THE WEST SHORE. 8 GROWTH OF PORTLAND. AiKJnn 1QS. nt, Sfi38.500: in Sellwood. 55. at $60,000- . total of 776 buildings, costing $4,039,100. Eeal estate. Ko rnniil Iwih boon tlm growth of our oily, nml so mi- transfers foot up 85,784,961.85, and street improvements .,r,-u,.,l l. w l.r ii in our expanding bnsinoss relations, cost 47,fj'J7.Uo. but liHlo ImM Wn paid to tlm lintunil nn ,it j " Tii miiiHifiicturinc industries 5.4ttl hands waro nm ioyed, turning out products valued at $11,423,000, being i increase of 1,303 hands and $3,689,000 in products over the previous year. The population, estimated from data carefully col looted, is shown in comparison with the census of 1880 as follows: .U tho Post Office ?72.703.B8 were receive! f. amps, etc., and $349,113.95 from money orders and i -i tr.rtnrt nci frr? 1 J j. i i ik's, wliiie 51rj.v21.oi) were piuu out to noiaers of Buildings. Purl bind 4,7.18 KiiHt I'ortlnnd 1,1128 Allium 823 Suburbs 302 Tolnl. . 6,411 Incri'iixe in tlireo yenrs, 25,830, or 122 per cent. 1883. 80,018 6,522 2,205 1,315 46,150 Population' 1880. 17,577 2,934 143 100 20,814 l.,.,,C.u Hurt mirr. 1 US mill OJilst 111 Olll" Vftl'V llUUSt. st im... th,, ftv udiiuk ik unexcelled tor ih lilt' nil.) Minm nun. ,V ' Ix'iiut v 'f l'H'atioii, mid tho scenic panorama of Anture money orders and notes, I'll - n i witucHwil from our very street, no inaller in wnicn direction one may turn, is refreshing and invigorating in tho extreme. Visitors notion thin feature especially, anil never fail to comment tijion tho pleasant sensations ex IM'rionceil, wliilo walking througli tho crowded and noisy streets, whenever Ihoir eyes rested on the graceful lines of Mount Hood or the rounded cone of St Helena. The river will) its inlands and numerous craft; the hills and ruvincH hack of town; the residenco streets with their fringo of shade trees, and, above all, the city itself, as neon from the hills on the went, present beautiful pic tures, especially attractive to one to whom these scenes are new, ami imparting an undefinablo sense of content ment and happiness to those who witness them daily. Our nrtint gives us glimpses of a few of the most familiar Hcenes, including the recreation park, a view down the river, nml the cnlrancn way to our beautiful City of the Dead Yet Portland is not s 1 in its best liidit from nn . . , artistic standpoint, pleasant and refreshing as that cer tainly ih, hut from the vantagn ground of its position as the inetroKilis and commercial center of tho Pacific North west In Kopleinlor last The West Siioue presented engravings of tho business blocks and common-inl fi.w.a wvi iuoj together with an accurate and complete description of tho cny, containing many HtatiHticH of ts (, ,i ,,!.. . , , - unit W (UH1 during tho previous year. It now presents a gonoral BM.,inu nummary mo city for tho year 18SI), com piUI chiefly from tho lnmo holidav nnmlmr 'f .. Umjtmum, whoso outerpriso in collecting and publiBhini; o groat nn amount of valuable information settles it even moro surely in iU position as tho loading daily of the rortland lias 125 business firms ami ." , .i.Mi.em, nianuracturors, etc tmomfiiw. itli n capital rnnirimr from Km ... .nn,U i ' 1MrT H.dotnulongk,regaUHlV,:iO.(H . , '' ,,0ho grain. h " JL SB Z ." r hardware. Kl..v " ... Tho tola v,.li...r i . . w -''W.OOO. U111H UiiU.i.l 4,. 1 . Km.n c-uutrioH wi W.ZZi &ml mX othor nf ,;t" 7 " t0r stains 282 illustrations nlu,HUtf.V,7U ao7,rrs7l .CP",:l,8 t whont, 9 nnJ ficory. and gives information of more than itlW,m; LWMSUMl valued pities. It i8, in fftct) a perfect encyclopedia 0f In PorUmiil uu 3m l..;i.i:.. ... the rnciflc Northwest On t o m oanA cunt uf mmUA. ....... 7"." were erected at a Postn i.i . , . . . w ww T7 . , t mimil( m at W2iWOi o-,... u complex indexed volume, neatly bound in COLUMBIA RIVER BAR. The Astoria Chamber of Commerce has forwarded a memorial to Congress asking for an appropriation of 500,000 for the improvement of the mouth of the Colum bia. It shows that the commerce of the river is increas ing at the rate of 25 per cent annually; that 838 vessels, with a registered tonnage of 1,152,994 tons and cargoes valued at 841,000,000, passed over the bar in 1883; that largo American wooden vessels drawing from 23 to 26 ioet or water cannot cross the bar with a full cargo, so that the carrying of grain is chiefly confined to the English iron vessels of lichter draft: that the bar can be so improved that a vessel drawing 26 feet can cross at 1! 1 uny nine; ana properly asserts that the improvement of tho Columbia River bar is the most necessary work con- luiupiawn in tne JNortliwest METEOROLOGICAL TABLE FOR 1883. From Olervatlon Taken at the U. 8. Signal Station, Portland, Or. u,. , . , No. of No. of No. of No. of Min HiRliMt Lowest Mnim dm... v-;.. rimirl. Rninv Total nnmm. ltrniD. Tnmn Tomr. ti. i n. pin . . . r uujd, jaio. lojn. 4J ' ".i-i TO inmrv Hi uf. Nurd 'ViV2 April 211.(122 MllV Nl in.. June.... so'uh Ji'iy 2iui;n Auinwt. ... ai.oB Sopii'inbcr 2ti.ii OcIiiIht. .. au.tku N'iV(milMr. Sil.ini Deoomljor.. Sil.119 Total. 55.0 611.0 75.0 74.2 84.0 87.0 IM .0 83.11 87.(1 01.2 0(1.0 56.4 8.6 7.0 31.0 8:1.2 4(1.0 44.0 48.0 43.5 44.6 37.0 33.5 24.2 37.5 33.0 50.4 4U.2 57.4 63.4 60.9 62.8 61.2 50.8 46.5 41.9 4 11 18 a 8 14 25 24 19 4 1 6 in 12 8 12 14 12 6 5 7 11 11 14 17 5 10 16 11 4 1 a 4 16 18 11 116 115 19 9 10 a o 8 11 16 22 16 135 18.70 2.31 6.40 7.8 1.67 .18 .00 .10 .67 i.Ul 8.29 6.34 5U4 i : I"" 51.8 131 UIKIIlflllOWri.1 nn l.:.i ,- . . " . . .. nd mnrlir . ui'ierent days, st no time mffioient for sleighing, .ho wTT 8 10 min bofore th0 8t0" ""led. PrevaiUng direction of . The West Shore for 1883 contains 282 illustrations . uui ihe Vest Shore, Portland, Or.