THE WEST SHORE. 79 FREMONT AND THE MODOOS. mHOTJGH one of the smallest tribes with which out ZJTaV ,C0M no lve exhibited a mT6? imy OT di8I,ln'ed 6ter murage than the Modoc Indians, and few have cost the Government more m blood and treasure to subdue. They were but a small tribe when first discovered by the whites, less than Ml warriors, and occupied a comparatively limited sec tion of country, much of it barren and worthless. In that inhospitable region lie the graves of emigrants, volun teers and soldiers by the score, while the bones of old men, helpless women and tender babes lay for years in uiBir ime marsnes, and found no burial Bave that vouch safed by the hand of pitying Nature. The Modoc, or, as properly pronounced, Mo-a-dok, Indians were an offshoot from the Muk-a-luk. nr Klnnmf.t, Lake, tribe, inhabiting the country to the north and east 01 .Lake Klamath, and took their name from Mo-a-dok-us, the chief under whom they seceded from the parent tribe. They were, to a degree, a tribe of Ishmaelites. livinc bv the plunder of their neighbors on every side, and finding a secure retreat from their wrath in the marshes of Tule Lake or the rocky and mysterious caverns of the Lava Beds. The region dominated by them was circumscribed, embracing a small strip of country along the Oregon and California line. The east and south shores of Klamath Lake, the Butte Creek country to the south of it, the sterile Lava Beds to the south of Tule, or Wright, Lake, and Lost River on the north, were their country, thougl the general headquarters were at Tule Lake. Upon the little islands among the tules they built their wickiups, where they retired in times of danger, the caves of the Lava Beds forming their last retreat when driven from their island homes. Such were the Modocs when first visited by the white man a band of hardy and unscrupulous marauders, courageous and daring, living chiefly by plunder, and occupying a country apparently designed by Nature for the home of such a band of savage buccaneers. Among them were many renegades from other tribes, and the .. whole tribe was, in fact, but the descendants of a number of independent Indians who had gathered about Mo-a-dok-us and his little band of Muk-a-luks. Formed like the Romans, they adopted the Roman plan of procuring wives, beginning thus their habit of stealing squaws from their neighbors, which was never completely abandoned even after they came under the control of the whites. In the spring of 1846 Lieutenant John C. Fremont entered California on his third exploring expedition to the West and hia second trip across the continent His Dartv consisted of about sixty men, many of them old and tried mountaineers, and all of them hardy and daring men picked by their commander for the arduous service exnfint rst tTiAm. After exchanging international com pliments with General Castro, which at one time appeored trail pnssed up the Sacramento, along the western base of Mount Shasta, through Shasta Vallev, pd thus mum iiluiuttui River and Siskiyou Mountain to Rogue River Valley. This was many miles to the west of the Modoc country, while the route of trapping parties who crossed rom Snake River to the Sacramento, by the way of Tit River, passed to the eastward. It thus happened that while they knew of the white man and his dealings with surrounding tribes, it is more than probable that Fre mont was at the head of the first party of whites to pass through the country of the Modocs and partake of their bloody hospitalities. Fremont's party turned off the regular trail to Oregon, at the mouth of Pit River, and followed up that stream, which was thou callod the east fork of the Saoramonto. He proceeded by the way of Clear and Tule lakes to the west bank of Klamath Lake, just above the Oregon line, whore ho went into camp for a few days. On the Oth of May Samuel Neal and M. Siglor rodo into camp with the intelligence that a United States officer was on their trail with important dispatches, which ho lmd crossed the con tinent to deliver into Fremont's own hand. This was not all; the meWngors had only escaped from the hands of , savages by the fieotnoss of thoir animals, and they foared the officer and his companion would not be so fortunate unless they recoived immediate aid. Away dashed Fre mont to tlio rescuefour trappers, five friendly Indians and the two messengers riding at his side. Back ncroHs the California line they rode, round and along the south ern shore of the lake, until, at sundown, sixty miles from the camp of the morning, they met Lioutouant Qillespio and brave old Feter Lassen, unconscious of the danger from which' they had been resouod. That meeting was an important one to California and to America. The messenger of the Government informed Fremont that war had been declared with Mexico. The instructions he then imparted havo remained hidden in the Pathfinder's breast to the present day, and can only be inferred from the conduct of that dashing officer, who returned at once to California, inaugurated the Boar Flag War (carried on by his counsel and inspired by , him), and organized the California Battalion, which played so prominent a part in the conquest of California. - Late into the night those young officers, on whoso shoulders such weighty responsibilities had txten thrown, sat by the smoldering embers and counseled nlxjut thoir future course. Around them lay their companions, wrapped in profound slumlor, their weary limbs stretched uoon the ground. Fatigue and the excitement of Uie news had mode their leader incautious. He forgot that he wns in a country where the natives hod shown signs of hostility, that he had ridden sixty miles that doy because of such hostility. Filled with the great projects of the future, his limbs weary with futiguo, lie, too, lay down by the fire and clownl his heavy eyes in sleep. In Hint silent camp lay the sleeping forniB of Richard Owens, Lncien Maxwell, Kit Carson, Alex. Godey, 8tepjcufoldt, TC,isil Laieunnesse, Denne, (Jrono, ana otnoin oi uiose .... ii i . ' "i