March, 1883. THE WEST SHORE, 5 to Niagara, are but twenty miles distant, and will I from the Yellowstone country, to be ground into I and iis prospective county teat is Billings, a (own be sought by many tourists in their visits to the I fertilising powder. great attractions of the Coast. The present name The assessed valuation of the territory in tSSj of the post office is Naples. was 321,319. 13, an Increaseover the prwH- Owyhce county, says the Avaliiiuk, lies in liie ing yeai of $9,170,51 J. 7a. southwestern corner of the territory, with Snake The population of Montana has increased 38 river for its northern boundary. It was organized annually for the past four years. The prospects some eighteen years ago, but subsequently it was are that this rate will lie improved upon in 1883. divided, Cassia county being taken from it. At mngi sniipa 16,179,818 U.S. of freight dur- the time the county was organised, but few per- ; f di , ,, sons thought of agriculture or cattle raising in Thrce-fourths of this were cattle, sheep and wool. this section, un tne contrary iney were an iook- ing for rich placer mines and quartz ledges, the An election will occur in Jefferson county July of 400 buildings and a permanent population of Llvlikluu luu already a population of 1,500, It will In the Junction of the branch road from the Northern I'acific to the National Park of the Yellowstone. It la owned by the railroad com. pany, and is growing with giant strides. In Xeb. ruary 159 lots were sold for $54,760, The total sales to the first of March were $93,030. The company has contracted for 3,000,000 bricks, for building its round houses. I'he Crow reservation, o which a small portion n iui 1 mi piu.Ki inn us ... .mu. ...v , anentl I )cate the c )unt scat I h viw. i.m , , nimun mhui immun former of which were found in the creeks and 1 ' ".,,' .. ' . . . ' was recently ceded to the government, li thus , ,. , ... , , ... . . I Radcrsburg and Boulder City are the contestants. I ' gUll I ICS aCttUIII IIUMI m s a4. essva mountains, and the latter on the mountains them- The people of the territory are agitating the selves. As time passed new settlers came, and question of forming a stale constitution prcpera instead of devoting all their time to mining, try c!siUn to the Union. It has now a looked around the country to see if there were population of more than 135,000. anv agricultural lands to be taken up. It is Extensive beds of lime rock have been discov. needless to say that the creek bottoms afforded ered near Lake Tend d'Oreilte. This Is a valua good ranches, and the best lands were located, ble discovery where lime is so much needed as it It was soon demonstrated that Sinker, Catharine, is along the line of the Northern Pacific. Reynolds, Jordan, Cow, Castle, Lonetree and ynj, mvtt valley offers superior inducements Boulder creeks had land lying on each side suit- for a woolen or paper mill. The water power Is able for farming. Subsequently it was learned I eKcellent, and the crude material necessary for I cultivate them. Yet the progress of settlement that the lands of Bruneau river would produce in Industrie, .lumnds In unlimited nusmliv. civilisation up the south side of the Yellow. ., .,:,:, : rnrn nd veiietaliles of all stone valley is stoped a. by a Chinese well. On large quantities, grain, corn and vegetables ol all (Qwn q( mn u kinds. The ranchers collected about them some nu, of ,he Norlh,rn pKinc ln Western Montana, ginning, of active little towns. The as rings stock, and while they slept their stock increased , (j ,(ca(eJ o) , Wt f. whic) mu KUe( ,d the plowman sings, and the music of Industry rapidly. Cattle men hearing of the excellent by , ynch ,n Mj c A k , ranges lor siock, 11 was or.ven nerc .n .ge ....- Missoula, distant ninety miles. - - Custer county, Montana, U the largett county I In the United States. Its area Is 36,000 su,uaie miles. It is larger than the slates of Vermont, New Hampshire, Maisachusctta, Connecticut Delaware and Rhode Island, combined. O'Kecfe Canyon, on the edge of the Flathead and by those driven through by eastern buyers, reservation, is the coining successor of Wecksvllle nd ratile from Nevada. We think we can safely anu uasr v.nance. naioons, siorcs, noieis, resiau- .. ih.i n,vh. U not onlv a cood farming, but I rants, construction camps ami headquarters, all of reservation is particularly objectionable, because ' ' ' " . . I . .1 . 1 .1 I 1. L.- I.. If il.. r...inl. 1... 1.. I ol settlement. hers, until to-day there are probably more cattle in Owyhee county than in any other of the terri tory. The summer range for cattle is almost inexhaustible, every hillside furnishing a luxuriant growth of bunch grass. The winter range is not so good as it was in years past, having been eaten out by the large numlers of cattle in our county, described) Stretching for two hundred miles along the bank of the Yellowstone river, anil reaching back about fifty miles into the country, is the reserva lion of the Crow Indians. I he tribe numbers alxiut 3,000 souls. They live In the southwestern coiner of their vast domain, near their agency, where they have a lew corn tields and potato patches, unce or twice a year they go oil in a body to the mountains to hunt game. They are mainly supported by the government, and are consequently latv, thievish, and of no account. Very rarely do they as much as camp upon the fertile river liottoms never do they attempt to tilts the air. Un the other bank all Is silence and solitude. A white settler In the west can gel but too acres as a homestead, and then only on cm dition of living uHin It and cultivating it. For every man, woman and child of the Crows there are over 3,ooo acres set apart, or 10,000 acres to a family, with no condition of occuincy or culll. vat nm. liive the Indian his rights, we say, but do not let him monoiollie the anil. He ought to be made to woik for a living like other people. The Indian reservation system la the worst sort ol land mnoMily, It keeps Industrious settlers oil Irom vast traclsol tortile soil, nl which the Indians themselves make no sort of ue. The big Crow . I .!..- 1.. I . . taken in connection with our mines, makes it one "e siniw i pee. of the most desirable counties for persons coming! For the year 1883 Montana esjiciidcd $117,' to Idaho in search of homes, to settle in. The I 357.96 uxin her public schools, (lie total number climate in the valleys is pleasant and healthful 1 of children entitled to school privileges being during both winter and summer, and the school 1 11,309. Let no man espect to lind a "howling lacilities are good. MONTANA. Boieman will build a $15,000 school house this year. A grand hotel, to cost $125,000, is projected in Helena. The Yellowstone National l'aik Improvement Company has been organised under the laws "I New Jersey, with a capital of $3,000,000, lis incorporelois Include Kufus Hatch, K woe Conk ling, On. James A, Williams of Boston, K. T. Merrkk of Washington, Kred. Church, the dis tinguished painter, J. II. Houston, ('resident ni I be I'acific Mall Steamship Company, Aaron Van derpool, Judge John K. Brady, Samuel Walter' wilderness" or nothing but liark-wnods scllle- ments, when he goes to Montana. Report has been received of the discovery of a wonderful cave in the vicinity of Maiden, while sinking a shaft on one of the quarts leads. It Is ss yet unexplored, ami Is said to contain several I ,.,..,,,,. ., ,Jwi ... apartments on whe wall, quarts and crystal. inJ w( knowB , m rf h glisten. A tunnel will Us. arted ur.her .lown to T.e office,. .,. , kufu. Hatch, l',n. tap the cave, and when completed we will hear r - ,. . , . .... Vi,....-.i. The Utah and Northern nas just compieieo more aoow ruese ...... vn.moen. .I,,,,,, C. K, yuincy, Treasurer. The park U fine depot at Stuart. The total vote of Montana In 1K81 was 13,318, 6j,jj diuKntlims, ami ha an area ol Missoula county has 51,925 acre, of Improved divided among the countlee as follows Beaver. j, j mth M j,jj.,orjo acres, ami lies land 6,341 horses, and 9,90 sheep. head, 1, 161 Choteau, r7 Custer, 3,8-j Daw- mf,y ,, Montana ami partly In Wyoming. On Two township of that portion of the. Crow lh" ''-i "",U iht Uft,h Uu ,CO","n ,u '," Jion cXi to the government, have been W,tn"n given by OmgreM, Sevret.ry of th. reservation ceoeo g , a;? ; Sinxti , 7hj , m, ,cw,, , iht Un innM, surveyed. Sliver Bow, 3,563. A glance at the map will twl) dollar, per acre, for a per lod of ten years. A woolen factory is o be built at the falls ol how lmU ,h lmMt coualy CM, b U((cU ,lA, hU hat j the Missouri, a short distance below the mouth of . hu crrg(eiJ ht cou()y u mmu , qMt(lc , , mi ny Sun river. Yellowstone out of the upper end of Custer and falls. Al the caplraiion of the lease, or termimv White Sulphur Springs If calling (or a large part of Callatln. It embrace the country lying tlKt by (silurt to comply with it provision, the dry goods house, to meet the demands of trade In between the Yellowstone and Musselshell, above government la to purchase all improswsaent al a that section. the Big Horn and below White Heaver creek. appraUesl value The company shrewdly selected Beffalo bones are being shipped to St. Louis Tksj Nortbem Pacific Uaswaes) st fioa cad lotad, ssaall tracts in the tnasedula Beliboinood of (J