Marc 1883. THE .WEST SHORE. 49 WASHINGTON. WESTERN WASHINGTON. Seven million bricks will be made in Steilacoom this scaaon. La Conner is displaying much activity in erect ing new buildings. Plans are being prepared for a large Catholic church in Vancouver. A large store is being erected at Hoquiam, Chehalis county, by the mill proprietors. Caryville is a new settlement in a fertile valley on Skagit river a few miles almve the coal mines. The estimated population of Chehalis county is two thousand. Property in 188a was assessed 4 $37,62J. The Bishop cheese factory, at Chimacum, Jef ferson county, made 28,000 pounds of cheese last season. Considerable stir is being made in Steilacoom ; new families are settling there and new buildings going up. Snohomish City is advancing rapidly. With two additions now being laid out the town site covers 220 acres. of San Francisco, for $300,000. The caacity supplies to immigrants to the Dig IlenJ country. Twenty-five wagons in one day are reported. The new town of Collon Is to have a flouring mill, with capacity of seventy-five barrels daily. The citizens have subscribed $2,500 to aid the entcrprrsc. Unlontown is situated In Whitman county, ten The Nooksack country in Whatcom county Is miles west of lewiston. It has two stores, black. filling up rapidly, and all the government land ,mith shop and hotel, ami is soon to irossct a ill prolialily lie taken this year. Anotlier season brewery and Homing mill. will lie one of the finest and most prosperous Th iml)rov(n.m, nU(e lHyltm dmlB ,h. year iKKi amounted to $180,000, or an average will be increased A large immigration is expected in Wahkiakum county the coming summer. The timber lands are very valuable, nnd nre attracting much alien- on. When cleared, the land is fertile. Stock of all kinds do well. A railroad to Iwis river and a large saw mill in the city are occupying the attention of citizens of Vancouver. Schwahacher & (iatzert have contracted for 350,000 brick for their new block in Seattle at $10 per thousand. There is a new settlement in Puyallup valley called Chain of I-nkcs, and a post office with that name has been applied for. The works just completed at Iionton by the Pugct Sound Iron Co., cost $820,000, and have a capacity of forty tons icr day. The Vancouver Water Co. will expend $7,000 in improvements this season. Five thousand fret of six-inch pipe have been purchased. The real estate boom at Seattle is more intense than ever. Prices have advanced and an increas ing numlier of transfers are recorded. A new town has lieen laid out near Fairhaven, Whatcom and Schome, and preparations aie be ing made to erect a large hotel building. A fine wharf has been completed at Union Ridge on Lewis river 100x50 feel. S. Sliolwrt i building another wharf and laying out a town site, The cash receipts of the Olympia land oiTic for the last quarter of 1882, were $81,377.46 homestead entries in the same time, 20,900 acres, Thirty acres adjoining Vancouver on the north have been purchased by simulators at $500 cr acre, and laid out in lots as an addition to tin city. A new lime kiln has been built on San Juan Island by the proprietor of the Eureka. The , , , rnmbined canac'ilv of Ixrth kilns is one hundred barrels daily. Vancouver has just completed a $22,000 school house, and a new brick court hous-- is neaily finished. Other improvements are in conlcin plation. The Mattulalh Manufacturing Co. has sold its large barrel factory at Seattle to Clans Spcrcklet, farming sections in the west Seiniahmoo, Whatcom county, at the extreme northwestern corner of the tenitory, has a line harbor and expects at no distant day to be the connecting point between branches of the Can adian and Northern Pacific roads. The improvement of Olympia harbor Is occupy ing the attention of business men of that city. hey feel the need of it to give facilities for handling the rapidly increasing business. Olympia is entering uKn a season of proscrity it has ng merited. Twenty vessels are employed this spiing in catching seals off Cat Flattery. The average catch per vessel in a season is eight hundred, valued at $4,000. The Coast Indians also take the animals in larce numliers and earn altout 100,000 each season. The business center of the Slillaguaniish river is SlanwiHxl, near its mouth. The town has tw good stores and Is in want of other business en tcriiriitcx. Three thousand acres under cultivation in the i icdiate vicinity contribute to ltssiipMirt besides settlements farther up the stream. Whatcom county is the gtcat agilcultural sec tion of l'ugrt Sound, and the tide of immigration has set stiongly in that direction. There are val uable coal ami Iron lands, while timber covers of $120 for each Inhabitant. Such Is the recu perative power of a town whose business street was nearly obliterated by fire less than a year ago. A new town named Covello, has been laid out in Columbia county, nine miles west of Dayton, on the Ixwlstnn singe road. It has already school house, sloie, ami blacksmith shop, and a hotel anil livery stable will toon I elected. A pmt office hat been applied for. Pullnmn it the name of a new town laid out last fall in Whitman county. It Is on the South Palouse, and on the Moscow branch of the road now being built fiom the Northern Pacific to oien up the Palouse country. It will tie a ship, ping point for huge and frrllle section. Egypt Is Ilia name ol a stretch of well-watered, rolling labia land, lying between Spokane river and Cottonwood creek. Though much of the government laud has been taken, there tie yet choice claims of mixed pruliie and timber lands open to settlement, Radioed land equally g'xxl can be had by purchase. The town site of Chenry was laid out In I lie summer of 1KK0, and ll now covers 275 acres. 650 lots have been told by the radioed coniany, sud since January I, 88, three hundred build ings have bren erected. Sxkan county owns the entire suifarc. ll is one of those regions I u ,,K.k,( KMK1 ,liri t on lilos k, and where splendid timlx-r stands upon equally splendid soil for agricultural putKMes. C. II. Wright, Esq., of Philadelphia, the ilonor of the $2..nrx St. I.ukt s Memorial Church at New Tscoma, has assured llishop Pad dock thai he will donate $100,000 In an Epis copal college at New Tacoma, if $50,000 are suIh scrilied by other parties. A laige priqioitlon has Ix-en promised, and four blocks of land have been secured for college ground" The Washington Improvement Co. has Urn ('henry academy eight ami three-fourths acres. Priqierty In Cheney lhal told for I75 per lot two years ago, It now valued al $2,500, Many new brick buildings will I erntcd there this season, among llitm large agricultural ware house. The liutlm-M men art preparing for a grral increase of businrta at soon as the Northern 'eclfic is completed. Paul Hchulze, Esq., General l-aml Agent, recently paid Indlsn Enoch $2,000 for his h. srvtory cltim to a tract of land adjoining Spokane organized in Seattle to cut a canal connecting (he ,( ( M M,loi (eton im h purchase wst mailt simply to give talisftcllon. ll is Mr. Schulre s policy lo deal fairly and even grneiously with all. Kjxikane Falls is bustling with lib ami energy, Two laige brick buildings aie under way, and a furniture factory It being erected. Much eastern capital Is terking investment in real eslalt In the town and vicinity. The citizens havs) (reeled a large building for iht fret occupation of Immigrant families while suitable locations are being found. Thru is much desirable land yet open lo settle. mcnl in (he region tributary lo I lot enterprising place, ami much of the emigration lo the Colville country will make this the final starling ixdnl. Isaac I. Stevens was Ihe first governor of Washington Territory, and the first explorer 0 tn overland railroad route near Ihe 4'jlh parallel. A station namedl Stttens, In his honor, la situated waters of Union ami Washington lakes, supply the city with writer, use Ihe walrr power for manu factoring, and lo run strainers on Ihe lakes. The canal will Iw only four hundred yards long and will lower Ihe water in Washington lake sis fcrl, diaining several thousand acres of valuable land. EASTERN WASHINGTON. A large brick hotel Is to he erected in l)ayton Columbia county hat an etcrst of cash In lit tressury, The little valley of Sclah, In Yakima county, it extremely productive and Is not yet all stilled. Wenas valley, Yakima county, produced 1,000 Ions of hay, lo.oo bushels of grain, end an abundance of vrgetahlr last year, Sprague is doing a large business In furnishing