The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1883, Page 149, Image 3

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    July, 1883.
side with the excavated material was unsuccessful.
Notwithstanding the large size of the pieces
blasted out, they were removed by the waves in
very short order. By the exertion of much effort
and skill the larijr derrick was landed and set In
place, the mast being forty-five feet high and the
boom seventy-five feet long. Another large der
rick, four small ones, and a large engine for
operating them, were also landed. The material
used in constructing the works was 5,914 cubic
feet of first-class ashlar stone, J.SSoof second-
class ashlar, 96,664 hiick, and ',635 cubic feet of
sand. These were all prepared and shipped
ready for use, and landed from the deck of the
vessel by the large derrick.
It is unnecessary to fullow step by step the
construction of this important station, nor to give
in detail the thousand obstacles that presented
themselves and were overcome by patience and
skill. Enough has been told to give all that was
intended, an idea of the expenss, danger and
difficulties attending the light house system. The
work was completed nnd the light first exhibited
January 21, 1881, and the machinery was placed
in the fog signals three weeks later. Supplies
are now landed by means of the derrick, at shown
in the engr.iving, and a safe anchorage will soon
be made near enough to the rock for convenient
working of the derrick and far enough from it to c
cape danger from the swell. Considering the in
creasing commerce of the Columbia river and the
northwestern coast, the light house at Tillamook
may be reckoned as one of the most important
stations ever established ; and by giving It tele
graphic connection with Astoria its usefulness
may be vastly increased, as then vessels arriving
outside can be informed of the condition of the
bar, while owners and tug boati inside can be
notified of their arrival and if necessary go to their
assistance without delay.
The Pacific Coast Steamship Co. has chaileted
the iVe.riV and ptnrrd hrr on the mute from San
Francisco to Puget sound, to accommodate the
Increasing traffic.
The Hellingham Bay & British Columbia K. R.
Co. hat been Incorporated with a capital tlock of
$1,000,000, to build a line from Whatcom to a
point on the Canadian Pacific tlwut thirty-six
miles east of Durrani inlet,
An extension of the California Northern rail
road is now lieing surveyed from Oroville, Call
fornia, passing through Unite, Tinman, lessen
and Modoc counliet to Goose lake. It route
beyond that place and its objective point have not
yet been announced.
The Southern Oregon Improvement Co. has
elected V. II. Hesse, of New lledlord, Mass.,
president Jonathan Hume, Jr., of Portland
vice president 1 William Koach, of Huston, trcnS'
urerj Cecil llolcomb, secretary. Work on the
railroad from Roseburg to Coot bay will lie com
menced immediately.
On the extension of the Oregon and Calilornia
the Grave creek tunnel hat been completed, II
is 3,110 feet in length. The long tunnel at Cow
creek, this tide of the other one, will he finished
in a few weeks, and then track-laying can lie
pushed on In Rogue river valley without inter
ruption. Woik on the great tunnel through the
Siskiyou mountain hat been commenced In
grade Is less then twenty feet, while the average
grade for the hole distance it but seven feet.
The engineer estimates the cost at $ J, 805,000 or
$15,000 per mile. What all this surveying will
result in it a mystery to the unitlaicd.
Captain II, II. fierce and Lieutenant Kodman
t arted from Vancouver early in July with a de
tachment of the jut Infantry, to explore a new ,
pats Ihimigh the Cascades cast of Hellingham
liny. The past wat partially explored by Captain
Pierce last summer, and the guide who now ac-
companiet the parly asserts that he will conduct
I hem t'. rough a past far tiierlor for lailrnad
purposes to the Sntxpialniie, Stampede, Naihess,
or any other yet found. If such a mule exists It
will no doubt be utilised by lome of the lines
seeking an outlet on Puget sound, and the What
com country will then rrallie the fruition of ill
dearest hopes. Captain Pierce, who had lieen In
Ill-health for tome lime, died In the mountains
a few days ago, and the exploration it now being
continued under the diicctlon of Lieutenant Rod
Puget found, with lit long branching arms, its
Islands, capes, bays nnd wooded hull, lit back'
ground of timlier-clad mountains, and snow
crowned peaks, is one of the most beautiful bodies
of water in the world. It it one immense harbor
where all the shins of the world can anchor in
tafety and not obstruct the channel. So deep is
it anil to abruptly do the shores rise from the
water, that in many placet there it no anchorage
near the bank. Steamert wind in and out of the
long projecting rocks, now disapearing around
tome jutting headland 01 verdant island, now in
the broad open bay and then darling Ihrnugli
some narrow, rocky channel just wide enough to
admit of their passage, constantly revealing new
beaulies to the tiaveler at every turn, and making
his voyage a succession of lovely picture. The
Steamboat pass, of which we gie an engraving,
it a narrow channel lielween the rocks and islands
near the foot of the tound, and is used by steamers
and small vessels at a "cul off fiotn the rrgutai
route. The water it deep and to a vessel pro
pelled by ttcam and guided by a slillful hand the
passage presents no dangers. At the boat ap
proaches, it seems as though it was being tun full
tilt UKn me rocK, ami me s..ii.kc.i .- ...
the passage, tees nothing but wreck and disaster
befoie him. Suddenly a little oixning appears,
.n,l into this ihe vessel clieVs. following a narro
channel well knonn to the pilot unni 11 gi
.... .,t ini Arm wster on InC oincr sine.
I hit it but one of the many Incuientt mat mane
Work on the connecting link between Portland
and Kalama it progressing rapidly. An incline
hat lieen constructed from the road lo the river al
Columbia City, up which two locomotives have
lieen taken to Ihe track, and track-laying has
been commenced al lhal point. It is the exuda
tion to have the road completed in lime for Mr.
Villard's through train, Ihe first week in Septem
ber. Coffin rock, seven miles below KnUma, it
he point finally chosen for crossing the Columbia
The transfer will be made on barges for few
months, until the mammoth ferry boat it put
together by the contractor.
Colfax and Moscow aie Jubilant over their rail
road prospects. The former clly hat been se
lected as Ihe point of junction of Ihe Moscow
branch of the Palouse road, the line to run up Ihe
South Paloute Instead of diverging on KeUI flat
as at fust surveyed. For lliis consideration Ihe
people of Colfax donate lo the company the right
of way fiom that place to Pullman and 140 acret
of land adjoining Ihe clly on Ihe north, for depot,
Ide I rack a, shops, etc, The clllaent of Moscow
have donated 470 acres of land, ci town lots and
the right of way lo Pullman, for which ihry have
received assurance that Ihe road will be extended
lo that clly by the li. of January if ponlbl.
Contracts have lieen lei for the maleiial required
for the large grain elevator to lie erected In Mot
cow lliis (all.
There were entered and cleared In the district
of Puget tound, at Ihe custom house in Port
Townsend, during the final year ending une Jo,
1883, a tolal of 1,314 vessels, aggregating 813,901
Thouijdi no large ship yard exist tl Neallle,
here 1 considerable activity displayed there iu
building Ihe mailer crall 1111 ply upon ihe Wains
of ihe sound and along the coast. 1h A .11
J'.iMiwN,, t stern wheel steamer II J feel lung,
was recently launched from T. W, I-akVs yard.
and will probably be placed on Ilia mule between
Seattle and Whalcoin. Another steamer, 111
Hub' Irving, 85 feel lung, it bring constructed In
the same yard, lo ply on ihe Nookack and oilier
rivers emptying Into Ihe sound. J, F. T. Mitchell's
yard has Just tunil out the llllle lug Imal 'IVUi,
tonnage ui these io sane.. coastwise. ..... , . ( . h uf
lered and ' " . , . ,
1,026, with a tonnage of 54J.815, en
cleared foreign, 'lliis i exceeded by only Ihree
ports in the L'niled Stales and shows at what rale
commerce of the northwestern C.t it developing.
Lumber and coal are the itaple article of eirt,
but Ihere will no dout.1 lie a large increase 111 ine
wheat shipments during the next few yea..
The Oregon Short Lin it making satisfactory
wl.lrh wat built year ago at an expense uf
$5,000, will Incompleted al once. She it I Jo
feel long, twenty -six led beam, ami wilt be c bin passenger and fielghl ll. As to I be
orospicts for ship building, Mr. lake says, ,f he
had a company with icapiul of $lco,coo In beck
him, he Could build vessels of any description,
either Iron or wood, for service on I In river raf
. l 1 -.!,!, i.uml or t tra. ami build them mi well and
process wcslarl. rassenger trams it imn . -
t .... . ! 1 ... II.. I Ctlt u..u,t.l mmm -..n.
running to Llltle Canyon creek, hilytwo nines ,.'r ...... n.-.-r7 .... ...
west of Shoshone, for several weeks, arvl .y Ihe per succctsiuiiy .... R.a.. y 1
first of August will lie running to Rattlesnake P"Mt in lh world. There it a great demand foe
creek It I now Ihe expclalion lo reach Ihe ship and 11 budding Ihere, but be is without the
point of junction on Hum! river tome time In 'capital for eonsliucting lh larger clt. erf
December. The survey down the Snake has ! wooden and sea going vtwels. There i.agnal
deled from Die mouth of Ituint river lo demand kit mm-cmm uf carpenter ami uuiioen
1 nis it uut one o. .us m,...., - - ----- . Hnl,irf,(i ilum 1 M tnoulli 01 uuini river to n........ .
a journey on lhal inland tea to lull 01 WW"-" ,
lh iravder. ' lwitton, .... . .-