The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, March 01, 1883, Page 48, Image 6

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    March, 1883.
Sm is preparing to erect a fine bigh school
a, r MW; r"Ti rf tm fo.ono
projected in tha city.
A farm of Jjo acres near Milwaukee wa re
cently told t $p,6oa
Albany has ander consideration the bedding of
a tdtool home, to cos $.10,000.
Canby Station, Clackamas county, has now
I wo general Mora, drug store, be el and a new
taw mill.
A tract of forty acres adjoining Salem has ben
psrchastd lot (6,000, and ill be added to the
low a We.
The 0. K. k N. Ca's boats delivered and re
ceded 43,000 too of freight at Oregon City in
Water power has trn secured at Multnomah
U1U by partirt who purpose the erection of a pa
per Bull.
Three men in Lino, foik and ficotua cuentia
Ua year dried 36,000 Ihv of apples which
brought fruaa S to 10 cents per poand.
A scarcity of nowxs to rent is an inconvenience
(eh in Astoria. The demand (or new ones is
beyond the power of bciiders to sapply.
A good quality of lime rock has been foand
near Iallas. The discovery is of Boca valae, at
none hat before been found ia the nUej.
A nne WQuirn null it one of the improvements
ripected ia Salem this year, to be bull by paries
coanerted with the City of Sales Company.
One of the two State Normal Schools created
by the last Irgrtlatere is Waited at Moomowth,
folk comnty. tt has already an enrollment of
100 ttwJentk
The Claine kofcl Company hat rcea incur
purated to Uuid aad operate a toil road from
Smith's Parol to Skipastm Landing, ia Clatsop
cowrrty ; cap Hock, $75,000.
McMinanHc it rtperiencing rrrat activity ia
real esUM and buldtag. Several addkioot hare
been la! oat, and a doara substaatssj baildings
ait ia mart of cosutrvctioa.
A ditch, to com $J 5.000, 4ad a good ftocricj
au3, art ia contrmpatioa by the basinet men of
Independence, They will be valoahie mprmt
mmto for tkiat thnnag city.
Toledo a new tea bud owt oa tyrn sioogh.
neat Vaswma ha,. fVwtow w, . ,0
stotea aad a horej. A pml oeV xi Knrtj
rw ia rsaurwer w-rtrtl yrirv t B
H a3 stssrit thai caa cz ti the hat.
1 ae new tmm tua of Astoria it called
t swnaeowv The sue a hi2y aad the nt m
tiers btwb the nm Uck. Aj . fcpfc tV
bwuarm Km. kerw!r. .)
ay wsys. It i3 tht
of chrap fori as the O. R. A X. Co. is bmU:B
bwakers a Wert caJ caa be sforrd and handled.
mlUrc with other mi
laUU Wllj'iww wa a
chinery to correspond, and will hare a capacity of
r - . t t i k.
1,000 Barrels 01 nour in iweniy-iuui iwuii.
warehouse will be 80x100 feet, and bold 200,000
bethels of wheat.
The new Boar 1
1 process of arctc u j.
mm . to ot soaso Irrt, Kl or h-h, usd cosj
anew. SAaxooo. The ass3 sue occses arven
tern aoes d x. fcr. of t
large . haif bettt hmlL The mj .J,
A new court bouse is under construction in
A new town called Julia has been laid out on
Cow creek, Douglas county.
An extensive ledge of lime-stone bas been dis
corered near Ashland.
An artesian well is being drilled at Roseburg,
when rs expected to supply all the water needed
m that a:y iur some time to come.
In anticipation of the demand when active rail
road work begint in Rogue river valley, the
farmers of that section are holding their grain for
a Urge advance in price.
The Ashland Collece and Normal School, de
clared by the legislature to be a State Normal
ScnooJ, bas now over eighty students, and expects
twsct as many the coming year.
At the Roseburi: land office, in February.
7,019 acres were sold for cash, 2,687 entered as
homesteads, 1,415 proved up, and thirtv-four ore
caption filings and five timber entries made.
1 ae wagoo road from Kocue river vallev to the
coast will soon be completed. There is quite a
stnie between Crescent City and Smith river to be
tne shipping point for Southern Oregon.
The government appropriation for imDrovinc
. . . .." r o
tne mourn ot CoquiUe nver has been iudiciouslv
expenoea. l he jetty is now nearly 1.000 feet
r a . .
rrom snore, and has changed the channel one
third of a mile north, increasing the depth of
wa:er on the crerf of the bar twelve feet.
Carry county, the extreme southwestern corner
01 iae state, has a wealth of fir, cedar and Dine
covering iu mountain sides. At Ellensbure, at
a. . . V a.
uic moB.o or Kogue nver, there is a large can.
mus esuixunmeni dome an extensive hun
and yet is not able to use all the fish offered it.
The facilities for the canning industry along the
cow of Curry county are very great. Rogue,
Chetco, Winchuck, PistoL Elk and Six ri.
ofier splendid locations where the run of salmon
urge. 1 he shipping point is Port Orford,
hich only needs a small breakwater to make it
ronsitle fa, shipping pUrpoiM , ,be u
vessels that float.
The riamitaltt thus speaks of ,
thatUldhe located ,n the Umpqua valley:
rjr Dllnket, mnufactured
a. Ashiand cannot he surpassed in quality nor de
gn. Ashland, thouch a small ini.. . :
"i , 1C1,ed "vigable
nver, and raJroads, and can justly be proud of
, cstabhshment, where the
.rlalesof ,,.,, NVhyis h
factory . The quality of
Pn 01 the state, and the man.,fi 1
Weston, already styled the "Athens of Oregon,"
desires an Academy.
The prospects for a splendid crop of grain and
hay in the region about Prineville are excellent.
Alkali, a railroad town between Inlm n
river and Willow creek, is becoming a supply and
shipping point for an extensive region.
The assessed valuation of Umatilla counts
$4,758,316. It has 69,646 acre of imnr,.-j
land, 6,131 cattle, 216,888 sheep, 4,044 swine
ana 0,04s norses.
The Land and Cottace Association of
u - vi4
River has been incorporated with its main offic
in Portland. The object is to build a town near
Hood river.
Uaker City is preparine for a svstem of wi.r
works, and otherwise making itself readv to nmfii
by the appearance of the railroad. Many new
buildings will be erected this season.
Union is soon to have a national bank. Manv
new buildings are to be erected the coming sum
mer and lumber is in great demand. The price
is now from $20 to $30 per M.
Several imposine structures will be erected it
Dalles City during the spring and summer, as well
as many residences. The citv exhibits a stmHv
growth and increased business notwithstanding
me toss 01 terminal advantages.
Badger Is a new place in Wasco countv mid.
way between the DesChutes and John Dav rivers.
and sixteen miles from the mouth of the former.
It is situated in the midst of a fine (Train nvinn
o o
and has a post office, blacksmith shop, church,
school and Good Templars' lodge. There is a
good opening for business of various kinds.
Blalock, Wasco countv. is the end of a division
of the 0. R. & N. Co., and is fifty miles east of
Dalles. The company has a six-stall round house
nearly completed, with turn table, depot and two
side-tracks A new hotel, a large store building
and a school house, are nearly or quite completed.
3,000 acres of wheat are erowine near by, and
the little town shows great prosperity.
The town of Echo, lvincr nn the Umatilla river
and the line of the O. R. & N. Co.. about half
way from Umatilla to Pendleton, is less than a
Year old and has several xtnnx. lhr Marlsmilh
shops, two saloons, one harness shop, a hotel in
process of construction, and a flouring mill soon
to be erected by J. H. Koontr, the town proprie
tor. It is situated in the midst of a fine acricul-
tural section, the value of which is just beginning
to be appreciated.
The Baker Citv Ttibutu train oc follows of a
long neglected region, popularly supposed to be
valueless for farming purposes:
"The rush to the Malheur and Willow creek
valleys, by parties in search of homesteads
wid to be unprecedented at this season of the
year. That section is undoubtedly one ol the best
in Baker county, and those securing lands there
now are liable to make for themselves a com
petency much sooner than ihrv would naturally
anticipate from the ordinary course of events, as
certain movements are on foot that will have a
tendency to make that region of country very
desirable in the near future."