The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, January 01, 1884, Image 1

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Vol. 10.
Portland, Oregon, January, 1884.
No. 1.
An I II wit rated Journal of General Information, devoted to the aViWopmnif of
the Oreut West.
Subscription prioe, per annum $'2 n
To foreign countries, including pontage 221
Single copies ja
Subscription can be forwarded by registered lottor or postal order at our riHk .
Postmasters and News Agents will reojive subscriptions at abovii rates.
General Traveling Agont CllAIGIE H1IAHP, Jr.
I.. SAMUEL, Publlaher, 183 Front HI, cor. Washington, Portland, Or.
At a Church Fair
Cantilever Bridge II
Editorial Notes : 7
(treat Northwest, No. 1 i
Hrowth of Portlard H
Meteorological Table H
Our Illustrations 1
Postal Guide u HI
Pulse of Animals M SK
Hailrnad Guide and Timo Tables 2S
lteveriHS of a Bachelor, No. 1 II
Brink e Iliver Valley H
Hinging at Night t
What Our Fingers Teach 21
Moat House, Portland. t 0
City View Park is
Down the Willamette from the White House 'U
Down Park btreet, Portland In
Fifth Street, Portland II
First 81 root Bridge, Portland 1ft
Gibraltar Kock Ill
Labbe Hl-ck iSI
Marent's (lulch Bridge - ID
Pilot Peak 17
PIhwi, Porthnd V
Iliver View Cemetery V
Bchonnhin Hock 17
Buutli Portl nd lli
The grand scenery throughout the Grent West is nn
exhauBtless theme for the artist's pencil, and to find it he
is not compelled to plunge into the wildorneHH nor to
forsake the comforts of civilized life. Our cities and
towns are built in the very midst of Bcenery as beautiful
and inspiring as the world affords, und the traveler on
the railroads and steamers .Bees it spread out on either
hand like a panorama. The West Shohe presents this
month engravings of a few landscapes and objects of in
terest along our principul routes which have become
familiar landmarks to the traveler.
The great trestle bridge spanning Marent's Gulch,
ten miles from Missoula, Montana, is one of the most
prominent features of the Northern Pacific Railroad. It
is the highest trestle in the world, having an altitude in
the center of 226 feet It is 8C8 feet long, rests upon
eight piers, and is constructed of timber cut from the
huge trees that grow in that vicinity. The trestle was
designed by the same engineer who planned the great
cantilever bridge at Niagara, and is so constructed that it
can be replaced by an iron structure without interruption
of traffic
Our engraving of Gibraltar Rock conveys a far bettor
idea of those towering cliffs of rock along the Columbia
than can be given in mere words. For several miles the
0. R. & N. Co.'s track winds along their base between
them and the river. On one hand rises the wall of rock;
on the other flows tho deep water. The track was con
structed along theHO frowning cliffs of rock by blasting
out a narrow road bed, piercing jutting crags with short
tunnels, and often building out over the water upon
trestle work for long distances. There is one ceuliarity
of Gibraltar llock which will in future bo noted as its
distinguishing feature, and that is the contour of its top,
which presents the profile of a womun'B head, complete
even"to the eye-lashes. By turning the engraving sido-
wise, bo that tho top will be at tho right, tho outline will
catch the eye at a glanco. This immense head, carved in
stone by the hand of Nature, is the largest natural profilo
yet discovered, and the name "Gibraltar," appropriate as
it is in other respects, should be changed to "Tho
Sphynx of tho Columbia."
Pilot Peak is a tall spire of rock on Siskiyou Moun
tain, standing almost on the boundary line between
Oregon and California, and but a short distanco from the
tunnel of the Oregon & California Railroad, now being
constructed. It has sol ved as a guide and landmark to
travelers ever since tho first party of Hudson's Buy Com
pany trappers cmst-ed tho mountain into California in
1828. Schonchin Rock, its associate, Btnnds like a sen
tinel on tho very edge of the celebrated Lava Bods, where
Captain Jock and his little band of Modocs so long
defied tho power of tho Government. During that
memornblo contest it was often used as a signal station.
Back of it may be seen the Lava Beds (stretching for ten
miles, and though seemingly a level plain, in reality
seamed and creviced with chasmB and caves, and rendered
almost impassable by jumbled masses of lava roek. To
one not acquainted with the trails und passages it is nn
almost im penetrable labyrinth, and it was solely to their
ability to remain concealed, to fight only from nmbui h,
and to rotront in safety at will, that tho Modocs owed
their victories over the troops and their long immunity
from capture. Its title is the name of one of tho Modoo
The design of our new covor fully explains itself to
all who are familiar with our magnificent scenery. To
those who are not we will say that it represents the in
dustries and products of this region, mid contains en
gravings of familiar sconeB in every State und Territory
and along every important lino of travel in tho Great
West There are the Mouth of the Columbia, the true
West Shore of America; tho Fulls and Locks of tho
Willamette, Oregon; the interior of a bonanza mine, Ne
vada; Marent's Trestle, on the Northern Pacific, Montana;
Mammoth Hot Springs, National Park; Monnt Tacomn,
Washington Territory; Red Butte and Swan Lake, on
the Utah k Northern Railway, Idaho; tho celebrated
Yosemite of California; and a salmon cannery on the
Columbia. The lieauty of the design and excellence of
the engravings require no comment