December, 1883. THE WEST SHORE. he tossed about hi. baby hand, in the cradle, he He came down (he South Yuba and crossed over last fellow on earth to a man g,, hung.y. mounted hi. horse and rode away ftom the cabin, to Deer Creek, to spend the winter at the famous new. mitt . meal when I can hrln I'. ami I'm turning every f-w yard, to throw back a Im. to "pound digging," on Cold run, and with what dogged If I like to see anyone el.e ml on. the little group at the door until intervening trees dust he had accumulated bought the claim of a either. Can you walk little " drew their green curtain before the scene. The little party with which he united journeyed rapidly southward. Up the Willamette valley they passed, across the Calapooia mountains to the valley of the Unipqun, on through the ruggei ranyon to the lovely Rogue river valley, in which man who had made enough anrl dclrcd to return to his eastern home. There he woiked all winter. making bat little more than "grub money," as the liesl ground in the claim had been worked out before he purchased It, It was now the spring of 1850, and though he itood not a habitation, save the rude wickiups of had already been gone a year Linger than he had hostile savages, over Siskiyou mountain and across the swiftly-rolling Klamath, along the base of snow-crested Shasta, until they finally reached the Sacramento valley. At Nye', ranch, now Mary villc, they learned that good digging, had been discovered on Yuba river, and turning up that stream iillowed it to Rose bar, in the foot hills, where now the great hydraulic mine, of Smarts ville wash down the auriferous hills. Here each man selected a claim and began hi. mining career. More fortunate than some of hi. companion., Peter Warren fcund a very rich claim, but after working a few week., the river, swollen by heavy rains in the mountains, covered the bar so that all work had to be suspended. For three month, he waited patiently for the water to recede, spending all the dust he had accumulated and even running into debt at Rose & Reynolds' trading post. He promised, he had not yet secured the coveted liag of dust, and he was ashamed to return without it, Yet" All right 1 come along to the creek ahead here and we'll go Into camp for the night. I'll gel you something hot to eat in a JHTy. The new Iriend wa. at good a. his word, ami in half an hour the two sat down to a rrpatt that many a man leu famished than I'elet Warren would have relUhcd, After eating they reclined betide the biasing pile of faggots, and while finally resumed work and soon had hi. score cleared and laid away a .mall bag of the scale pcore. of rich diggings in that region were ills- gold hi. claim yielded, when he wa. stricken with I covered and quickly filled with miners, that horrible malady, the scurvy, brought upon him by living continually upon bacon, without vegetables or acid food. Leavtng hi. cJaim in the possession of a man who offered to work it on share., he hastened to Sacramento for medical attendance. By the first of June he was so far recovered a. to again seek the mines, having ajwnt hi. last "pinch" of dust, though by no means capa' ble of much physical exertion. Upon arriving at Rose bar he found a stranger wa. working hi. Early In the spring rumor spread through the I smoking by turns the only ple Walton pourucd, related the story of their lives, When Warren tpoko of his once happy home by the Willamette, where now hit wife and little ones were no doubt mourning for him m dead, and how he had snuggled and suHerrd In tin mines In hi. eDml. to get even a small sum to lake home lo them, Watson's eye. tilled with lean, and selling his companion by the hand the generous hearted man vowed that half he poueued should be his and that henceforth they were ailnera, " Cheer up, old fellow, I'm on my way now to the richest digging. In this whole country. Some fi lends ol mine discovered them and tent mt wuid, We'll laka up two claims together ami work them fof ail they ara worth." This arrangement waa entirely satisfactory In Warren, who wauld have clutched eageily at the least straw of ho, The nest day they started out, and two day. later descended the sleep hill near Spanish peak lo the east branch 01 the north fork of leather river, and located two of the lietl claims on Kkh bar, With the thought of hi. loved ones always In hi. mind and en- mlnei on Yuba and Feather rivers that a wonder ful lake had been discovered away up among the mountain peak, at the headwater, of those streams, on whose shore gold could be picked up by the wagon load, and that Stoddaid, the dis coverer, would lead a select party to that SMit as soon as the icy fincer. of lack Frost had been unclasjied by the warm rays of the sun and the mountain passes freed from the huge drifts of snow. Preparations were made by hundreds to follow in the wake of Stoddard's party and when the new. was spread that search lor Gold lake had really been commenced, there was a great rush from all side. In the direction the first party had taken. Thousands roamed through the mountain fastnesses of Sierra and Plumas counties, and though the golden lake was never found, Among tlis excited crowd of adventurer, was Peter barren, the last ounce he had being sjienl fur an outfit. He accompanied tire hurrying and inoohcrait crowd hither and thither, over high ,1 l vtr 1 .1 Icuuraued l' the hope that at last he would m mountain summits, along rocky cliffs and the tuu"k ' w aula 10 win m iuiiuiw ii.i w"ih '", worked with tireless energy until spring, The edge of yawning precipices, plunging through immense drift, of .now and forded the Icy cur rent of tumultuou. mountain torrents, until he be came separated from all the other, and found him- u-lfalnne amnn? the mountain summits. Ills bouyanl spirit, of hi. companion aided In making the winter seem short anil tlx labor Ine eihaual log. claim, having purchased it from the man In who pack- animal weakened by wan. of food, ml Ms charge it had been left, and aa possession in those footing on the steep side of a canyon, and rolled """ ",u" " . .. day. wa. .11 the title down upon the rock, a thousand feel below, f.". ll.r H " '' pelllto look either, scattering hi. pack of provision, and tool, u, ,oung man of abllUy. The mine, were now ranidlv fillint ut. with completely and in .uch inaccessible place, thai It br.v. and quick lo act in ',, g.n- that great army of argonaut, from the east, pour- wu impossible .0 recover them. Warren .till ... .0 . 'TTl ing into California from around . he ..ormv Horn, llrggled on until, fool-ore, discouraged and h. J 'J c he fevet-h.un,ed I.thmus, through Nicar- t.r,y famished fo, wan, of food, he sunk down agua, Mexico and Arizona, and over the bleak bide the trail and .banrloned him,. .0 jm r-- plain, by the way of Salt Lake and down the despair. For hour, he lay to . J. ,, B.ny of drinking mar hy Humboldt. They made their way up ,ttte, his mind obllvlou. to hi. turrounnings w into the mountains in March of new diggings, and I painfully acute lo it. own agony, Warren also pushed further into the canyon, of Ihe green-clad Sierra. He had postpned his Ac arture for home until fall, exacting lo I able to take with him the heavy sack of dutt he had boied to have In the .pring. There wa. no mail to Oregon then, and as be had met with no one .a . " I Irllo, partner, whal seems lo lie ine rnsnrr 1 said hearty, cheerful voice at a hand was firmly but tenderly laid on Ihe prottrete mans boulder. "Nothing gone wrong who rm, . . . . . 1 1 r. hoi? I reckon bet aooui piaym . take wne of Ihi.," ihru.llng a fla Into hi. han.1. cn, ana as ne nau n. - . s "'V?.. . "1 ". -mi do vot) fundi returning thither, he had been unable to send "it . genu..K ' home a measoge of any kind. With firm de- T J mma ht fl, in,J .ciiiuuKiiun lo win inc cotcich .u to them In the fall, he plunged deeper into the mountains. He prosriecled here and there, Ire' quently finding what miner, at the preaent time would consider splendid claim j but hi. feverish anxiety to make a "home Wake," and the mem ory of the richnesa of bit old claim on Roe bar, led him to abandon them all and prospect (or i 1. 1 his mouth, and as Ihe spirit. KkkUd ,. fcU thr. at be began gradually to eali M cmlition and that be ha.1 lound a friend in his mi"y- , .u.. l. "If you always Anna ne .., i-- would like a heap of pMu T" I reckon 70 ara Hungry, 1 uMldna- lo eat fuf two days. '' " i.tht dWl tell ". better one. In this manner ihe .ummer and fall "ShoJ.)r'..,i Bui,k. lim Waue I 'hi wora awar without findine him ready to return, the mines ltd him Into many 1 and gambling, of which be wa. ashanl sober, Ixsl whkh hit convivial nature would not lrmil him tu In hit In ledum he ("uml low" "f sli'nu'h " VVmmii, arl swm after llM-y bul haaled 1 Hub I M was br hw fiientl'a aid al.U l '" enlinly from dunking ami even al.)urd Ihe game of .kr, -l,LK had lrm kit favmlle amiwiiwril time childhood ami whlth bad kt him cwtlanlly ol the verge ul Unkmpliy. One .Suwlty late In ihe n'Wi h'l li"! at full lengih Untttb a h4; tn ii))m Iheii pipes, Wsiien aM 1 "Tti will U my U wk." "Have yrmawle enough?" Nut aa much a I wutihl like, but mf ball will U qttll sum, and I a too aatiutw to slay any kngi." " How nwh do ym mho) a' laid away V "AboM lltCM."