April, 1883. THE WEST SHORE. 93 W. G. BOWMAN, LiTery Hack Stable Broad St., opp. Trounce Allay, And View HU, Opposite D lard Ilnuria, Victoria, British Columbl a Largest and beat Llrer" Ptable in the Provinoe. Horses, wa on, oarri"iea, eat, on hire. Careful anrt experienced riilven. well acati" Intel with all plaoet of inter t i' and about Victoria, Cumin hed lo tour hi at re ."name prloi'8. I I am itnnrt linnri. .a. A YM J Mb Kit mhm mmmA w llh,ilHIkfpilMlMi Wa .ri i.a.7DEuUTUllilUl. Th. H. Urbr. D. W. tfoWMnp. OREGON STEAM BAKERY, LIEBE 3c HOELBINQ, teaulwunn of ill klodi ot Fancy Biscuits, Crackers, and Ship Bread, ' Cor. Second and Ash Sts. Faotory, oor. G and East Park, PORTLAND, OR THE MITCHELL FARM AND SPRING WAGONS, Open and TOP BUGGIES, 148 Front St., Portland, Oregon. W. H. MITCHELL, Manager. SEWING MACHINE STORE 167 THIRD ST. . mtaibiv Bosra ON SHORT NOTICE. MACHINES ox HA.LE. ISl v . - fas' y THREAD. lTTACnMEHlB,i& IEBAX ASKNT roa ! HOUSEHOLD & WHITE t u 3 1 iaa Front Btraet, betweea Wahlnto and Aldar PORTLAND, OKEOOW. :S'V'',T,r?i'ffiTFSri 'III 11 " 1:31 U h 4 1 Ill K THE LEADING HOUSE FURNISHING STORE In the Pacific Jlorthwest WholoaU and Retail Qoods Guaranteed and Satisfaction Qiven. O. E. MoBREEN, . DmIw la . CROCKERY GLASSWARE, Wooden and Willow Ware, ' ToyH.'Notlonn, Clocks, Cutlery and BoKer TIvau IMata.! VtA T atntita inn I.ttntn Htock, Tin and Granite Ironware. Tea ai" Dinner Seta a Nptclalty, From 19 to 825 laved on whola oulflta. 65 and 67 MorritoH St., M. Third and fourth, PORTLAND, OREGON. tlTAU onlera promptly and carefully atttmlnl to. legal BhaksJO-j V nrraf Latent and most approved fomw. Supremo Court DECIS'ONS. Ninth Volume Juit ready. All Branches of Printing and Binding IN BEST STYLES AND PROES. 1 rrTAmuYivoo 1 WALTER IIIIOTIICU9, Importer aad Daaten la Garpets, floor Oil Qoths, ya1?TjULUUMl rirM MtrMl. mm ) ! 9 mm Iml, rOBTLAM . OHK if jfToarrrTKADACHK, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, BILIOUS- upDuntlt and GENERAL DEBILITY. nL, iicu.u"- IMPUBITT 01 ina diowj, jliu., Which prompUy RELIEVE and CURE tho dlaordanu THEY HAVE NEVER BEEN KNOWN TO FAIL. 151 FROHT STREET. BUTTEBFIELU BUGS., naker, Jwmt and Enrar j th. IJ tr.10 tlx eouotry arwotOiir alUUd Ut. Wk Vatehmaker, Ordan FRKELASD & B0BEBT8, SS2TTZST0. Kntraae to I d, ItaridMa'a OallT. Cm. Y'uU and Yamhill St., PorlUaMl, OC" E, 8. McCOMAS, BEAL ESTATE BBOKEU, UtSuet City, Oregon. I.ar aad Mull Um eiaawa4 Uad. iw aaia la I'aM aad Itaaar mtim. Pint tt, Ponlaad, Oraaoo.