The West Shore. VOL. 9 No. 6.' j L. Bamnnl. mhllslwr. Portland, Oregon, June, 1883. 121 front St. Blitatwl M lb I"t Annua, I luW fl tm eu. Craigie Sharp, Jr., Is fully authorised to transact business for this publication. SPECIMEN NUMBER. Any one receiving this copy of The West Shore will please consider It an invitation to be come a regular subscriber. The next number of The WEsr Shore will be oneof the b.'t ever issted. Those desiring extra copies should send in their orders at once. Wherever the fame of the Columbia river salmon has penetrated, Astoria his become a familiar word. At home or abroad the sight of a can ol that delicious fish upon the grocer's shelf suggests it as much as a clipper ship suggests the Clyde. Situated on the left bank of the Columbia, about twelve miles above the bar. where the river widens out into broad estuary, she is the gate way and natural shipping point for the entire state of Oregon. For beauty and healthfulness of location As toria has no superior on the coast. Situated on the marcin of the river and extending up the slop ing hill, with a forest-crowned ridge rising cool and beautiful above, never suffering from the overDowerinr? heat ol the sun, but constantly fanned by cool and healthful breeies from the oDen sea. she affords a delightful place o! resi dence. To be sure the rainfall is Urge in the winter season, but this is amply compensated for by an entire exemption from snow and excessively cold weather. The sewerage is perfect and no malarial sewer gai or diseased-breeding slough exists to people the cemetery on the hill. The business portion of the city is built upon piling above the tide flats. Drains run into this from the hill, and twice a day the ebb tide bears away the filth and completely purifies the city. From the highu back of Astoria a view can be obtained that is worth miles of travel to one who k.. . .... tn, it.. hMutiful. On the cut, four mile above, Tongue point thrust its mass of green pines far out into the stream, lorn. side of the graceful bay in which the city lie. n....h k;,i i.n (mm view, the course of the river can be plainly discerned by the contour of the k:n. -i. t.A kin melts into the horiino many mile beyond. Immediately at our tret i: .i.- i .a nf the Columbia, frecked ttr tuc WIIWU v - with little cap. of while, and dotted with the spread sail of hundreds of filing boats. Some are standing aero. tb river, other, .preading their while Handing across the river, oincn net, many beating out towaid the bar, i dill other, are coming lt winf m4 wing, with a loud of the loyal salmon. It is no un common s ght to see five hundred of these liule boats darting about, as well as several large ocean steamers and deep-water vessels, and a whole fleet of river ciaft. As far as the eye can dislin guish their sails these little boats are seen, until they disappear amid the while breakers of the liar. Across the bar Cape Disappointment iuts far out into the ocean, thrown into bold relief by the sun just setting at its back, while the low line of Point Adams lies opposite on the left. As the twilight dcetiens, the cape gradually fades from view, but its position remains liimly fixed by the brilliant star that gleams from the light house on ll.e point. Astoria is divided into two parts by a high ridge that conies down lo-lhe walei's edge, the two divisions being connected by a long plank way built upon piling. They are known as the uuner ami lower town, the business houses bring ri nearly all located In the lower or main poition ol the city. The upper town is expanding rapidly along the river and back upon the hill. HISTORICAL In 1810 John Jacob Astor organlied the Pacific Fur Company and dispatched the ship Tenurn around Cape Horn, sending at the same time an overland oarlv from Mackinaw under Wilson I'. Hunt. The Tonquin arrived off the bar lale In March and a landing wa effected and settle mentmade alut the first of April, 1811. Th lire m named Fort Astoria in honor of th r,.,m,!,r of ihe enterprise. It was located on the ile now occupied by C. Adler, Esi. Octolier 16, 1813, owing to the war between Great Hrileln inl the United Stales, the fort and busines were sold to the Northwest Company, and two months later the British flag was raised over the pise chsnired to Fort George. Oclo- lr 6. 1818. it was formally restored to the ITnlied State and the old name was again given ... . a t I II L It. After the consolidation ol lh rival r.ngnsn ind Canadian fur comanie a the Hudson llay r,.mn.n.. the headquarter were moved to Van couver, and Astoria became of secondary im portance. Thus matters continued until 184$ when several American settler, took up claim along Die river, tome of them on the present town silt. In 104a a V Diiiia settled here and owned store, trading with th few tetller nd lb many Indian of the Cat up tribe who occupieo mis He is Ml I rcsiiline in mm cut. .j in 1849 the custom boost was establlsed, the only one then on the coast, and quit a little town h In . km vrars. though H wa not wr some lime thai vr!i in any numbers entered the j.-. a . mill wa toon built, ami the town Ih.ii. ..nanded wilh the development of Ihe u,in and the Increase to commercial Iraflie. In 186; the busines. of canning salmon neg.n and from the inception oi that Industry dale In ...ii.m'u.1 and Dtrmaoen! growth o4 tn cuy Th. Increase was slow (of a few year, Ihere Ii coo mooU here to lS7. I lKkl ttost on k grew- rapidly that to 176 k bf corioraled by the legislature. The past few year have been ones of remarkable Increase of wealth, population and business, and the Indicallons are the future will witness a growth still greater than that of the past. rOrUI.ATION AND (USINISS. The population of ihe upper ami lower town combined wa given by the census of 1S80 as ,8jO Including 1,000 Chinese. This has been increased by Hit addition of fully 1,000 white ieo!c and a large numlicr of Chinamen, so that he present population cm not vary much fiom 8,000. The Increase Is steady and permanent of almut l.otoannually. Tht majority of tht fiher men are single men, but during the last few year many of Ihciu have sent to Europe for ihrlr f im lies or have mariied. and the population I lielng rapidly augmented In this manner. The number of building, completed wlihilt yew or now in process nf erection is very gieal. Sis new canneries were built at an average cost (of building and machinery ol )jo,ohO. Gas woik with a capacity of ao,ooo feci have recently Ix-cn compleied at an expense of $75,000. Two mall sytlcms of water works tslil, but those will be supplanted In August by a more exiendvt one. Water I being bioughl from Hear river In largt Iron piie a distance of eleven miles. The reser voir on llcar river has a capacity of 1,000,000 gallons, ami the will lie a prvseuit of 141 feel at lidt water, These Improvements will cml and ait the woik of Iht Columbia Water Co., composed of J. W. Unite, I). 1 Thompson and F. Dckum. Iht Odd Fellows' leuiplt Is maimiliccnl three stoiy brick building, 50x100 feel, Just completed at a t tspenst of $4 $.000 In clusive of tht ground. The Hank of I, W. Cast and tht largt drug store of W. E, Dement A Co. occupy the ground flour. Pythian ball wa ha isbed this year by the, Knights of Pythias at cost of $17,000, and Is a line liautt sUuctui. Mr. Ellta Kinney hat laid tht foundation of loo slury brick building, 5070 (eel, that will cost, Tht Odd Fellows building I at pres ent Iht only (Nick in lit city, owing to Hit fact that Iht buines portion of Iht town rests upon piling. Tilt method of laying Iht loundallu (of on la very peculiar, 1'iU art driven into Iht iud and aawed off at Hit turfact. Upon llws art placed crovbeams, which form Iht fuvmla lion for Iht brick woik. Many stuallti bulldmg. have been trccttl during Iht pest year, ami twii iban 100 dwelling house have been completed of ti in process of tieclloa. Tht Indication ait that In clas of buildings elected fo budnest purpose In lb futurt will bt a gieal Improvement upon Ibost in Iht past, larger and of lint In stead of wood. Th handsome and aubsianllal enstom house wa. erected tonsil Iwelvt year egs, ll i a solid Mruclutt It stories high, and standing in Iht ctnur of block. II I upi4 bf tht custom hmt office and th p uffict. Owing to Iht character of Iht p-ipst Nation Iht number of hotels, boarding huuac tod laalaaiaaU at 1 bug- Th leading hottk art