' THE WEST SHORE L Vol. 10. . Portland, Crayon, FoWuary, 14. No. 2. r ESTABLISHED 1878. THE WEST SHORE, ' An Illustrated Journal of General Information, devoted to the- development of tht Great Wat. finhcription price, per annum .' f 2 ( To foreign oountriea, including postage. i i 2S Single oopiea , 25 , Bulmcription can be forwarded by registered letter or postal order at our rink . FoetmaHtora and New Agent will roo jivo suuioriptiom at abore raUia. General Traveling Agenti-Craigio Bharp, Jr., and Georgo Bliarp. L, SAMUKL, Publisher, m Front St., oor. Washington, Portland, Or. TABLK OF CONTKNTa Page Canadian Paoifio Scenery. na Chronology of Events , Hi) Cwurd'Aleue Gold Fields 40 Kditoriul , , f , jjjt Kl I'upitan 411 Idaho , In Iiitlunt rial Notes "mi Gnnt Northwest, N. 2 , , ; , i nuuuson i hi yon 511 Mineral Product of the Wost , Hi) Mining 811 Montuna , 8M Mount Shasta ; 4 Oregon.... , hi) (Wnoli and Iti Jlabit" H!t Our Industrie and Kejouroea, No. 1 , 84 Quinine f rom Gas Tar , ' in ltailroad Guide and Time Tablei HI Hmlroad Note? M RuTerios of a Bachelor, No. 2 , f.8 Keuttle Hnrhor m Huonge Fishing in Florida. M Three Tetona. go naamugion ., 87 ILLUSTRATIONS. Approach to The Dftllej , 42 Avalanche (inlcli... , (I ('Huron (lit: . .. 42 rn....lAl..n Ti. r -I.-. mi. n j rv mi.. r . n .1 1 w rtii'iw no uiikui itanKo twin uij unv me iupariuroi un me Trail: Miitinf Hiirmiiitdiitir ('miulrv 41 ElCapitan 411 Fraor liiver Abore Yale, British Columbia. f2 Mndison Cai'von . M Mount Bhiotn 4,1 Olympic ItaiiKe from Bonttle Harbor na HpuMiim Crook, British Columbia , 62 me inree ieioti , ni It would be well if more of our business centers would follow the example set by the town of Cheney. It has provided a house where immigrants can leave their families while searching for land upon which to settle, It is furnished with stoves and bedsteads, and no rental is charged for its use. Though it is always better for an intending settler to leave his family behind when he comes West iii search of a new home, since they are but an additional expense and hindrance to him while exam ining the country, still many men are accompanied by their families, and a pluce like this is a convenience they soon learn to appreciate. The merchants of our towns rely upon immigrants for much of their trade, and they blow that the rapid settlement of the country means an equally rapid increase in business and property values. They should not confine their attention to simply otlvor ising their section in order to induce settlers to come here in preference to some other point, but should show heir good intentions by doing something to aid and en rjurage the immigrant after he arrives. The effort made 3 Cheney is a good one, but the thing most uoeded is a cal bureau of information in every county seat and rominent town iu the West, a place where pints of the leant land in the county are kept, and where the immi rant can obtain needed information and advice, free of charge and courteously given. Let him realize that you have an interest in him beyond the prosont dollar or two he drops in the way of trade, and the chances are that where he is thus treated he will elect to remain- Such a bureau would do more to facilitate the settlement of a county than cords of pamphlets and boom circulars. The annual influx of immigrants from the East will soon begin, and beyond question the number of pooplo who will como to the extreme "West this year to Bottle upon Government and railroad land, or to cngngo in some mercautilo pursuit or manufacturing industry, will be largely in excess of any previous yoar in our history. Two lines of railroad now reach us, whnn only a yoar ago thore was nono. One of the causes of tho enormous im migration which has flowed into Dakota is tho facility of renching all portions of the Torritory by rail. Tho dif ferent roads, embracing half a dozen trunk lines and their brandies, havo boen taxed to their utmost capacity to transport the goods, furnituro, stock and families of intending sottlors. Equal facilities, would be equally employed in this rogion. The Jaoifio Northwest holds a favorable place in tho nnndrt'foi Eastern people con templating a removal ta somi Wostnrn homo; they know that here they will not bo on the " frontier," in the sense in which that term is usually understood; but tho former difficulty and exponso of reaching this region havo caused many to soloct Borne point further earit and many others to dofer the tiino of their departure until such obstacles were removed. These have disappeared before the advance of the railroads, and wo may reasonably anticipate a great addition t ) our population and wealth within the next eight months. It will expand tho area of our cultivated hinds, will increase tho quantity and variety of our products, will put now life into our indus tries and stimulate business in every channel of trado. In whatever position Henry Villard may be loft by the reverses of fortune, Oregon should always hold his name in kindly remembrance for the many favors bo stowed by him outeide his ofllcial capacity. One of these, for which he has never received Hufliciont credit, was the endowment from his private means of the State Univer sity at Eugene City. He contributed $7,000 to lift a debt hanging over the institution, $1,700 for the salary of a professor ono year, $1,000 for apparatus, $1,000 for n library, $250 for u scholarship, and $-50,000 in six per cent Northern Pacific Railroad bonds ns nn endowment fund, making a total of $01,010. Mr. Villard owns no property at Eugeno City, and was entirely unselfish in his gratuity. The recent flood in tho Ohio, exceeding even the great one of last year, warns us of what we may expect when our mountains ore denuded of timber.