, aml lorrifjing
4-1. 4- 4-lmv crtnn flpd in a panic, pursued by the avengers
who killed several of them before they disappeared amid
the intricacies of the Lava Beds. The deserted wickiups
wero found to be artistically and beautifully woven of the
tulos from the lake, but tho torch was applied to them,
and the whole rancheria, with a large quantity of dried
fish, was destroyed
The main party soon arrived and then the journey
was resumed Twenty men stole back to the burned vil
lage to see if the Indians would not return, and though
fifty were seen they disappeared before the party was
prepared to attack them. In riding into camp one brave
was discovered, who was ridden down by Fremont just in
time to save Kit Carson's life. They soon passed out of
the Modoc country, and though they had a little more
trouble with Indians, it is probable that the Modocs were
not responsible for it. A few days later they reached the
Sacramento Valley, and Fremont began the conquest of
California, changing a savage for a civilized foe.
Years later, in speaking of this affair to the Hon.
Lindsay Applegate, a Modoc ghief said the reason for
making this attack upon Fremont was that these were the
first white men who had ever come into their country,
and they wanted to kill them to prevent others from
On the 4th of July, 1846, but two months after this
affair, a party of fourteen men from the Willamette Val
ley came upon that grave among the willows of Mot
Creek. Thev were exulorincr an 'emigrant route from
X O O "
Fort Hall to the southern end of the Willamette Valley,
tho ono since known as the Southern Route to Oregon, the
Northern Route to California, or the AnnleMte Trail.
' x x o
Lending spirits in this party were Jesse and Lindsay
Applegate, well known to all old residents of Oregon.
They saw pieces of paper and other evidences of the
presence ot white men, and surmised that some one was :
buried where the ground was so badlv tramded bv the
horsesa surmise which they verified by probing the
ground with poles. I he Modocs were much excited and
apparently alarmed by this second invasion of their noun.
try, and signal smokes arose from the hill tops to apprise
an mourners oi the tribe of the presence of an enemy.
Tho cause of all this was explained afterwards, when they
learned of the attack upon Fremont and the chastisement
he had administered By keeping careful watch they
passed through the hostile country without exposing
themselves to attack and reached Fort Hall in safety.
UiMin their return that fall with a party of emigrants one
of theso loitered behind the train, near Tule Lake, and
fell a victim to the Modoca That was the first train of
emigrants to pass through this inhospitable country, and
no more followed them till 1852, that year of death at
Bloody Fomt Hahrv T, Wro
It was a stranger m Montana who ran awav with a
Montana man's mtheaded wife, and when the Kana
an caught up with him he said: "Wimmin is skeS
"i,Z1u"gfirdidenied 8ke,er8e: but rTrafteTS:
fhinglS&hern; " to lize the