3Mssbsb THE WEST SHORE November, 188a. 290 CARPENTERS' TOOLS, Builders' and General HariwaTB At Lowest Rates at I " 'si. rJAVH I ! ' Xm'Af ' F. R. CHOWN'S 243 First Street, near Main, PORTXA.N33. OEEO-OIT. Agency for the Celebrated Mer Double and Three Barrel Gun Combined. BHTABUHHED 185a. SPORTSMEN'S EMPORIUM. WM. BECK & SON, Wholouli ud Botiil Seiliri in BREECH-LOADING GUNS AND IMPLEMENTS, RoniiiwUm, Sharp's. Murlln'i and Wlnohostor Nidi, Colt's, J. 1'. (Jlalmmith's, I'arkor's und Kom InirUin'l Double und Hinilo ltroouh-Loadini Hhot (iunii. The Baker Three-Barret Gun. Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Diamonds, latches, Jewelry, to, watch Renalrlnar Carefully Exe cuted. .... Any Article in me jewcirj Hade to Order. The l.arneMt H'OCk ana toe miwcbi PrlceH on the Coattt. Country Orders Solicited. mf..!J LLlVi', M j The above 1" an intorior view of the Leading Jewelry Establishment in the Paoilio Northwest, located on the northwest eorner First and Morrison Sta., Port land, Oregon. B. L. STONE, Direct Importer of, and Dealer in, DIAMONDS, . WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Solid Silver and Silver Plated AVaro, Clockl and Optical Uoods, Hole Agent for the Diamond aud B. i,. H. Eye Glatmeg, Rpootaolee, Marine and Field Ulassei. Diamonds Mounted and Solid Oold Jewelry manufac tured to order on Bhort notice. Repairing of Chronometers, Euglisn and Swla watohes a specialty. NE I MEYER LKAPtNO Louis Eppinger, Corner First and A Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Klnunnt in all lis annnintinnnts. All the choicest dolioauios from to markets of the world. First-class in every respect. Unsurpassod in tbo United btatea. HOTELS, RESTAURANTS, AND ATCF'" la i - I llanard'i Rportlnn and 11'iiKtlnif iTTWrtor, Fine Fish- lnu Tackle and Hiwrtlng Uundi of all kinds. 166 and 167 Second St., bet 'Morrison and Yamhill, PORTLAND, OR. Hond for Price l.lrt No. 12. TITOS. VAUWIG, SANITARY PLUMBER splendid dining hall, . PRIVATE ROOMS FOR LADIES ubs tuiu sienui r mer. Ao. 79 WnthUmlnn HireH, brt Third and Fourth, Portland, Oregon. IIKALKHUI lead and Iron Pipe, Copper Until Tubs, Lulcst Improved Water Closets, Marble Ilasins, Kulilicr Hose, Elc. TIIK Leading Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter in Oregon. J Succrtnor c ' 4noi and KnrKrU, Cor. First and Alder Sts., Portland, UT Nothing but flrst-clflss goods sold, And ewrv enrmcnl wnnnnted.'M NEW YORK HOTEL, keantrhea Uaalhauit, 17 N. Kmut Kt.. opposite Man meaniamp Liuuiiig, run land, ur. B. HOTIirOH CO., ltoprhton. Hoard nor week 14: Itoanl ner week, with Ixvli. Ihf, lt; Board per day, l; angle meals, 1 cu. lUUglllg, No. 127 First Street, PORTLAND. - . OREGON. 0 b ii 1 Th. H. Llebe. D. W. JMWnf. OREGON STEAM BAKERY, LIEBE 3c HOELBINO. u....f.MHM M all klndl of Fancy Biscuits, Crackers, and Ship Bm, Cor. Second and Asn hs. FWorv. eor. G and East Park, PORTLAND The Rishop Scott Grammar School. A boardir.fr and day school lor boys. The f Wh TJ under present man(rement bepns Se pj Classes In Greek, Latin,. German, J'KiJ Mathematics, Hook Keep n, Sciences, Mas C J" and Penmanship. Uiscipl i.ne strict Semi fa "1" , mnual cati-logic, with list of former inunlars, Head Master. . . , M. , n n. . ' 1''okti.'m.. OKMa llIlE1lMHil, Liyery, Hack ani Feei St iota ita(SKr eonvsyed to and from the House fret of I inarce. o cnmaiiien einri"el. J. S. KELLER & CO., liutchers and Packer, DEAI.KKa IN fiver, Perk, MaltoM, Veal, aad ('raed MUrtall Hlada, CDl.lFlrat d Mwilaon Nla., fUKTLANl), UK. SALOON OUTFITS A iennllY. A. II. JOIINHOiV , Slorh Broker, wholeule nntcber aad Packer, and dealer la all kinds oi Fresh and Cured Meats, Bacon, Hams and Lard. Apwilal Attention riven to supplying Rhlpa. tlalla M, H7 and &, t'entrnl Market, - Portland, Orecoo, Cor. Third and Madlwon Reasonable Chrge for P orders lof eutlon raid to Boarding Howes. Hacks promptly attended to. Da or N w ATTTTTCS Of Bulldlnw. Animal.. Machln'rr w-f order in an artistic style t ) the J u . SHoaa, Portland, Ororon. Blertaein njr iireM.